COORDINATE is a program that allows you to export or draw the coordinate values of the objects present in the drawing.
The objects for which it is possible to extract coordinate values are:
-polylines 3D
-circles (center)
-arcs (center, start, and endpoint)
-blocks (insertion point).
Coordinate values will refer to the current UCS.
The program draws coordinates in 3 ways:
- as multiline texts, you can configure the color, height, and position
- as coordinate dimensions, with the current dimension style (in this case the Z coordinate is not available)
- as blocks, coordinate values are placed in the block's attributes.
Through the dialogue box, it is possible to select whether to number the coordinates, which coordinates to draw (X, Y, or Z) and their color.
It is also possible to choose the number of decimal digits to be displayed and choose whether to insert additional points in each vertex of the selected objects.
The export of coordinates to the file can be done in 4 formats :
SDF - text file in which data is separated by spaces;
CDF, CSV - text file in which data is separated by commas;
HTML - web file containing a table;
XLS - Microsoft® Excel file. In this case, MS Excel must be present on the workstation and the COORDINATE.XLS support file must be present in the root folder of Autodesk® AutoCAD® or in a folder of support files.
In addition, it is possible to insert a Table object in the drawing with the coordinates.
During export, it is possible to select the order in which to list the data.
bonne application
Get's the job done nicely. Saved me a ton of time.
Molto ben fatto e facile da usare, molto utile per chi debba estrarre coordinate di entità su file esterno.