FlowTools for Autodesk® Inventor® is a collection of utility commands that will allow you to complete small tasks more efficiently. Our goal is to enhance your workflow so that your day to day modeling is more efficient.
Some of the utilities included:
Quick Parameters: Allows selected parameters to be visible and accessible in the model editor. Parameters can be modified on the fly without having to open the Parameter editor dialog.
Expression Editor: Edit parameter expressions in a mini editor dialog. The text syntax highlighted with expression evaluating that will aid in detecting errors and finding missing parenthesis. Get immediate feedback on expression values.
Flat Pattern Exporter: Mass export multiple flat patterns. Export all the flat patterns on parts single, or mass from drawings and assemblies.
Print Plus: Enhanced print model capabilities. Predefines printing paper sizes and printer routing for defined sheet sizes in a drawing. Allows you to print to multiple printers and paper sizes in one print command.
Positional utilities for realigning parts to each other or the assembly origin.
Auto naming of drawing sheets, and insertion of parameterized dimension tables.
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