Hanna Smart Search

Hanna Smart Search

Win64, English

Shanghai Hanna Software Co.,LTD
Quickly find the part you are looking for in the Content Center with Hanna Smart Search.

General Usage Instructions

  1. Select search conditions and set the search value to quickly search components from the content center.
  2. You can add the search conditions to condition list, save and search from the content center. It supports multi search condition.
  3. You can load, edit or delete the search condition.




The installer that ran when you downloaded this app/plug-in from Autodesk App Store has already installed the app/plug-in.

You can unload the plugin without uninstalling it by unchecking the "Loaded/Unloaded" check box associated with the plugin in the Autodesk® Inventor® Add-In Manager.

You may have to restart Inventor to completely unload the application.

To remove the plugin completely, Right Mouse Button click and uninstall the application using the Exchange App Manager tool, located on the Ribbons Tools tab > Options Panel.

To uninstall this plug-in, exit the Autodesk product if you are currently running it, simply rerun the installer, and select the "Uninstall" button.

OR, you can uninstall it from 'Control Panel\Programs\Programs and Features' (Windows 7/8.1/10/11), just as you would uninstall any other application from your system.

Additional Information

Known Issues


Company Name: Shanghai Hanna Software Co.,LTD
Support Contact: support@uhanna.com

Author/Company Information

Shanghai Hanna Software Co.,LTD

Support Information

Version History

Version Number Version Description


Version for Autodesk® Inventor® 2024/2023/2022/2021/2020/2019/2018/2017/2016/2015.


Version for Autodesk® Inventor® 2018/2017/2016/2015
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