Win64, EnglishGeneral Usage Instructions
Most commands are located within the installed Ribbon tabs 'RockAUTO', 'Commands A-G', 'H-P', 'P-Z', 'Metric', 'AutoPID', 'AutoHVAC', 'AutoPIPE', 'AutoLIB', 'AutoELEC', 'AutoFIRE', 'AutoISO'. These tabs can be turned On/Off in the RockAUTO settings.
Commands can also be called via the command line or the PGP shortcuts.
Please refer to the following web page for a full list of commands: https://rockcad.com.au/help
The installer that ran when you downloaded this app/plug-in from Autodesk App Store will start installing the app/plug-in. OR, simply double-click the downloaded installer to install the app/plugin. You may need to restart the Autodesk product to activate the app/plug-in. To uninstall this plug-in, exit the Autodesk product if you are currently running it, simply rerun the installer, and select the "Uninstall" button. OR, click Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features (Windows 7/8.1/10/11) and uninstall as you would any other application from your system.
Additional Information
Known Issues
If you need further information or detailed documentation on any particular command please let me know. I am always happy to receive ideas for improvements.
Author/Company Information
Support Information
For Support please contact: David Rock Email: support@rockcad.com.au Web: https://www.RockCAD.com.au Mobile: +61(0)41 621 5550
Version History
Version Number | Version Description |
2025.0.1 |
Compatibility for Autodesk® AutoCAD® 2025. .net Core 8.0 upgrade. Additional options & Improvements to AutoARCH Architectural clean-up command. |
2024.0.1 |
Compatibility for Autodesk® AutoCAD® 2024. Improvements to OpenMult Command and available scripts. Improvements to AutoARCH Architectural clean-up command. |
2023.0.1 |
Compatibility for Autodesk® AutoCAD® 2023. Improvements to the AutoCOMMANDS ErLa (Erase Layer) command. Improvements to the AutoCOMMANDS ErOb (Erase Object) command. Improvements to AutoPUBLISH Issue command. |
2022.0.1 |
Compatibility for Autodesk® AutoCAD® 2022. ConvertLinkedImages2OLEusingPaint Commands added. |
2021.0.1 |
Compatibility for Autodesk® AutoCAD® 2021. Improvements to AutoPUBLISH Issue command. Improvements to Setup and Installation. AutoPUBLISH SetLayoutPageSetupA3Extents command added. AutoPUBLISH SetLayoutPageSetupA0Extents command added. Profile & Setup Explorer Enhancement New Drawing Creation commands removed to improve performance & reliability. |
2020.0.1 |
Compatibility for Autodesk® AutoCAD® 2020. PDFcurrentLayout Command added. DWFcurrentLayout Command added. Improvements to speed of loading. Improvements to AutoARCH Architectural clean-up command. cpglCOlourAndLWeightByLayer command added. Chprop Global Colour & Lineweight BYLayer. Improvements to peW0gl command. Pedit Width 0 Global. |
2019.0.1 |
Compatibility for Autodesk® AutoCAD® 2019. Improvements to licensing for all workstation users. Improvements to speed of loading. Improvements to RemFormatTextAll command. |
2018.0.2 |
App store Subscription License option added. Improvements to Double Line pipework commands. |
2018.0.1 |
Compatibility for Autodesk® AutoCAD® 2018. Online licence added. Improvements to AutoARCH Architectural clean-up command. Improvements to SuffixRenameDWG command. RefineSelection command added. Improvements to SetLayoutPageSetupA1Extents & SetLayoutPageSetupB1Extents commands. SetLayoutPageSetupA0Extents command added. BurstLargeBlocksIgnoreClipped 100 script file added. CleanupRevitMEPlocatedOnArchitectural script file added. CleanupRevitExportedArchitectural script file improved. Chd > Change to defpoints scripts added. |
2017.0.1 |
Compatibility for Autodesk® AutoCAD® 2017. Set Layout Page Size commands added for A0, B1 & A1. Enhancements and additional options added to AutoARCH Architectural clean-up command. SuffixRanameDWG command added. Additional Script commands added. Revit to dwg scripts improved. |
2016.0.1 |
Compatibility for AutoCAD® 2016. |
20.0.2 |
Compatibility for AutoCAD® 2015. |