Smooth mesh node (trial)
Mac OS, EnglishGeneral Usage Instructions
Select a mesh, go to the Smooth_mesh_node shelf, and click on the 2nd icon to create a node deformer. In the attribute editor, you can change the "Smooth strength". The 3rd icon allows you to paint areas where you apply smoothing.
Select a mesh click this icon to create the node deformer. Alternatively you can call the mel procedure deformer -type "Smn_smoothMeshDeformer"
After creating the node deformer, select a mesh and click this icon to paint where the deformer is applied. Alternatively you can call the mel procedure ArtPaintAttrTool();
1.Download the installer from Autodesk App Store.
2.Right-click on the "Downloads" folder and select "Open in Finder".
3.Right-click on the "Smooth_mesh_node_trial_macos.pkg" -> "Open With" -> "Installer".
You can unload the add-in without uninstalling it by clicking the "Stop" button when the add-in is selected in the list box on the "Add-Ins" tab of the "Scripts and Add-Ins" dialog.
Unchecking "Run on Startup" causes the add-in not to be loaded in future sessions of Fusion.
- Navigate to the ./ApplicationsPlugins folder and select the app bundle you want to uninstall
- Either drag the app bundle to the Trash or right-click and select “Move to Trash”
- Right-click on the Trash-Can and select “Empty Trash”
- If you prefer keystrokes, you can also just select the app bundle and then hit Command+Delete to move the app to Trash, then empty the Trash and the app will be removed.
Additional Information
Known Issues
Author/Company Information
Support Information
Should you need help, we are here to answer any questions at support@roguecg.pro
(For efficiency begin your title with [Smooth mesh node])
Version History
Version Number | Version Description |
1.0.6 |
- Support for MacOS |