View Reference
The View Reference Add-In allows you to quickly and easily add a reference to detail, section, projected, and auxiliary view call-outs indicating what sheet the view is located on. A reference is also added to the view label showing what sheet the parent view is on. No more editing each view label individually to enter in a reference.
The View Reference Panel is added to the Placed Views tab in the Drawing Environment Ribbon. The panel contains three buttons Create/Update, Remove, and Configure. Clicking the Configure button will bring up a window where you can choose your View Reference Style. Your style will then be saved so you will not have to select your style each time you add or update your View References even after closing Autodesk® Inventor®.
Clicking Create/Update will create View References based on your chosen styles if they do not exist on your drawing, or they will update them if they already exist. If a new view is created or an existing view is moved to a different sheet, clicking Create/Update will update all the references to the current locations.
For information about how to use the add-in's API, visit the View Reference GitHub repository.
I haven't downloaded and trialled this app yet however it looks like it would meet our needs with one exception, can someone confirm if it is possible to create references between IDW files, or does it only create references betwen sheets in the same IDW ?
Hi Anthony, It only creates references between drawing views in the same document.
The app is making our revision process vastly simpler and quicker. Without it we would spend way to much time tracking down and updating page references when we made major design revisions that forced drawing layout changes. Thank You!!
good work guys, the update is nice & enjoying the time saving this add-in provides.