Codemill IFC Exporter

Codemill IFC Exporter

Digitally signed app



With IFC Exporter you can export any file (or parts of large files) that can be opened in Autodesk® Navisworks® to the IFC format (IFC2x3 or IFC4). When exported, Navisworks model items can be mapped to corresponding IFC objects. This plugin will export both the model geometry and the related data (Property Sets).


The plugin functions in 2 different ways. The straightforward way is to select model items (selection) that you want to export from the Navisworks model and export them without mapping objects. If using this way, all entities in the IFC file are represented as IfcEquipmentElement. The second way is to use object mapping. For this, you need to create a predefined selection or search sets for each different object type in the Navisworks model and tell the plugin which IfcType to use when exporting them. 

Trial Description

Trial details: The app will work for 15 days trial period from the installation date.

About This Version

Version 3.0.4, 3/18/2025
Spatial structure allows now multiple IFCSites and IFCBuildings IfcTriangulatedFaceSet number of triangles limit removed Integrated with Autodesk Construction Cloud® (ACC) projects to download and upload files Integrated with Forge Viewer for browsing project files

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Customer Reviews

21 reviews
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  • Opened up to start trial, doesn't open again.
    Daniel Bridges | March 19, 2025

    I would like to test this on Navisworks 2022, but after seeing my trial started, I clicked "finished" and it doesn't do anything now.

    Jukka Meklin (Publisher) | March 20, 2025

    Thank you for your message. We will contact you to find out the reason.

  • Trial
    MARIA REGINA MACRINI | January 28, 2025

    Ho scaricato il plug-in e lo sto usando ma non mi è chiaro se una volta terminati i 15 giorni di prova, il plug-in smette automaticamente di funzionare o devo fare qualcosa io?

    Jukka Meklin (Publisher) | January 29, 2025

    Yes, the use of plugin is automatically cancelled after the trial period. However, it is not uninstalled automatically, so if you like to remove it completely after that, you need to uninstall it manually from Installed Apps

  • IFC file exported having problem import to Dialux Evo software
    boon wei lay | May 13, 2024

    After installated, the all the word in plug in cannot be seen.

    And after exported the IFC file. I am trying to import to Dialux Evo to do the lighting design calculation. But the IFC file is having import to Dialux Evo.

    Jukka Meklin (Publisher) | May 13, 2024

    Hi, According their documentation Dialux Evo seems to need some mandatory elements to be able to read an IFC file.

  • doesn t work
    alessandro poser | May 08, 2024

    i used it a lot of time and it works very well.

    But since i changed my laptop it doesn 't work.

    Export the file with reasonable weight but when i open in navisworks i see nothing. 

    try to set everything but nothing , doesn't work 

    Jukka Meklin (Publisher) | May 10, 2024

    Hi, It may be due to fact that different IFC schema versions may also require little different IFC reader functions. E.g. Navisworks 2025 version have option to use 4 different conversion methods (V1-V4). Please find them in Options Editor -> File Readers -> IFC -> Conversion method. Please note also that using latest schema 4.3 is not yet supported by many viewers and applications.

  • Works great but large file sizes
    Ryan Rogers | March 05, 2024

    This is one of the only ways to turn NWCs into IFCs out there. It works great at doing that, however if you have an NWC with many objects, then the file size of the converted IFC can be massive which makes the IFC practically useless in Revit. Really hoping they can compress the file size somehow in the future.

  • Jagged Revit model
    Justo Los Banos | December 12, 2023

    Hi , I noticed that the IFC export is jagged whenever I link it into Revit, also with the Revit version of the exported file. Is there a setting to fix this.

  • Nicee, butt please notice me
    lingga m fantri | October 02, 2023

    How to export model from naviswork to ifc include colour's object, every i export the models, the colors always show grey?

    Jukka Meklin (Publisher) | October 06, 2023

    Hi, thank you for your inquire. Purchased version supports colors. In trial mode object properties have been removed and colors are changed to grey.

  • how to open links on exported IFC data
    宍倉 鷹宏 | June 26, 2023

    Please note that I'm not good at English because I'm Japanese.

    When this tool exports the data with links to the PDF in the folder, how can I open links on exported IFC data?

    Jukka Meklin (Publisher) | June 26, 2023

    Hi, In licensed version links will be added to IFC properties and it depends on target application or viewer how they are opened. For example in BIMCollab ZOOM there is an "open" command in the context menu for that. In trial version values of the properties have been removed.

    Eric Guizzetti | March 06, 2024


  • trial version
    Aniket Mane | June 21, 2023

    How to start trial version?

    Jukka Meklin (Publisher) | June 22, 2023

    Hi Aniket, Trial version starts automatically from installation date and last for 15 days. After that same main version can't be launched in the same computer without a license. Please contact if you have issues with expired trial to get extended trial period.

  • Great tool.
    Xristi Gibson | April 15, 2023

    Bringing out different colours from the base file doesn't work - or i haven't sussed it out yet!

    I use this to export IFC from both Navisworks and AutoCad files. i use 12D Survey Sortware which has IFC importing and exporting, but 12d AutoCad import leaves out a lot of solid detail.  Making an IFC fileout of the Navisworks/Autocad file gives better solid details that i can then import, manipulate and export a new IFC file to Trimble Connect. it works and baffles the Engineers who can't do what i do ;-)


  • A great tool!
    Rob Hartle | November 03, 2022

    I'm using design software that requires an IFC file to read BIM objects. As far as I know, this is the ONLY way to extract an IFC from Navisworks.

    I tried using this 3-4 years ago and it worked, but it was very time consuming to create the IFC files, and I had to be very careful about how many objects were selected for conversion or it would fail altogether. I decided to try the 15 day trial again this past August, 2022 and it seems so much smoother and faster now! 

  • Are there any options controlling the level of details when exporting?
    승주 신 | August 24, 2022

    Exported IFC file is too heavy compared to original navisworks file.

    Is there a way to choose the level of details? 

    Thank you.

  • Question on Plant 3D xref to IFC
    Julie Havard | January 19, 2022

    Hi, I have an NWF file which I have attached several 3D models from Plant3D (piping and equipments). I wonder if someone knows how to export this file in IFC while maintaining the layers of the objects? When I use IFC exporter and bring it in revit, the XREF stayed in a big block and it's impossible to make a query on one pipe to have the information of that line.

    Jukka Meklin (Publisher) | January 20, 2022

    Hi Julie, Unfortunately I am not familiar with correct Revit importing settings, but we have now also Plant3D IFC exporter available. If you are interested in trying it, please find the download link: https:\\\download\

  • .bct file?
    Horatiu Luerean | November 22, 2021

    Hi. for some reason the export i get is an .bct file. do you know why that would be?


    Thank you

    Jukka Meklin (Publisher) | January 20, 2022

    Hi, Our plugin will create only .ifc and .ifczip files, please check if you are using some other plugin instead

  • Can not extract
    Hương Phan Ngọc | October 27, 2021

    The output is a file with 3 kb, but it is an empty file.

    someone, to help me?

    Jukka Meklin (Publisher) | January 20, 2022

    Hi, Most common reason for empty file is that there isn't any model items selected before starting the export process

    Radu Moisescu | December 19, 2022

    In your ifc file structure on the left, you should be able to select each model you need or all together for that matter. Thne choose export IFC and wait

  • Does what promised
    Sampo Ärrälä | June 08, 2021

    Easy to convert NW model into IFC. Does what is promised.

  • Cannot extract information from Navisworks
    Heroly Luis Almeyda Gonzales | April 20, 2021

    I do not know if it is a problem with the IFC of my computers, but when executing the file it stays in the "saving" option and extracts a file of 4 kb which at the moment of opening it does not show anything, I would appreciate someone to help me.

    Edward Ng | October 08, 2021

    Hi, it seems that the link of the reply cannot be loaded. Would you please resend a valid link again for the issue of 4 kb? Tks.

    Jukka Meklin (Publisher) | October 08, 2021

    That link seems to be related to Revit, not for using Navisworks IFC Exporter plugin. However the most common reason why the IFC file doesn't contain anything is that there aren't selected any model items in the Navisworks before starting the process

  • For Revit and Plant3d
    Reginaldo Soares Barbosa | June 23, 2020

    First  of all, congrats for this great idea! I will use it to convert files to be oppened in Revit.

    I would like know, this plugin can be use to export Autocad plain files or Autodesk Plant3d files to open those in Advance Steel or Revit (after open in Navisworks, of course)?


    Jukka Meklin (Publisher) | July 02, 2020

    Thank you for your comments. Yes it can be used with any files that can be opened into the Navisworks. When Navisworks reads the source file, it will basically creates a triangle mesh of the model. After that the geometry of the model is almost equal between different source formats and can be saved as an IFC file

  • Does not export in the correct coordinate system
    Alejandro Iturriaga | June 16, 2020

    Tried it for exporting many files that were on US Survey feet and it exports without following the coordinate system.

    Jukka Meklin (Publisher) | July 02, 2020

    Thank you for the feedback, Please check that the model / submodels are not transformed / rotated in the Navisworks. Please also check that in File Options -> Orientation that Up vector is 0,0,1 and North vector is 0,1,0 If it is possible for you to send us the file, we are pleased to look at it

  • Problems when i whant export beams and steel elements
    Renato Clavijo | December 10, 2019

    Querer exportar vigas y elementos de acero e intentar abrirlos en Revit no funciona.


    Espero que alguien pueda ayudarme

  • Works perfect
    Michel van Winssen | October 24, 2019

    it works like it should be. export nicely from NW to ifc with the selected elements!!

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