Nest 1D

Nest 1D

Win64, English

Nest 1D is a one-dimensional cut optimizer used to optimize beam or extrusion cutting sequences to ensure that the least amount of material is wasted.

General Usage Instructions

Once installed you can start the app from the Nest 1D icon on your desktop.

Data can be entered manually, read from and Excel file and imported from the Autodesk® Inventor® Parts Only BOM.

Once your stock has been defined you can calculate the cutting lists and export the cutting and stock reports.




Install using the installer file

Run the program using the icon on your desktop.

The program can be uninstalled using the Windows "Programs and Features" Control Panel Window.

Known Issues


Company Name: Micrographics
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Author/Company Information


Support Information

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Version History

Version Number Version Description


What's New: <1.0.33> - [New] When defining stock items, a "Start Offcut" and "End Offcut" length can now be defined per stock item" -- This is useful for example where you have stock lengths of material which is powder coated or galvanised and the one end needed a hole for hanging the item while being coated. -- Another reason could be because your CNC cutting machine needs a certain length for gripping the material and potentially damaging that part of the stock. - [New] Added the ability to export a "Rolled-Up Report". -- The report will list bars with the same cutting pattern only once. -- A Qty value will be supplied in the bar header. -- This simplifies and reduces the length of the cutting report especially for printing. - [Improved] When importing data from Excel you can now specify to skip items with 0 or null Length or Qty values. - [Improved] When creating the cutting list report, the values for Job Name, Job Number, Description and Customer will be saved. -- The report name will be suggested based on the above input. - [Improved] If no Material was specified for the items to be nested, the material field will be removed from the report, making it more legible. - [Improved] A warning will now be displayed if any of your items were not nested successfully. - [New] Added a "What's New" button on the Help Tab. -- Useful to track the feature history of Nest 1D <1.0.29> - [New] Stock Item Priority. -- Stock items can now be prioritised. -- 0 being the highest priority and 1 to n being lower in order. - [Improved] Better Excel data import handling and stability -- Ability to specify Excel Worksheet -- If any cell is empty, the import will stop and report the row number with the issue -- Ability to import data from .xlsm format - [Improved] Better handling of data when importing from Custom iProperties. - [Improved] New nesting algorithm. - [Fixed] Other bug fixes. <1.0.23> - [Improved] More robust Inventor Import function also catering for suppressed parts. <1.0.21> - [Improved] Added the .xlsm format for when importing data from Excel. <1.0.20> - [Improved] Improved the Custom iProperty conversion to Length. -- Previously only number values could be converted. Now any string value can be converted. -- e.g. "123.45 mm" or "123,45 mm" or "456,78 in" etc. -- The following Inventor units are supported - mm, cm, m, km, in, ft, mil <1.0.19> - [Fixed] Fixed the License File requesting link on the Activation Dialog


Whats New: <1.0.23> - [Improved] More robust Inventor Import function also catering for suppressed parts. <1.0.21> - [Improved] Added the .xlsm format for when importing data from Excel. <1.0.20> - [Improved] Improved the Custom iProperty conversion to Length. -- Previously only number values could be converted. Now any string value can be converted. -- e.g. "123.45 mm" or "123,45 mm" or "456,78 in" etc. -- The following Inventor units are suppprted - mm, cm, m, km, in, ft, mil <1.0.19> - [Fixed] Fixed the License File requesting link on the Activation Dialog <1.0.18> - [New] Nest 1D has become a paid app. Thanks for everyone's feedback and contributions. We have a list of new features to add. <1.0.16> - [Fixed] Date imported from Excel failed to calculate <1.0.15> - [New] Added the ability to export other Inventor iProperties to the Notes field in the report. -- The property mapping can be set up from within the Options dialog. -- There is a new video on the Help tab explaining how to configure this. <1.0.12> - [Fixed] Help videos stopped working after reading data from Excel <1.0.11> - [Fixed] Fixed a report exporting bug <1.0.10> - [New] Initial public release


<1.0.18> - [New] Nest 1D has become a paid app. Thanks for everyone's feedback and contributions. We have a list of new features to add. - [New] The price to subscribe to Nest 1D is $149 per year. This is a promotional price that will run for a few months. -- Please email us for a quotation or invoice with payment details: <1.0.16> - [Fixed] Date imported from Excel failed to calculate <1.0.15> - [New] Added the ability to export other Inventor iProperties to the Notes field in the report. -- The property mapping can be set up from within the Options dialog. -- There is a new video on the Help tab explaining how to configure this. <1.0.12> - [Fixed] Help videos stopped working after reading data from Excel <1.0.11> - [Fixed] Fixed a report exporting bug <1.0.10> - [New] Initial public release


<1.0.16> - [Fixed] Date imported from Excel failed to calculate <1.0.15> - [New] Added the ability to export other Inventor iProperties to the Notes field in the report. -- The property mapping can be set up from within the Options dialog. -- There is a new video on the Help tab explaining how to configure this. <1.0.12> - [Fixed] Help videos stopped working after reading data from Excel <1.0.11> - [Fixed] Fixed a report exporting bug <1.0.10> - [New] Initial public release


<1.0.12> - [Fixed] Fixed video files not found <1.0.11> - [Fixed] Fixed report bug <1.0.10> - [New] Initial public release
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