PypeServer® Connect for Autodesk® Inventor®

PypeServer® Connect for Autodesk® Inventor®

Win64, English

PypeServer, Inc
Exports PypeServer file formats of pipe cutting information to be imported into PypeServer Enterprise or PypeServer Lyte.

General Usage Instructions

  1. Open the dockable window from the Addins ribbon. 
  2. Select the assemblies to export and click export.
  3. Alternatively, change the mode to Model Selection and export items in your current selection.




PypeServer Connect installs as a windows application. The installation files are stored in the typical Program Files directories and can be uninstalled using the Windows Control Panel.

Additional Information

PypeServer Connect Importer is required to read PSCA files.  Contact PypeServer Support for licensing information.

Known Issues


Company Name: PypeServer, Inc
Support Contact:

Author/Company Information

PypeServer, Inc

Support Information

Email support questions to at any time.

Version History

Version Number Version Description


Autodesk® Inventor® 2025 Support, bug fixes.


PypeServer Cloud Project Preview, Improved data quality, Bug Fixes.


PypeServer Cloud Project Preview, Improved data quality, Bug Fixes.


Initial release supporting Tube and Pipe drawn content.
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