Win64, EnglishGeneral Usage Instructions
Command Descriptions
- Get Schema - get a list of all available schemas in the model. The list may include blank cells if a schema has been previously deleted.
- Create Schema - create one or several schemas based on the names in column C starting from cell C4 (one name per cell).
- Delete Schema – delete one or several schemas based on the list of schemas' names in column C starting from cell C4 (one name per cell). It is recommended to run Delete All Parameters before deletion of schema.
- Delete All Schemas – delete all schemas from the model. Can be used to completely clear the model from all external parameters.
Schemas Parameters
- Get All Parameters – create a table with all external parameters available in the model. The data includes the parameter name, default value, and type.
- Get List of Objects – create a table to identify to which objects external parameters have been assigned. It is recommended to run Get All Parameters first. Alternatively, parameter names should be indicated in column D starting from cell D4 (one name per cell).
- Get List of Objects by Value – create a table to identify to which objects external parameters with specific values have been assigned. It is recommended to run Get All Parameters first. Alternatively, parameter names and values should be indicated in columns D & E starting from row 4 (one name per cell).
- Create Parameter – create one or several parameters based on the data provided in the table. It is recommended to run Get All Parameters first to create a table template. A user should identify the schema name, parameter name, default parameter value, and type.
- Delete Parameter – delete one or several parameters based on the list of parameter names in column D starting from cell D4 (one name per cell).
- Delete All Parameters – delete all parameters for schema names in column C starting from cell C4 (one name per cell).
Nodes External Parameters
- Assign Parameter – assign one or several parameters to nodes selected in the model. It is recommended to run Get All Assigned Parameters to create a table template. The user should specify the schema name, parameter name, and value in columns C, D, and E respectively starting from row 4.
- Get All Assigned Parameters – get all parameters assigned to the nodes in the table view for the current selection or for all nodes. This table can be used as a backup and as input data for the command Restore All Assigned Parameters.
- Restore All Assigned Parameters – restore all previously assigned parameters from the table created by Get All Assigned Parameters.
- Modify Parameter – modify one or several assigned parameter values. It is recommended to run Get All Assigned Parameters to create a table with all information regarding parameters assigned to nodes. The user should specify node number, schema name, parameter name, and value in columns B, C, D, and E respectively starting from row 4.
- Remove Parameter – remove one or several assigned parameters from the nodes specified in column B. User should specify node number, schema name, and the parameter name in columns B, C, and D respectively starting from row 4. It is recommended to run Get All Assigned Parameters to create a table with all information regarding parameters assigned to nodes.
- Remove All Parameters – remove all assigned parameters from the nodes specified in column B.
- Reset Parameters – assign default parameter value for one or several parameters assigned to the nodes specified in column B. User should specify node number, schema name, and the parameter name in columns B, C, and D respectively starting from row 4. It is recommended to run Get All Assigned Parameters to create a table with all information regarding parameters assigned to nodes.
It is highly recommended to run node-related commands before meshing as the number of nodes in the model will dramatically increase execution time. The status “Please wait...” in the left bottom corner of the Excel indicates that the command is running.
For members and objects' external parameters, all commands are the same as for nodes.
Interesting Observations
After adding schemas and external parameters, Autodesk® Robot Structural Analysis Professional will not ask to save changes to the model before closing it.
All schemas and external parameters will be deleted from the model after opening using Repair Mode. The repaired model will contain 2 external parameters LocationY (automatically generated by Robot). The user should run the Delete All Schemes command to clear the model from all parameters and schemes.
Open any existing model, run the Get All Parameters command and enjoy hidden information.
Download the installer from the Autodesk App Store 'Schemator.exe'
To install the app double click on the downloaded installer and follow the instructions.
To uninstall this plug-in through Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features (Windows 7/8.1/10/11) and uninstall it as you would any other application from your system.
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Version History
Version Number | Version Description |
1.0.0 |
Initial release |