Smart Support

Smart Support

Win64, English

Tamas Halasz
With this tool you can add the parameters of your Autodesk® AutoCAD® Plant 3D pipe supports to their description, to their tags or you can list them in an Excel file.

General Usage Instructions

Smart Support Functions

The app has three main functions and settings: 

Support Properties:

It can auto-generate the Short Description and the Long Description (Size) for any Plant 3D support. For example, if you have a clamp with a threaded rod that is stretchable, you can add this length parameter to the description. After that whatever list you are making with the in-built tools, you will see this parameter in the names. Hence it will be listed on the Iso drawings, or in the lists created by the Report Creator.

You just select the supports you want to change and you will have the modifications instantly. You do not need to worry about the selection too much either. This function of Smart Support will only change the properties of the pipe supports.

You can adjust the naming conventions on the settings screen, which we will discuss below. 

Support List:

This app can also generate CSV files. So if you don’t want to change your supports’ descriptions, and also you don’t want to show these parameters on the ISO drawings, but still want a list of the parameters, that is fine. You can directly generate a CSV file with the Smart Support app.

Similarly to the first function, here you have to select the supports which you want to include in the list. Again, you do not need to worry about the exact selection. This function will only list the pipe supports.

You can also adjust the column types and their order in the settings window, which we will discuss below. 

Support Tag

It is also possible to use Plant 3D automatic tagging function to our advantage. We can use a field or two in the properties tab as containers of useful information. I made this function in a way that you can automatically place the most important parameter values in the Comment field plus and automatically generate a running number to the Reference field.

Using these two fields you can generate a surely unique tag number even if the support has the same name and same dimensions. The running number will ensure the uniqueness.



After downloading the app from the store. Just double-click on the installer 'Smart Support Tools for Plant 3D.exe' to install the app.


Open Programs and Features by clicking the Start button, clicking Control Panel, clicking Programs, and then clicking Programs and Features. Select Smart Tools, and then click Uninstall.

Additional Information

Known Issues


Company Name: Tamas Halasz
Support Contact:

Author/Company Information

Tamas Halasz

Support Information

Manual: Manual - Smart Support.pdf

Providing support via email at:

Version History

Version Number Version Description


1.2 - 2024-04-05: - Settings export and import fix - Mapping is also decides which parameter is listed for which support, so you can list different parameters for different supports with just one command - Reference field of the supports can be filled up as well in the same manner decided by the reference file, this field can be used for automatic isometric markup - Plant 3D 2025 compatibility - In the mapping file and reference file formulas can be used as well and Center of Pipe can be used from now on


1.1: - All settings can be exported and imported - Remapping of parameters is possible


Initial Release


Initial Release
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