Egan Spell Check My Parameters
Win64, EnglishGeneral Usage Instructions
Once you install the app, it is called on demand as required by the user. To run the app, click the “Spell Check” icon on the Add-ins tab on the Ribbon.
Click the “Check Spelling” button to scan the file. The app will present the list of words that are not in the Spell Check dictionaries, allowing the user to select the appropriate action for each word. Some options on the “Spelling” tab include:
To help with fine-tuning the scan, the app presents a few filters:
You can choose to include Type Parameters, Instance Parameters or both.
You can choose to scan for a single Category or to exclude a single Category. You may want to limit the scan to a certain Category if you have been concentrating on that Category, for example, if you have been working on the Door Schedule or the Room Finish Schedule. You may want to exclude a certain Category, for example, Materials, which contain numerous made-up manufacturer and color names.
Source Information
To help you identify the source of the word in question, the app displays Source Information.
Run Check Spelling on app startup
The app includes a check box to give you the option to Check Spelling on app startup. If you may want to run the same scan over and over, check this box. If you want to modify the search criteria frequently, you can leave this box unchecked.
Export Word List
The app includes a Button to export the list of words it has found. This can be helpful in identifying words to add to your Building Industry Dictionary and in setting up your spell checking system.
Click the “Settings” tab. The app has settings for:
Ignore words with numbers.
Ignore words with colons (":") The colon is used for the Material Asset Delimiter, producing hundreds of false positives.
The app uses the built-in Windows spell check process.
The app defaults to using the Revit “Building Industry Dictionary” and “Custom dictionary,” but these may be changed as desired.
Building Industry Dictionary
The Revit Out-of-the-box Building Industry Dictionary contains some standard abbreviations and some common building industry terms and names. For best results, this dictionary should be edited to include your company’s abbreviation list and terms and names appropriate to your business. In addition, this dictionary should be copied around to all computers in your office.
Custom Dictionary
When you click the “Add” action, the app will add the current word to the Custom Dictionary. Any words added to the Custom Dictionary will remain and the app will accept that word until it is removed from the Custom Dictionary. Best practice would be to review the Custom Dictionary occasionally, add appropriate words to the Building Industry Dictionary and then clear the words from the Custom Dictionary. The app includes a “View Custom Dictionary” button and a “Clear Custom Dictionary” button to assist in this process.
The app is available as a Single Seat License that can be used on one computer, or a Network Floating License Seat, which may be used on any computer within a Local Area Network. The Network Floating License may also be used on a Wide Area Network, though performance may be affected by the speed and latency of the WAN. If you are not sure, contact us for help in testing your situation.
Network deployment
Please see http://eganbimresources.com/network-deployment-and-automatic-activation.html for information on the network deployment features of Egan BIM Resources apps.
The installer that ran when you downloaded this app/plug-in from Autodesk App Store will start installing the app/plug-in. OR, simply double-click the downloaded installer to install the app/plugin.
To uninstall this plug-in, exit the Autodesk product if you are currently running it, simply rerun the installer, and select the "Uninstall" button. OR, click Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features (Windows 7/8.1/10/11) and uninstall as you would any other application from your system.
Additional Information
This app is licensed by application, not by version. Your license will allow you to use any year’s version on your computer at any time, so the use of this app will not affect your Revit upgrade schedule.
Previous versions of the app are available on our website https://eganbimresources.com
Known Issues
This app will only run a spell check on the current (host) Revit project file. It does not work on linked files. Any linked file you wish to check must be processed separately.
Author/Company Information
Support Information
For software support, contact us at support@eganbimresources.com
Version History
Version Number | Version Description |
2024.0.1.10037 |
Updated for Revit 2024. |
2020.0.1.10041 |
Updated for Revit 2020 |
2019.0.1.10270 |
Restricted ability to modify source context. |