Win64, EnglishGeneral Usage Instructions
Using Bluetooth:
First use:
1. Pair and connect the PC to your Android device.
2. Android: Launch acKeys on your Android device.
3. Android: Tap on Parameters - Bluetooth, check "Use Bluetooth" and choose device (the computer running AutoCAD)
4. PC: Start the Autodesk product and execute the command ACKEYS. Choose Bluetooth tab.
5. PC: Select the Android device and click on "Connect".
6. Android: Choose a category and push a button to send a command to AutoCAD.
Next use:
1. Connect the PC with your Android device if it is not done automatically.
2. Android: Launch acKeys on your Android device.
3. PC: Execute the command ACKEYS in AutoCAD.
4. Android: Start to send commands to AutoCAD.
Using USB:
First use:
1. Connect the PC to your Android device using USB cable.
2. Android: Activate USB tethering.
3. PC: Start the Autodesk product and execute the command ACKEYS. Choose USB tab.
4. PC: Click on "Search for USB devices".
5. Android: Launch acKeys on your Android device.
6. Android: Tap on Parameters - USB, check "Use USB" and enter IP and Port (same as on PC).
7. Click on "Connect" in AutoCAD and then in Android.
8. Android: Return to the main screen and start to send commands to AutoCAD.
Important: To avoid creation in Windows of network with new number and random IP address every time when you activate USB tethering do the following in Windows after tethering activation (2. above):
а) Go to Control Panel\All Control Panel Items\Network Connections;
b) Right click on the newly created connection (usually Remote NDIS based Internet Sharing Device);
c) Click on Details and copy the IPv4 address;
d) Click on Properties - Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) - Properties;
e) Choose "Use the following IP address" and enter IP address (from (c)), Subnet mask: and Default gateway:;
f) Choose "Use the following DNS server addresses" and enter Preferred DNS server:
Next use:
1. Connect the PC to your Android device using USB cable.
2. Android: Activate USB tethering.
3. PC: Start the Autodesk product and execute the command ACKEYS.
4. Android: Launch acKeys on your Android device.
5. Android: Start to send commands to AutoCAD.
Using Wi-Fi:
First use:
1. Connect the PC and your Android device to a wireless network (with access point or ad-hoc).
2. PC: Start the Autodesk product and execute the command ACKEYS. Choose Wi-Fi tab.
3. PC: Click on "Search for Wi-Fi devices".
4. Android: Launch acKeys on your Android device.
5. Android: Tap on Parameters - WI-FI, check "Use WI-FI" and enter IP and Port (same as on PC).
6. Click on "Connect" in AutoCAD and then in Android.
7. Android: Return to the main screen and start to send commands to AutoCAD.
Important: Use static IP address for your PC to avoid entering it on every session.
Next use:
1. Connect the PC and your Android device to the wireless network.
2. PC: Start the Autodesk product and execute the command ACKEYS.
3. Android: Launch acKeys on your Android device.
4. Android: Start to send commands to AutoCAD.
Ribbon/Toolbar Icon | Command | Command Description |
![]() |
ackeys |
Android keyboard |
1. Install ac_Keys_setup_vX.XX.msi - for Windows.
2. Install acKeys on your Android device from Google Play Store (search for ackeys).
Additional Information
acKeys for Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.bultopo.acKeys&hl=en
After the installation on Windows a shortcut is created to acKeysCfg.exe, a program which allows to create or edit a personal set of buttons.
Known Issues
Author/Company Information
Support Information
Email: bultopo@abv.bg
Version History
Version Number | Version Description |
1.11 |
64 bit support in Android, fixes and improvements. |
1.10 |
Adds support for AutoCAD 2020. |
1.09 |
Added: Long press to any button in Android displays information about its action. |
1.04 |
Initial version |