ToDoT CA – Batch pdf and print

ToDoT CA – Batch pdf and print

Digitally signed app



ToDoT CA, created by Singeca sas ( is an application designed to facilitate the work of converting and printing inventor projects. Here you can find the quick guide and the videos to see immediately how it works: . The main features include:


  • possibility to select an iam assembly and show the structure of sub-assemblies and components in a tree structure; ToDoT automatically searches for the component drawings (they must be in the same folder as the corresponding 3D file), if it finds it, it shows an icon in the tree interface;
  • possibility to select a folder and convert the drawings contained in it or in its subfolders;
  • preview image of selected items;
  • possibility to select/deselect which drawings include in the conversion;
  • possibility to define the destination folder for the converted files;
  • output formats of drawings: dwg, dxf, pdf, dwf, dwfx;
  • model output formats: step;
  • Automatically print all the drawings of an assembly: the program will automatically forward the prints to the right device based on the paper format.


You can find all the details on the product website

Trial version: once you download the program you can install it immediately, all features will be fully functional for a 30 day evaluation period. After the evaluation period an activation code will be required to unlock the program.

Note: This app uses a custom installer (and not the standard App Store installer).

Próbaverzió leírása

Fully functional 1 month trial version.


Verzió 08.02, 2023. 09. 21.
Compatible with Autodesk® Inventor® 2024 Includes automatic printing and conversion to .step

Képernyőfelvételek és videók

Ribbon command buttons


3 értékelés
Műszaki segítségnyújtás
  • Need this for Inventor 2022!
    Thomas Isler | június 24, 2021 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    Need this for Inventor 2022! Grazie Mille

    Andrea Ramelli (Közzétevő) | június 29, 2021

    Good morning Thomas, ToDoT R6, compatible with Inventor 2022 has been released and will be published soon. Thank you for your feedback, Andrea

    Thomas Isler | július 01, 2021

    Ciao Andrea I tested the R6 and it works perfectly. Thank you for the quick processing! Greetings and have a nice day Thomas

  • No step
    UT5 Gucon | október 04, 2020 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    Funziona bene, ma non gestisce gli step. A pagamento dopo 15 giorni


    Andrea Ramelli (Közzétevő) | október 06, 2020

    Buongiorno Luca. In effetti la conversione in step non è prevista, ma abbiamo avuto altre richieste e stiamo valutando di inserirla nella versione dell'anno prossimo. Grazie del feedback, Andrea

  • Need this for Inventor 2018!
    Michael Kaiser | január 31, 2018 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    Need this for Inventor 2018! Thank You!

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