DWD AI Assistant

DWD AI Assistant

Win64, English

David Wood Design Ltd
Revolutionize Your Design Workflow with AI-Powered Assistance

General Usage Instructions

Autodesk App Store download

Download the DWD AI Assistant installer from the Autodesk App Store and run it to install the Add-in. Autodesk® Revit® needs to be closed while you install the Add-in.

When you restart Revit, it will show the ‘Signed Add-In’ dialog. Be sure to click the ‘Always Run’ to load the add-in.

Open AI API setup

The Add-in uses the OpenAI API, so you will need an OpenAI API Key before you can use it. Go to the OpenAI website to create an API key and then set it as a Windows Environment Variable called ‘OPENAI_API_KEY’.


Note: You must also add a few dollars of credit to your OpenAI API account. Be sure to add the credit to your OpenAI API account not your ChatGPT account – they are different things.

We plan to support connections to other AI providers in future versions so you can select which providers you wish to use.

User Interface

Input Panel

This is where you type your prompt to the AI.

Go Button

Press this button or the Return key to send your Prompt to the AI.

Output Panel

This is where your chat with the AI will appear. Your prompt will be moved here, prefixed ‘User:’, and the AI’s reply will appear below it, prefixed ‘Assistant:’.

Clear Button

Press this button to clear the chat history and reset the AI to the initial state.

About Button

Press this button to open the ‘About’ dialog box.

Version Panel

This panel displays the current version of the add-in.

Built-In Functions

The add-in contains a set of functions that the AI will use to interact with Revit. We plan to add to this list in future versions. If you have ideas for extra functions that would be useful to you, please let us know.

Revit Version:

  • GetRevitVersion: Returns the version of Revit that the add-in is running in.


Element Selection and Properties

  • CountSelectedElements: Returns the number of elements in the current Revit selection.    
  • GetIdsOfSelectedElements: Returns the ElementIDs of the elements in the current Revit selection.
  • SelectElementsById: Select the Elements in the Revit UI that have the given IDs.


Element Parameters

  • GetParameterList: Gets the list of parameters from a Revit Element.
  • GetBasicElementInfo: Gets basic information about a collection of Revit Elements.
  • GetParameterValues: Gets the value of a parameter for the Revit Elements with the given IDs.
  • SetParameterValues: Sets the value of a parameter for the Revit Elements with the given IDs.
  • GetElementNameById: Retrieves the Name of the Element that has the given ID.



  • GetIdOfCurrentView: Returns the ElementId of the current Revit view.
  • CreatePlanViews: Creates a collection of Plan Views in Revit, for the Levels with the given IDs.
  • CreateSheets: Creates a number of Sheets in Revit.
  • PlaceViewsOnSheets: Places a collection of views on a matching collection of sheets, one per sheet.


Filters and Collectors

  • CreateCollector: Creates a FilteredElementCollector for the current Revit document.
  • Collector_OfCategory: Collects elements of the given Category.
  • Collector_WhereElementIsNotElementType: Collects only Elements, not Element Types.
  • CountCollector: Counts the number of elements in the FilteredElementCollector.
  • GetElementIdsFromCollector: Gets the ElementIds of the elements in the FilteredElementCollector.


Collectors for specific categories

  • GetLevels: Retrieves all the Levels from the current Revit document.
  • GetScopeBoxes: Retrieves all the Scope Boxes.
  • GetFloorPlanViewFamilyTypes: Retrieves all the ViewFamilyTypes for FloorPlans.
  • GetViewTemplates: Gets the View Templates.
  • GetTitleblocks: Gets the Titleblocks.
  • GetBuiltInCategories: Gets all the BuiltInCategories from Revit.




The installer that ran when you downloaded this app/plug-in from the Autodesk App Store will start installing the app/plug-in. OR, simply double-click the downloaded installer to install the app/plugin.

To uninstall this plug-in, exit the Autodesk product if you are currently running it, simply rerun the installer, and select the "Uninstall" button. OR, click Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features (Windows 10/11) and uninstall as you would any other application from your system.

Additional Information

Known Issues


Company Name: David Wood Design Ltd

Author/Company Information

David Wood Design Ltd

Support Information

The website at www.davidwooddesign.com has further examples and information.

Please email support@davidwooddesign.com for individual support.

Version History

Version Number Version Description


Additional Functions Bugfixes and stability improvements


First version for the Autodesk App Store.
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