Win64, EnglishGeneral Usage Instructions
When using the coordinate function additional properties will be created in which the calculated coordinates will be stored.
When using rename/copy project you can rename a project or copy a project with or without drawings.
The assembly routine creates a new class and a default symbol. After that you draw a polyline and convert it into an assembly. After that you can assign the objects within the polyline to the assembly.
With Export/Import you can export, edit and import selection lists, symbol and class properties.
Update Line annotations assign line annotations to the closest line segment.
Nozzle check compares the sizes of the nozzle with the line segment.
From/To update creates additional properties to store useful from and to values.
Update Tags and Acquisition rules updates those either in the current drawing or the whole project.
Take a look at the online documentation to fully understand the features within PlantExpressTools.
Ribbon/Toolbar Icon | Command | Command Description |
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Opens the settings dialog with various tabs for the different PlantExpressTools features. |
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Creates drawing properties when clicked the first time in a drawing. After that a click on the button recalculates the coordinates again. |
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Opens the Rename/Copy dialog for renaming or copying a project with or without drawings. |
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When clicked on the first time, the Assembly class will be created. Every other click PlantExpressTools check and link symbols and lines to Assemblies. |
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Opens the dialog to either Export and Imports selection lists, symbol properties or Class properties. |
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Updates Line Annotations in cases where the annotation is not longer close to the line segment it originally belonged to. |
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Compares the size between an equipment nozzle and the line and shows the result in a dialog. |
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Create lists of P&ID objects. |
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Update lists of P&ID objects. |
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Exports drawings as standard Autodesk® AutoCAD® with standard AutoCAD objects. |
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When clicked the first time the routine creates the predefined properties for the PipeLineSegment and PipeLineGroup class. After that the feature will recalculate the From and To info for PipeLineSegments and PipeLineGroups. |
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This updates the remaining tasks to update the From and To information in the project. |
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Updates the Tags for the current drawing. |
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Updates the Tags for the whole project. |
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Updates acquisition rules for the current drawing. |
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Updates acquisition rules for the whole project. |
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Opens the PlantProjectManager of PlantExpressTools. |
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Opens the Properties Palette of PlantExpressTools. |
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Opens the Symbols Palette of PlantExpressTools. |
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Opens dialog to define calculated properties. |
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Updates calculated propertiers in drawing. |
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Opens dialog to define selection list imports. |
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Updates Selection Lists. |
PlantExpressTools will be installed like any other windows application.
The PlantExpressTools ribbon will be installed for all installed P&ID and Plant 3D products on your machine. The PlantExpressTools ribbon can be found under PlantExpressTools.
Additional Information
Online documentation can be found here.
Known Issues
There are no known issues as of now. Bugs which are reported are fixed ASAP and a new release will be published.
Author/Company Information
Support Information
Send an email to support@auxalia.com and the next available support person will take care of your ticket. Please attach a detailed description preferably as screenshots or video.
Version History
Version Number | Version Description |
---|---| |
- Bug fix: Missing Attributes when inserting Symbols in new drawings (PT-4399) | |
- New: New Renumbering function (PT-3614) - New: Function to get the project path to be usable for AutoLISP (PT-4334) - New: Calculate GraphicalStyleName with Calculation function (PT-4338) - New: New User Interface for defining Calculations (PT-4342) - New: Assembly Class' Custom Properties in PlantExpressTools Settings use a checkbox when defining Boolean properties (PT-4368) - New: Create Signal Line/Group and Pipe Line/Group properties for the From/To function together (PT-4236) - New: New implementation of a Tri-State state (enabled/disabled/inherited) when enabling/disabling Assign Tag properties (PT-4230) - New: Updated button toolbar in main dialogs (PT-4345) - Bug fix: Error Occurs When Closing Project via PlantProjectManager (PT-4363) - Bug fix: %USERPROFILE% variable not evaluated correctly when importing Selection List (PT-4364) - Bug fix: Symbols and Lines are only assigned to the one Assembly object when using multiple independent Assembly classes (PT-4216) - Bug fix: CalculationConfiguration.Collection.xml gets checked in when refreshing after import of calc file (PT-4219) - Bug fix: Error when refreshing after importing after previous import of calc files (PT-4220) - Bug fix: PlantExpressTools Settings don't open when the DocumentServer.slnk file existed in a ACC backed-up project (PT-4221) - Bug fix: CoordinatesSettings.xml will not be added to MISC when closing PlantExpressTools Settings dialog (PT-4228) - Bug fix: AssignTagProperties.xml will not be added to MISC when closing PlantExpressTools Settings dialog (PT-4229) - Bug fix: PropertiesPaletteConfiguration.xml will not be added to MISC when closing PlantExpressTools Settings dialog (PT-4373) - Bug fix: FromToSettings.xml will not be added to MISC when closing PlantExpressTools Settings dialog (PT-4233) - Bug fix: From/To settings from the FromToSettings.xml weren't loaded on project load (PT-4235) - Bug fix: Changes for From/To settings are not considered instantly (PT-4237) - Bug fix: Project isn't checked out and in when From/To function creates properties for Signal Line Group/Segment classes (PT-4238) - Bug fix: Values for Ports are not updated via AttributeFlow when triggered though OPC Manager (PT-4315) - Bug fix: Rule-Based Block Insert showed error when opening the dialog (PT-4333) - Bug fix: Handling of over-run texts in Task Dialogs will be handled better now (PT-4306) - Bug fix: Bolt catalog and Reference catalog are downloaded for non-collaboration projects (PT-4312) - Bug fix: List function configuration files and referenced dwgs will not be downloaded on project load (PT-4255) - Bug fix: LegendConfiguration.Collection.xml doesn't get checked in correctly after editing a list configuration (PT-4257) - Bug fix: Disabling/Enabling configurations in the List Settings UI will not instantly change the status in the lgdcf files (PT-4252) - Bug fix: PlantExpressTools List function Wizard uses wrong title (PT-3639) - Bug fix: Assembly Properties of type Boolean are created as String if the Default Value is not set as True or False (PT-3694) - Bug fix: Source and Option columns in PlantExpressTools' Selection List main dialog are swapped (PT-4346) | |
- New: Update to Plant 3D 2025 and DevExpress 23.2.6 (PT-3326) - New: Moved PlantClashDetection into PlantExpressTools (PT-2556) - New: No more Data Cache file for Symbol Images (PT-3641) - New: Exported XLSX file will be opened after export is finished (PT-4137) - New: New UI for Calculation dialog in PlantExpressTools and PlantDataManager (PT-4151) - Bug fix: Ribbon images don't get updated when switching light/dark scheme (PT-3609) - Bug fix: The Reference Plant 3D Catalog of the Bolt Calculation will be added to the MISC even if not in the project (PT-3613) - Bug fix: When closing PlantProjectSetup, the BoltCalculation.xml will not be checked in (PT-3615) - Bug fix: BoltCalculation.xml, BoltCatalog, and Reference Catalog are not downloaded on project load (PT-3616) - Bug fix: When the connected drawing is opened based on the AttributeFlow, the drawing wasn't closed again when using the option to close it (PT-3640) - Bug fix: Project Setup Import fails for Properties if a new/different Selection List was assigned to a Property (PT-3647) - Bug fix: When changing a property that should actually trigger the AttributeFlow, the connected drawing is not opened and the property is not changed (PT-4192) - Bug fix: ACPlantTools folder created in Documents folder on Plant 3D startup (PT-4197) - Bug fix: Reference files used by a Selection List Configuration must appear under Related Files if they are located there (PT-4240) - Bug fix: Reference files used by a List Function Configuration must appear under Related Files if they are located there (PT-4241) - Bug fix: Disabling/Enabling Selection List configurations doesn't check the slcf file out and in again (PT-4246) - Bug fix: Bolts cannot be updated for the whole drawing or multiple drawings (PT-4270) - Bug fix: BoltCalculation.xml, BoltCatalog, and Reference Catalog get checked out when downloading a project and stay checked out (PT-4274) | |
- New: Adapted 'Project Rename/Copy' for Collaboration Projects (PT-3165) - New: Adapted 'DWG Export' for Collaboration Projects (PT-3166) - New: Added Checkbox to enable/disable From/To Task List dialog (PT-3375) - New: Suppress dialog after a Project was successfully copied through PlantProjectCreate (PT-3421) - New: Disregard unsupported AutoCAD Versions (PT-3467) - Bug fix: DWG Export options 'Explode Bound/Imported XRefs' and 'Move objects on Block Layer 0 to block insert layer' are not available anymore (PT-3446) - Bug fix: AQAPTRemoveDuplicateACPlantToolsFolder removed folders and files which were added by users outside the ACPlantTools folder (PT-3355) - Bug fix: Mapped Assembly properties aren't deleted when deleting the Assembly (PT-3345) - Bug fix: OnDrawingSave setting for Assemblies isn't stored (PT-3346) | |
- New: Improved text information in Progress Panels when downloading, checking out/in, or removing PlantTool files (PT-2486) - New: Warning dialog when using PlantTools with Collaboration projects with AutoCAD Plant 3D 2022 or lower (PT-2573) - New: Adapted Bolt Calculation Function for Collaboration Projects (PT-2465) - New: Handling AttributeFlow tasks from Task List for Collaboration Projects (PT-2595) - New: Adapted From/To Function for Collaboration Projects (PT-2464) - New: New approach to retrieve pending tasks from From/To function (PT-2473) - New: Adapted OPC Manager Function for Collaboration Projects (PT-2466) - New: Using last selected Symbol from the SymbolsPalette when using Space/Return (PT-2522) - New: Removal of unused Properties from PropertiesPalette configuration (PT-2538) - New: Do not Check In/Out/Download PlantTools files when using Vault projects (PT-2749) - New: Workspace change restores PlantTools Palettes visibility again (PT-3095) - Change: PlantExpressTools settings dialog and PlantDataManager PropertiesPalette settings dialog can be resized now (PT-2681) - Change: Moved From/To settings from local PlantExpressTools.xml to the project (PT-2474) - Change: Line Segments of unconnected Off-Page Connectors will not be marked as unresolved (PT-2534) - Change: New dialogs from From/To update (PT-2472) - Bug fix: PlantExpressTools ribbon shows 'Settings & Palette' section twice after switching workspaces twice or more (PT-2744) - Bug fix: PropertiesPaletteConfiguration.xml will not be checked in when closing PlantExpressTools Settings (PT-2747) - Bug fix: Using a SQLite project database for the Selection List function creates an error when updating the Selection List (PT-2541) - Bug fix: Using 'Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server' causes error when selecting 'Views' in Selection List wizard (PT-2542) - Bug fix: Adapted minimum height and width for PlantProjectSetup user interface (PT-2565) - Bug fix: Check boxes will be reset to default values in Assemblies.xml when starting Plant 3D (PT-2612) - Bug fix: Relationship of Symbols inserted into an Assembly will not be created on insert (PT-2613) - Bug fix: 'Clean Database Synchronization' button in General Bolt Calculation settings is missing the bottom part of the button (PT-2569) - Bug fix: Ignore drawings with an empty path in the database when using the Rename/Copy Project function (PT-2607) - Bug fix: Wrong heights for ASME Nuts and Washers (PT-2563) - Bug fix: Error in SymbolsPalette when loading a BIM project (PT-2551) - Bug fix: Error when Bolt Calculation tries to remove columns (PT-3093) - Bug fix: Function to remove duplicate ACPlantTools folder from MISC database (PT-2461) | |
- New: Implemented locking mechanism to avoid multiple users editing PlantTools settings (PT-2302) - New: Implementing a File and Folder Watcher for PlantTools configuration files to check which PlantTools files must still be downloaded for Collaboration projects (PT-2411) - New: Added File and Folder watcher to invalidate cached settings when settings files are changing (PT-2423) - New: Adapted Project Setup and Selection List import function for Collaboration Projects (PT-2364) - New: Adapted Coordinate Function for Collaboration Projects (PT-2454) - New: Adapted Selection List Function for Collaboration Projects (PT-2463) - New: Adapted Tag Update Function for Collaboration Projects (PT-2455) - New: Adapted Acquisition Update Function for Collaboration Projects (PT-2456) - New: Adapted List Function for Collaboration Projects (PT-2445) - New: Adapted of SymbolsPalette for Collaboration Projects (PT-2347) - New: Adapted Assembly function for Collaboration Projects (PT-2344) - New: Adapted Calculation function for Collaboration Projects (PT-2389) - New: Adapted Assign Tag function for Collaboration Projects (PT-2404) - New: Adapted PropertiesPalette for Collaboration Projects (PT-2405) - New: Warning dialog when drawings are Read-Only or not Checked Out (PT-2491) - New: New Edit Mode for SymbolsPalette (PT-2355) - New: Use user-defined Display Name when in Class Display Name or Symbol Name mode (PT-2317) - New: Remove 'Symbol Category Location', Display Name, and GraphicalStyleName option from 'Symbols' tab in PET Settings (PT-2349) - New: Toggle button to switch between User-Defined Display Name and Class/Symbol name (PT-2318) - New: File Explorer shows a new node 'AutoCAD-Application' to make it easier to select a DWT file (PT-2438) - New: Improved numbering for new drawings in PlantProjectManager when using Collaboration projects (PT-2431) - New: Adding Import button to add calc files to the CalculationConfiguration.Collection.xml (PT-2435) - New: Adding Import button to add lgdcf files to the LegendConfiguration.Collection.xml (PT-2436) - New: Adding Import button to add slcf files to the SelectionListSettings.Collection.xml (PT-2437) - New: Folder Properties dialog isn't implemented (PT-2507) - Change: Refresh button to remove calc files not listed in CalculationConfiguration.Collection.xml (PT-2427) - Change: Refresh button to remove lgdcf files not listed in LegendConfiguration.Collection.xml (PT-2428) - Change: Refresh button to remove slcf files not listed in SelectionListSettings.Collection.xml (PT-2429) - Change: Moved Coordinate settings from local PlantExpressTools.xml to the project (PT-2475) - Change: Extent refresh button function to reload all SymbolsPalette files (PT-2360) - Change: Moved ShowClassTypeSymbol and ShowCustomClasses from SymbolsPaletteState.xml into local PlantExpressTools.xml (PT-2354) - Bug fix: When clicking Cancel in Dialog #00448 the dialog to update the connected line segments appears anyway (PT-2471) - Bug fix: SelectionListSettings.Collection.xml isn't written when closing the dialog (PT-2468) - Bug fix: Cannot create a second Selection List configuration which results in the same file name (PT-2469) - Bug fix: Selecting a project DCF file results in an error (PT-2470) - Bug fix: The order of Symbols was not considering the sorting order when selecting a class name (PT-2447) - Bug fix: The order of properties in the PlantExpressTools and PlantDataManager PropertiesPalette gets ignored (PT-2379) - Bug fix: Opening a drawing with PlantProjectManager when using Collaboration Projects doesn't open the drawing (PT-2407) - Bug fix: Creating a new drawing in PlantProjectManager doesn't use the set path of defined DWT file (PT-2430) - Bug fix: Stretching of Line Segments in Assemblies causes flow arrows and line segments to jump around (PT-2167) - Bug fix: Message 'Bolt database xxx is not valid' appears when there are just missing bolt parts (PT-2263) - And more... | |
- New: Implemented locking mechanism to avoid multiple users editing PlantTools settings (PT-2302) - New: Implementing a File and Folder Watcher for PlantTools configuration files to check which PlantTools files must still be downloaded for Collaboration projects (PT-2411) - New: Added File and Folder watcher to invalidate cached settings when settings files are changing (PT-2423) - New: Adapted Project Setup and Selection List import function for Collaboration Projects (PT-2364) - New: Adapted Coordinate Function for Collaboration Projects (PT-2454) - New: Adapted Selection List Function for Collaboration Projects (PT-2463) - New: Adapted Tag Update Function for Collaboration Projects (PT-2455) - New: Adapted Acquisition Update Function for Collaboration Projects (PT-2456) - New: Adapted List Function for Collaboration Projects (PT-2445) - New: Adapted of SymbolsPalette for Collaboration Projects (PT-2347) - New: Adapted Assembly function for Collaboration Projects (PT-2344) - New: Adapted Calculation function for Collaboration Projects (PT-2389) - New: Adapted Assign Tag function for Collaboration Projects (PT-2404) - New: Adapted PropertiesPalette for Collaboration Projects (PT-2405) - New: Warning dialog when drawings are Read-Only or not Checked Out (PT-2491) - New: New Edit Mode for SymbolsPalette (PT-2355) - New: Use user-defined Display Name when in Class Display Name or Symbol Name mode (PT-2317) - New: Remove 'Symbol Category Location', Display Name, and GraphicalStyleName option from 'Symbols' tab in PET Settings (PT-2349) - New: Toggle button to switch between User-Defined Display Name and Class/Symbol name (PT-2318) - New: File Explorer shows a new node 'AutoCAD-Application' to make it easier to select a DWT file (PT-2438) - New: Improved numbering for new drawings in PlantProjectManager when using Collaboration projects (PT-2431) - New: Adding Import button to add calc files to the CalculationConfiguration.Collection.xml (PT-2435) - New: Adding Import button to add lgdcf files to the LegendConfiguration.Collection.xml (PT-2436) - New: Adding Import button to add slcf files to the SelectionListSettings.Collection.xml (PT-2437) - New: Folder Properties dialog isn't implemented (PT-2507) - Change: Refresh button to remove calc files not listed in CalculationConfiguration.Collection.xml (PT-2427) - Change: Refresh button to remove lgdcf files not listed in LegendConfiguration.Collection.xml (PT-2428) - Change: Refresh button to remove slcf files not listed in SelectionListSettings.Collection.xml (PT-2429) - Change: Moved Coordinate settings from local PlantExpressTools.xml to the project (PT-2475) - Change: Extent refresh button function to reload all SymbolsPalette files (PT-2360) - Change: Moved ShowClassTypeSymbol and ShowCustomClasses from SymbolsPaletteState.xml into local PlantExpressTools.xml (PT-2354) - Bug fix: When clicking Cancel in Dialog #00448 the dialog to update the connected line segments appears anyway (PT-2471) - Bug fix: SelectionListSettings.Collection.xml isn't written when closing the dialog (PT-2468) - Bug fix: Cannot create a second Selection List configuration which results in the same file name (PT-2469) - Bug fix: Selecting a project DCF file results in an error (PT-2470) - Bug fix: The order of Symbols was not considering the sorting order when selecting a class name (PT-2447) - Bug fix: The order of properties in the PlantExpressTools and PlantDataManager PropertiesPalette gets ignored (PT-2379) - Bug fix: Opening a drawing with PlantProjectManager when using Collaboration Projects doesn't open the drawing (PT-2407) - Bug fix: Creating a new drawing in PlantProjectManager doesn't use the set path of defined DWT file (PT-2430) - Bug fix: Stretching of Line Segments in Assemblies causes flow arrows and line segments to jump around (PT-2167) - Bug fix: Message 'Bolt database xxx is not valid' appears when there are just missing bolt parts (PT-2263) - And more... | |
New: Adapted PlantTools for AutoCAD Plant 3D 2024 (PT-2112) Change: Updated to DevExpress 22.2.5 for all PlantTools (PT-2121) Change: For some customers the NominalDiameterMap.csv - used in for the Bolt Calculation - couldn't be found anymore (PT-2261) Change: Log file isn't written in the correct path (PT-2141) Change: PlantExpressTools Settings dialog shows the AutoCAD icon (PT-2293) Bug fix: Plant3D Project Manager closes unexpectedly after selecting a project in PlantprojectManager (PT-2289) Bug fix: PlantProjectManager ribbon icon shows active even if PlantProjectManager is not to be opened on startup (PT-2292) Bug fix: Configuration update Issue with local Collaboration projects not having access to a project stored on the Collaboration Server (PT-2227) Bug fix: PlantExpressTools write property display name into AssignTagProperties.xml instead of the property name (PT-2298) | |
New: Support to Show/Hide P&ID Classes/Categories in SymbolsPalette (PT-834) New: Added Expand/Full Expand/Full Collapse/Collapse in Context Menu in SymbolsPalette (PT-1781) New: Support to add Custom Nodes to the class tree within the SymbolsPalette (PT-1770) New: Support for Folder Links to allow inserting DWGs and Images from the SymbolsPalette (PT-828) New: Support for Drag & Drop in Category View in SymbolsPalette (PT-1783) New: Support to add 'Object Items' to the SymbolsPalette (PT-1778) New: Support for renaming Class Display Name for SymbolsPalette (PT-829) Change: 'Specify Image' dialog replace with new dialog to specify images and rename Class Display Name (PT-1910) Change: Reworked 'Category Configuration' dialog for editing Categories in SymbolsPalette (PT-1914) Change: In OPC Manager changed the bahvior when using 'Override if Empty' in combination with 'None' mapping (PT-1922) Bug fix: Error when using PipeLineGroups or SignalLineGroups in OPC Manager when creating a connection (PT-1954) Bug fix: SymbolsPalette toggle button in PlantExpressTools ribbon isn't enabled on Plant 3D startup (PT-1948) | |
New: New Update Installer (PT-1714) New: Add a toggle button to switch between Show All or just the Default GraphicalStyleName in SymbolsPalette (PT-830) New: Collapse tree when clicking on Clear in SymbolsPalette (PT-831) New: Add a toggle button to switch between ClassDisplayName and SymbolName (PT-1739) New: Show toggle status of the hide/show button (PT-1741) New: Show which View Style is active in SymbolsPalette (PT-1743) New: Show Sort order state in right SymbolsPalette toolbar (PT-1744) Change: Change 'Unhide' to 'Show' in SymbolsPalette context menu (PT-1742) Bug fix: Categories view isn't shown in SymbolsPalette (PT-1707) Bug fix: Category add dialog in SymbolsPalette has wrong list header (PT-1746) Bug fix: Symbols marked as hidden in SymbolsPalette aren't saves as 'Hidden' in SymbolsPaletteState.xml (PT-1747) Bug fix: Error (Dialog #00487) when opening a project with no MISC database (PT-1675) Bug fix: PropertiesPalette in PlantExpressTools and PlantDataManager show double tabs and PnPIDs (PT-1663) Bug fix: Error when trying to create a drawing in PlantProjectManager with BoltCatalog.xml having size 0 (PT-1691) Bug fix: Selecting List Settings UI with bad files (PT-1693) Bug fix: Creating Calculations for 3D will not be accepted (PT-1697) Bug fix: PlantExpressTools doesn't load, and overwrites Assemblies.xml (PT-1710) Bug fix: DevExpress Filter Editor doesn't allow selecting condition or Field/Property in PlantProjectSetup (PT-1774) Bug fix: When using Drag & Drop on Connector properties, the values don't get mapped in OPC Manager (PT-1785) Bug fix: Copy a value of an Connector property in OPC Manager doesn't work (PT-1786) Bug fix: When selecting a node in the Incoming tree of OPC Manager the connecting line doesn't start from the selected node if the line segments aren't connected to anythingPT-1656) Bug fix: When opening OPC Manager after a project change, there is still a path set to the previous project (PT-1789) Bug fix: Path to PlantSpecDriven folder was not reset after project change (PT-1788) Bug fix: When switching between classes in the OPC Manager's Tree Settings the Filter Expression doesn't get stored and restored (PT-1779) Bug fix: Error when creating new List configurations (PT-1661) Bug fix: OPC Manager flickers when opening another project and having a drawing of the current project open (PT-1797) Bug fix: Copying an annotated symbol placed the annotation of the copied symbol at the insertion point of the new symbol (PT-1800) Bug fix: Symbols don't get the correct assembly assigned when using Assemblies within Assemblies using mapping (PT-1773) Bug fix: When trying to insert symbols from the SymbolsPalette which have a & in their symbol name error #00576 appears (PT-1780) |
6.2.2349 |
Change: Store when pipe specs have already been updated in a project to speed up project loading (PT-1652) Bug fix: Category definition is not loaded properly when an old Settings.ppm file existed (PT-1651) Bug fix: Enabling/Disabling check boxes for the Assign Tag dialog aren't stored (PT-1648) Bug fix: OPC Manager shows the file name extension (PT-1645) Bug fix: Connecting two Connectors with Unknown Flow Direction empties the tree lists (PT-1647) Bug fix: The inconsistency between two Connectors with Unknown Flow Directions is not shown properly in tree lists and Grid (PT-1649) | |
New: Show info dialog if installed PlantTools doesn't have required minimum version (PT-1441) New: Global Language Setting for all PlantTools (PT-1417) New: Using ProcessPower.dcf for Not-Placed Objects (PT-1079) New: Support of PlantSpecDriven's AttributeFlow through OPC Manager (PT-1395) New: Add filter to filter all conflicts in OPC Manager trees (PT-1485) New: Adding an On/Off toggle button to the OPC Manager toolbar to show/hide drawings in the viewer (PT-1463) New: Limit entering string values exceeding field length of the property (PT-557) New: Purging of orphaned PlantExpressTools Bolt parts (PT-1152) New: Calculate single bolt part weight to have correct weights in Isos and add total weight as an additional property (PT-1384) New: Update Properties Palette when switching from one tab to another (PT-1481) New: Update Bolt Calculation when substituting parts of the flanged connection (PT-527) Change: Bolt Calculation - Update Pipe Spec dialog uses wrong DevExpress Style for Progress Bar (PT-1385) Bug fix: From/To aren't updated when connecting/disconnecting OPCs with OPC Manager (PT-1448) Bug fix: Fix a bug in the algorithm for natural string comparison in PropertiesPalette (PT-1482) Bug fix: The same property can be selected multiple times in OPC Manager's mapping setup (PT-1456) Bug fix: Bolts for Special Valves (FL_S/WF_S/LUG_S) aren't handled correctly when inserting the valve (PT-1304) Bug fix: Bolt Calculation does not use the correct nozzle the flange is connected to (PT-1382) Bug fix: Bolt Calculation OnDrawingSave settings isn't stored (PT-1439) Bug fix: FATAL CRASH when ribbon tooltips should be shown and PlantTools have different language settings (PT-1393) Bug fix: URLs to Online Documentation are pointing to the wrong location (PT-1460) | |
New: Log changes instantly when connecting or disconnecting or when copying values if Change Log is enabled (PT-1348) New: Setting Propagation Direction in OPC Manager (PT-1346) New: Adding Project and Drawing properties to PlantExpressTools/PlantDataManager Calculation (PT-719) Bug fix: Plant 3D crashes when using 'Update From/To' (PT-1373) Bug fix: 'Create List' User Interface will not continue to page 5 when clicking on 'Next' on page 4 (PT-1396) Bug fix: Expression and Property Name are lost when selecting another class node in PlantExpressTools/PlantDataManager Calculation function (PT-1394) Bug fix: FATAL crash when flipping a 3D part with activated Bolt Calculation (PT-1372) Bug fix: Error messages when opening a drawing (PT-1375) | |
New: Execute Change Log without opening drawings when using the manual trigger (PT-1347 & PT-1349) New: Update Tags and Acquisitions without opening drawings (PT-1305) New: Unlock drawing in OPC Manager (PT-1345) New: Combine Inconsistencies and Flow Direction Conflicts into one filter option in OPC Manager (PT-1343) New: Create and Fill PET_GUID for PET on module initialization (PT-1284) Change: Improved Performance with PlantProjectManager's tree (PT-1288) Change: Improved Performance when determining the changes for the Change Log (PT-1299) Change: Improved Performance when creating GUIDs for Change Log (PT-1101) Change: Add Progress Panel for gathering data for change log (PT-1314) Bug fix: Long timeout with possible crashes when moving P&ID objects with activated Assembly function (PT-1353) Bug fix: FATAL crashes when moving an Annotation with loaded PlantExpressTools (PT-1331) Bug fix: Writing Change Log data is triggered twice when using 'When saving the Drawing' (PT-1298) Bug fix: Exception when entering Tree Settings & Mapping in PlantProjectSetup with German Plant 3D (PT-1292) Bug fix: Error (dialog #00419) when opening PlantProjectSetup (PT-1310) Bug fix: Error (dialog #00368) with Bolt Calculation (PT-1327) | |
New: Off-Page Connector Manager (PT-51) New: Delete mapped values if Assembly was deleted (PT-1187) New: Annotation must be updated after the mapping is updated (PT-1210) New: New Setting to control whether to update Tags and Annotations when changing Assembly properties (PT-1241) Change: Added counter for Auditing Progress Panel for Updating Assemblies (PT-1251) Bug fix: Popup History Grid showed records of imported changes of PlantDataManager Plugin (PT-1194) Bug fix: Data Type 'Numberic' in Assembly function is spelled wrong and doesn't work either (PT-1195) Bug fix: Assembly function showed 'eAmbiguousInput' when updating (PT-1232) Bug fix: Assembly function showed 'eInvalidInput' when updating (PT-1233) Bug fix: Failure to assign assembly properties (PT-1249) | |
New: Use mapping of Assembly properties instead of using acquisition rules (PT-1090) New: Create Assembly Properties in PlantExpressTools Settings user interface (PT-1185) Change: Extended Assembly Settings wizard (PT-1153) Change: Set Symbol Scaling and Join Type for Default Symbols (PT-1164) Change: Adapting UDL paths for PlantExpressTools' Selection Lists function (PT-950) Bug fix: 'Show Xrefs in Use' in PlantProjectManager didn't work anymore (PT-1122) Bug fix: Plant 3D multiplied PlantTools ribbon icons and got very very slow when switching between work spaces several times (PT-1117) Bug fix: Testing connection in Windows Data Link Properties dialog fails for Selection Lists (PT-1116) Bug fix: Slow Plant 3D performance when PlantTools Plugin cannot acquire a network license (PT-1113) Bug fix: Cannot open a project with 'Open...' in PPM (PT-1103) Bug fix: Objects of Bolt Calculation aren't always removed from Piping.dcf when objects are delete in the drawing (PT-1011) Bug fix: Iso broken up when 'Discrepency' dialog (#1099) appeared (PT-1107) Bug fix: 'Possible discrepancies found' dialog (#1099) when using 'Special' valves (PT-1010) Bug fix: PET_Fastener class uses wrong DisplayName for LineNumber property (PT-629) Bug fix: Linked Virtual Properties aren't show in PlantExpressTools' Properties Palette (PT-762) Bug fix: Default Values were deleted when BoltSets or Bolt Parts were inserted or updated (PT-1072) Bug fix: Shop/Field Property not created as Selection List for PET_Fastener class (PT-628) Bug fix: Iso Drawings didn't appear in PlantProjectManager (PT-1110) Bug fix: DWG Export issue when one of the drawings is open (PT-397) Bug fix: Error when using the Selection List function where rows have more columns than the header line (PT-810) Bug fix: DWG Export didn't bind or referenced XREFs in PID drawings after the export (PT-974) Bug fix: Rule-Based Block Insert inserts ALL blocks in the active drawing (PT-1089) Bug fix: Missing underscores for project categories in setup file for PlantProjectCreate (PT-899) Bug fix: Selecting previous filter expressions in dropdown of PlantProjectManager didn't work (PT-1056) Bug fix: Auto-Filter in PlantProjectManager Palette worked only when filtering the second time (PT-1055) Bug fix: Plant 3D Project Manager gets and stays open after a drawing is opened from PlantProjectManager (PT-1109) Bug fix: eLockViolation Error when changing GraphicalStyleName in PlantProperties Palette (PT-1048) Bug fix: Pipe Spec's PSPC files weren't moved to Project Recycle Bin (PT-1059) Bug fix: Unwanted commands and text in command line (PT-1100) Bug fix: UNDO command appears in command line when Change Log is writing data (PT-1096) Bug fix: Writing of Change Log data was executed multiple times (PT-1094) Bug fix: Autosave triggered writing Change Log data (PT-1095) Bug fix: Editing drawing properties create error message when drawing has a version/revision (PT-1064) | |
New: Support for AutoCAD® Plant 3D 2022 (PT-1025) New: auxaliaLicenseManager automatically runs "Check for Updates..." (PT-160) New: Change license usage to permanent license usage (PT-962) New: Included Project Compare (available since 2022) in PlantProjectManager (PT-1049) Change: Updated to DevExpress 20.2.6 (PT-1041) Change: No support for AutoCAD P&ID 2016/2017 and AutoCAD Plant 3D 2016/2017 (PT-1033) Change: Changed Trial Period from 30 to 14 days (PT-975) Change: More informative licensing dialogs Change: Reorganized PlantExpressTools ribbon (PT-1060) Change: Auto-Filter in SymbolsPalette filters now when using Return or Search icon (PT-1047) Change: ESC Key did close PlantProjectSetup without asking to save (PT-986) Change: Warning when using Rule-Based Block Insert if rules use unknown variables (PT-963) Bug fix: Error when having OnDrawingSave enabled for Bolt Calculation in a P&ID drawing (PT-1075) Bug fix: PlantProjectManager tree does not filter on first attempt when using Return key (PT-1076) Bug fix: XREFed DWGs weren't rotated to the original angle with DWG Export (PT-987) Bug fix: Filtering in PlantProjectManager tree had ACAD crash when ISO Drawings category is enabled (PT-985) Bug fix: OK Button in den Kategorieneinstellungen wurde nicht aktiviert, wenn man den Status einer Checkbox geändert hatte (PT-988) | |
New: Additional Dialog when restoring a value and acquisition mode from the history (PT-777) New: Added OnDrawingClose to the Change Log Triggers (PT-776) New: Added a new orange history icon to show unsaved values (PT-787) New: Adding DWG Export Settings to DWG Export dialog (PT-805) New: Silent Mode for DWG Export (PT-806) Change: Adding UNDO icon in content menu for restoring values from the Change Log (PT-813) Change: 'Locate Drawing' in PlantProjectManager now also shows file in new location when moved to a folder (PT-910) Change: Replacing standard Windows Message boxes with our own dialogs (PT-744) Change: Use Auto-Filter in PlantProjectSetup for searching for a node (PT-923) Bug fix: 'Export to AutoCAD' menu item didn't work (PT-911) Bug fix: Changes are not written into the Change Log table OnDrawingSave (PT-780) Bug fix: Relationship of objects in an Assembly weren't created when objects where close to the boundary (PT-953) Bug fix: Overall and Additional Length for bolt wasn't applied correctly (PT-904) Bug fix: Column Width in Properties Palette is reset every time an object is selected (PT-902) Bug fix: Removing a related file removed the file even when selecting No (PT-915) Bug fix: Increase Version/Revision for multiple drawings didn't work correctly (PT-909) Bug fix: Running 'Check for Spec Updates' creates a new drawing (PT-920) Bug fix: Create new Pipe Spec dialog shows the path in the wrong control (PT-919) Bug fix: Creating a sub-folder within a folder which was just created didn't work (PT-918) Bug fix: Removing empty sub-folders didn't work (PT-917) Bug fix: Error when navigating PlantProjectSetup with the Breadcrumb control (PT-901) Bug fix: 'Copy Drawing to Project' refused to insert a drawing (PT-905) Bug fix: 'Add Work History' menu item doesn't work (PT-906) Bug fix: Error when trying to create Selection List sources in PlantProjectSetup (PT-900) Bug fix: Line Annotation Update changed insertion point when the annotation was auto-inserted (PT-898) Bug fix: Wrong or double values in DwgSubIndex in PnPDataLinks table when inserting Bolt Parts (PT-816) Bug fix: History symbols didn't appear in all tabs in the PropertiesPalette where the same property is used (PT-786) Bug fix: Using the version/revision feature of PlantProjectManager if the ACProject.db is on SQL Server caused an error (PT-779) Bug fix: Error when storing change log when the ACPChangeLog.dcf database resides on SQL Server (PT-778) Bug fix: Error when trying to open the PlantProjectManager Categories Settings when project is using UNC paths (PT-783) Bug fix: Wrong order when binding XREFs with DWG Export (PT-693) Bug fix: PlantProjectManager using PnPRelativePath to get the File Name (PT-797) Bug fix: Drawing with lock symbol couldn't be opened anymore on PlantProjectManager (PT-807) | |
New: Change Logging (PT-364) New: Context menu of PlantProjectManager for Line Group node is complete now (PT-191) New: Context menu of PlantProjectManager for ISO Style Category node is complete now (PT-195) New: Context menu of PlantProjectManager for Drawing Category node is complete now (PT-192) New: Context menu of PlantProjectManager for Spec Sheet node is complete now (PT-190) New: Added MigrationTool to PlantExpressTools Setup (PT-756) Change: Implemented F1 to open our own browser(PT-753) Bug fix: Exception if LineGroup is used in multiple drawings while bolt update (PT-733) Bug fix: Valve with 0 for Length property with block based Wafer (WF) valves didn't calculate the bolt length correctly (PT-734) Bug fix: Log Information weren't written correctly or in the correct PlantTools log files (PT-690) Bug fix: MigrationTool was using an old SQLite dll version (PT-755) | |
New: Expand/Collaps in context menu of PlantProjectManager tree(PT-688) Change: Considering Blind Disk, Orifice Plate, Space Disk and Spectacle Blind for Bolt Calculation (PT-723) Change: Performance issue when using MS Access DB in PlantProjectSetup for Selection List Project Properties (PT-543) Change: Slow performance when showing DWG properties in PlantProjectManager (PT-588) Change: Slow Performance with PlantProjectManager for SQL Server project in a real network environment (PT-440) Change: Changing TimeStamp Format and ProjectType Content in ACProject.db-->ReportRevision table (PT-699) Bug fix: Bolt Calculation doesn't work when flanged objects use different units (MM and INCH) (PT-718) Bug fix: Order of Fasteners in DefaultConnectorsConfig.xml can cause problems for the Bolt Calculation Bug fix: When entering a value in a selection list property in PET Properties Palette, the control loses focus after when typing in the first character (PT-724) Bug fix: Cannot change acquisition mode in PET Properties Palette (PT-725) | |
New: Open PET Properties Palette when double-clicking on an object (PT-585) New: Define Numbers of Lines for Selection Lists lists for PET Properties Palette (PT-598) New: Calculation function allow creating GUIDs (PT-654) Change: Resizable Combobox controls in PET Properties Palette (PT-599) Change: Set default behavior for common properties toggle in PET Properties Palette (PT-584) Bug fix: Improvements for Display Names for the Properties Palette when selecting objects from different classes where the same Property has different Display Names (PT-586) Bug fix: PlantProjectManager doesn't show correct background color when multi-selecting (PT-638) Bug fix: Multi-Select in PlantProjectManager doesn't seem to work for Create Version/Revision (PT-639) Bug fix: PET Properties Palette didn't show the DisplayNames for 3D Objects (PT-651) Bug fix: Line Annotations not created at PipeLineSegment class level couldn't be linked (PT-485) Bug fix: StubEnds aren't considered for Bolt Calculation when inserting lapped flanges (PT-645) Bug fix: Bolt Connector Symbol didn't show the right size on flanged nozzles (PT-680) Bug fix: DWG Tree in PlantProjectStup for 'Rule-based Blocks' wasn't ordered (PT-667) | |
New: Rule-Based insertion of block assemblies Bug fix: Lug connections weren't calculated anymore or not correctly Bug fix: PlantProjectCreate didn't handle special characters like äöüß Bug fix: Connector Symbol (used for BoltSets/BoltParts) sometimes appeared to large Bug fix: Changes made in PlantProjectSetup for the Bolt Catalog weren't always saved | |
New: Bolt Calculation Change: New program icons and ribbon images Change: Updated to DevExpress 19.1.6 Bug fix: Missing DevExpress references Bug fix: Install wasn't initiated after download | |
New: Show in-use values when multi-selecting in PET's Properties palette Bug fix: Project cannot be opened in PPM if no project is open | |
Change: PlantProjectManager palette supports docking now Change: The 'NumberOfTrays' property of the 'Tanks' class is using datatype PnPIntType which cause a problem when importing project setup Change: Project properties can now be used for the file name format expression Bug fix: Setting Windows language to 'English (Netherlands)' caused corrupt XLSX file Bug fix: Color issue for the On/Off toggle in PlantProjectManager | |
New: Support for AutoCAD® Plant 3D 2020 New: Added a search option in Symbols Palette New: Allow changing the graphical style in PET Properties Palette Change: Updated to DevExpress 19.1.3 Bug fix: Xrefed drawings which weren't part of the project weren't considered with DWG Export Bug fix: Error when opening PET Settings through PlantProjectManager if no drawing was open | |
New: Additional options when removing drawings from a project in PlantProjectManager New: Versions and Revisions can be created from drawings New: FileNameFormat can be defined for each category New: Start of PlantProjectSetup allows defining Project and Drawing properties also as Selection Lists from any data source Change: Suppress message in command line if calculations are skipped Bug fix: PlantProjectManager didn't work properly with projects using UNC paths Bug fix: Removed documents weren't moved to the project recycle bin Bug fix: User created categories in PlantProjectManager got lost when switching between projects Bug fix: Wrong/Missing English text when updating selections Bug fix: Default Values weren't imported when importing project setup from Excel file Bug fix: Acquisition Rules weren't imported when importing project setup from Excel file | |
New: PlantProjectManager is now fully functional (with a few exception) New: Open PET Properties palette on startup and closing AutoCAD Properties palette on startup Bug fix: Sometimes updating calculations for ACAD properties caused hanging in PID/P3D and PET/PL did not function correctly anymore | |
New: DWG Export works for P&ID drawing now New: DWG Export support for AutoCAD 2018 file format New: Improved file selection in DWG Export dialog New: P&ID Symbols can be renamed now Change: Additional settings on DWG Export tab Change: Project export adds filter and macros (Command column) in Excel file Bug fix: DWGs couldn't be opened through Plant Project Manager | |
New: Support for AutoCAD® Plant 3D 2019 New: Preview of the upcoming project manager. AQAPETPLANTPROJECTMANAGER New: When multiple classes are selected for the list function ordering by a common property Change: The PET properties palette was replaced with a new much faster version Change: Updated to DevExpress 17.2.7 Bug fix: Bug fix: Importing selection lists from Excel could cause the import to fail in case if NULL or empty cells Bug fix: Issues when importing project setup from Excel Bug fix: List function didn't create the list in full if multiple equipment sub classes were selected | |
New: Symbols can be shown with their SymbolName or the Class' DisplayName (settings) New: Symbols can be sorted A-Z, Z-A or not New: Symbol images can be exported Change: Classes with no symbols aren't shown Change: Symbol names are shown localized Change: Speed improvement in From/To and assemblies Bug fix: Symbols palette always recreated symbol images instead of using the cached images Bug fix: Symbols palette sometimes didn't show any classes or symbols Bug fix: When importing selection lists for properties used in a Tag Format, the property disappeared temporarily from the Assign Tag dialog | |
New: Batch updating selection lists New: Added calculation function (PTFormat, PTFormatDouble) Change: Updated to DevExpress 17.2.3 Bug fix: Issue when moving objects out of the assembly boundaries Bug fix: For some projects, Plant 3D was crashing when updating assemblies Bug fix: Line Annotation stopped with error when lines of a line segment had a length of 0 Bug fix: Line annotation update doesn’t consider the free standing annotations anymore | |
New: Multiple Assembly classes can be defined New: One Assembly can have multiple closed polylines or can be on multiple drawings New: Project classes, symbols and properties can be ex- and imported New: Added calculation function (PTSwitchCase, PTSwitchCondition) Bug fix: Symbol Palette didn't always load symbols Bug fix: Importing csv files as selection lists, sometimes showed wrong results Bug fix: Deleting Assemblies didn't update calculations property | |
New: A new properties palette is available to better structure properties New: Added calculation function to get the longest string of a list of strings (PTLongestString) Change: Relationship to an assembly will be created when the P&ID object is inserted Change: Updated to DevExpress 17.1.5 Bug fix: Coloring of 3D objects wasn't handled correctly Bug fix: Calculations for ACAD properties, sometimes blocked interaction with AutoCAD P&ID/Plant 3D when inserting some symbols Bug fix: Settings dialog for Assign Tag didn't always show the scroll bars correctly for class tree and properties list Bug fix: For SLINEs which were drawn as loops the "Update Line Annotations" function didn't associate the line annotation with the SLINE Bug fix: Symbol Palette didn't auto-hide correctly Bug fix: Loading symbols for Symbols Palette sometimes hung | |
New: Linked Line Annotation can use leaders | |
New: Calculated AutoCAD Properties like Color or Layer can be set to the DefaultValues of the object | |
New: Support for Autodesk® AutoCAD® Plant 3D® 2018 | |
Bug fix: Polyline with duplicate vertices prevented the assembly routine to create relationships Bug fix: Graphical issue on symbol palette when selecting symbols for hiding/showing Bug fix: Sometimes loading or refreshing symbols for the symbol palette failed with error | |
Change: Speed improvements for assembly update Change: Improvements in DWG Export for nested XREFs Bug fix: Update Assemblies improved to work in paper space and viewports | |
New: AutoCAD Properties like Color, Layer and so on, can be calculated now es well New: Optional the Symbols Palette can show only the symbol defined under GraphicalStyleName, not all class symbols New: Hide Symbols in SymbolsPalette New: Turning off tool palette for P&ID drawings New: The GraphicalStyleName is available as a field in the expression editor for calculated properties Bug fix: "Assign Tag" didn't work for PipeLineGroups and SignalLineGroups in P&ID Bug fix: Spaces in additional properties in Assign Tag dialog were removed | |
New: Extended "Assign Tag" dialog (>= Version 2014) | |
Bug fix: Error message when copy/rename project due to a change in API with 2017.1 | |
New: New Symbols Palette (>= Version 2014) | |
Change: PnPID and ClassName not available to be calculated properties Bug fix: Calculations in drawing didn't work for PipeLineGroups/SignalLinGroups Bug fix: Catching several issue with projects when using copy/rename project | |
New: Added Calculated Properties Change: Lists can be create for NonEngineeringItems now Bug fix: Tags of object as part of an assembly weren't always updated | |
Change: The Tag of P3dLineGroups won't be updated anymore in cases where there are missing delimiters (Plant 3D bug) Bug fix: Acquisition update caused an error if a drawing could not be opened and "Automatically save and close all new loaded drawings, when using 'Update Acquisitions in Project'" was checked | |
Change: Speed improvements for 'Line Annotation Update' Change: Orhpaned line annotations will be replaced with new annotations Change: The button wrongly named 'Update From/To in project' is now showing 'Updates remaining From/To tasks' and calls command AqaPetUpdateRemainingFromToTasks Bug fix: List function was deactivated when AutoCAD P&ID was used Bug fix: 'Line Annotation Update' and 'List Update' caused orphaned annotations when 'On Drawing Save' was used Bug fix: Orphaned line segments cause 'Line Annotation Update' to stop working | |
New: From/To command includes SignalLines now (optional) | |
Bug fix: DWG Export hung when drawings to export were located in deeper subfolders Bug fix: Invalid xrefs were not handled correctly | |
Change: Autodesk changed API between Beta and Final release of AutoCAD® P&ID/Plant 3D® 2017 which caused errors Bug fix: When executing the 'Update list in drawing' command, sometimes the 'PnIDAssetTool.dll' could not be loaded Bug fix: Update didn't start when initiated | |
New: Support for AutoCAD® P&ID/AutoCAD® Plant 3D® 2016 | |
Bug fix: Line Annotation Update did update only the first attribute of an annotation | |
Bug fix: Line Annotation Update could end in an endless loop | |
Changed: Change of Workflow of From/To feature | |
Changed: PlantTool is ready for Autodesk Exchange Apps. The PlantTool icons will be found under "Plugins" |