Drawing Tools
Save drawing – after setting up options according to user saving rules and workflows IDW (if it exists for saved as a model file) will be saved together with the model on:
- SaveAs
- SaveCopyAs
- SaveAndReplaceComponents
- SaveAndReplaceAllComponents
Events with the same name as the saved model. Optionally it can update styles, clean revision table data or update the title block when saved. It manages various folder structures, saving schemas from fixed folders, parent folders, or subfolders. It can be set to open a save window on each save drawing event.
Open drawing command functionality extension – Users can select multiple components in the assembly and use the standard open drawings command to open it all with one click – it works like standard functionality – so it opens a drawing named as part stored in the same location. It will use the drawing reference property if it was set. For Autodesk® Vault™ projects it will acquire documents from Vault to open.
Open drawings –Open all reference component drawings from the assembly document with an option for processing levels – First level components, all level components, It can be set up to ask about processing levels when executed. It can be run for selected components or for active documents, for selected component subcomponents.
Check drawings –check all reference component drawings from the assembly document with the option for processing levels – First level components, all level components, It can be set up to ask about processing levels when executed. It can be run for selected components or for an active document, and for selected component subcomponents. With the tool users can check:
- IDW’s presence -check if the drawing exists.
- IDW reference – check if the referenced model name is equal to the drawing name – if it is different it shows as an error.
- IDW errors – check dimensions, centrelines and view states.
- IDW styles outdatedness – check if styles are up to date.
Drawing reference property – Tool that will store the full drawing name and location in the drawing model of the customized property. Together with all the above tools it helps with scenarios when the drawing is stored in a different folder than the corresponding model or the name of the drawing is different than the model, to always have the possibility to open it with one click.
Add drawing -The user can add a drawing for the model using this functionality by simply choosing the existing drawing as a source. It will save it regarding settings and replace the reference to the model.
Copy sheets – sheets can be copied from and to active drawings, including a copy of only selected sheets. Multi-selecting of input drawings works without messages about replacing symbols, borders, and title blocks.
Highlight non-ballooned components – it will highlight components that don’t have balloons in the selected view/views or in all views in the active sheet to help the user place new balloons.
Update iproperties from the revision table – you can set up functionality to automatically fill iproperties from corresponding revision table cells.
Locate section view from section line click– you can click on section line with the ctrl button pressed, then it will work like a hyperlink and move you to the corresponding view.
Sort & rename sheets – fully customizable tool for renaming and/or sorting sheets in the active drawing document. Users can use iproperties, parameters and even title block fields to create naming schemas and sorting scenarios. Users can sort only selected or all sheets in the drawing. Thanks to custom compare, it sorts numbers stored as expressions even if it is combined with non-number chars.
Coloring drawing occurrences – changing line colors, types, and widths of assembly drawing occurrences, it can be set to get color from:
- Part appearance
- Design view representation occurrence appearance
- Layer
- Given by the user using a color picker
It can be run from:
- Drawing level – with options for processing like only active/all sheets and various occ filtering options
- View level – works for selected view/views with various occ filtering options
- Occurrence level – works for selected occ with processing options like – only selected/all reference occurrences, only parent/all views and sheets.
Locate & replace text in drawing notes – tool will list all drawing notes fulfilling the text search condition.