Sketchfab for Autodesk® Maya®
Mac OS, EnglishGeneral Usage Instructions
See http://sketchfab.com/exporters/maya
- Click the script icon to open the Sketchfab Uploader window.
- If this is your first time running the exporter, go to Settings → Sketchfab Settings, enter your API token, and any default tags (stored for future use), then Save.
- Enter a title, description, tags, and mark it as Private if necessary.
- Click Upload to Sketchfab!
- If successful, the model's URL will appear.
When the upload is complete, you can view your model on Sketchfab, adjust rendering settings, and take a screenshot to create a thumbnail image. Any errors and warnings, such as issues with texture formats, will be logged in the Script Editor (Window → General Editors → Script Editor), as well as a log file in your Maya preferences directory.
Models are exported in FBX format. The FBX plug-in comes with Maya and should be automatically installed and loaded. If it's not, you can find instructions for installing it in the Autodesk Knowledge Base. You can check that the plug-in is loaded from Window → Settings/Preferences → Plug-in Manager. It will be on the list as fbxmaya.bundle (macOS) or fbxmaya.mll (Windows).
In order to preserve texture information, it's important to check your FBX export settings. Go to File → Export All... and choose FBX export from the Files of type drop-down. In the options, make sure Embed Media is enabled. Under FBX File Format, you can also change Type to Binary, which will reduce file sizes and upload times.
The installer that ran when you downloaded this plug-in from Autodesk App Store has already installed the plug-in.
Windows only: To uninstall this plug-in, Simply rerun the installer by downloading it again from Autodesk App Store, and select the 'Uninstall' button, or you can uninstall it from 'Control Panel\Programs\Programs and Features' (Windows 7/8.1/10), just as you would uninstall any other application from your system. The panel on the Plug-ins tab will not be removed until Maya is restarted.
macOS: To uninstall this plug-in, simply delete the module directory from your system. The panel on the Plug-ins tab will not be removed until Maya is restarted.
Additional Information
Download and run the appropriate package:
Windows: run the MSI file.
macOS: run the PKG file.
Linux: extract the SH file to your home directory and execute it via a terminal console window.
Known Issues
When Maya 2014 loads, you might see a warning about pymel.internal.factories. This should not affect the exporter. Sometimes, the Settings dialog fails to open and throws an error. Just close the exporter and open it again.
If you see a "No module named requests" error on Windows, try moving the requests folder (and the uploader Python files, if you want) to \Program Files\Autodesk\Maya201x\Python\Lib\site-packages, as there may be a problem with Maya's Python Path not including the script's current directory.
Author/Company Information
Support Information
Version History
Version Number | Version Description |
6.0.0 |
Minor fix. |