ToolSeq is an innovative pack of useful scripts and plugins which may simplify and reinforce your workflows for Autodesk® Maya®.
It is written with Python and Qt for the best maintainability and flexibility.
ToolSeq Cameras allows you to switch among predefined cameras of Perspective, Top, Bottom, Front, Back, Right and Left.
ToolSeq Developer is for people who use the mel or Python commands of Maya.
ToolSeq Displacement is a nice tool that moves vertices based on bump maps, height maps, and displacement maps.
ToolSeq Distance is pretty useful for precise distance calculations.
ToolSeq Explode is a simple one which can be used before baking maps.
ToolSeq Formula allows you to manipulate shapes based on equations whichever is supported by the Python language.
ToolSeq Freeze is an impressive tool that manipulates transformations of transforms with preserving geometry, uvs, pivots, and children.
ToolSeq ItemHud extends the functionality of the Poly Count module of the Heads Up Display by adding a few more information on it.
ToolSeq Namer is a handy assistant for managing the names of your objects.
ToolSeq Pivot gives users extensive support for handling pivots.
ToolSeq Randomizer is the flagship of the ToolSeq series which is specialized for doing anything that can be demonstrated with random values.
ToolSeq Select is a tidy tool to control your selections.
ToolSeq Unaverage is a mini tool that does the job as its name pointing out.
ToolSeq Uninstance is a great tool to relocate your creations.
ToolSeq UV is a bundled tool that has almost all basic essentials of UV-Mapping.