

Win64, English

Maulbeer Ltd
Performs acoustic analysis of a selected Room in an Autodesk® Revit® project.

General Usage Instructions

Before Using Klapp

The user is required to set up their Revit project in a specific way, before using Klapp. Please, check Section 2 (Before Using Klapp) of the Klapp User Manual at https://maulbeer.com/docs/klapp. If done correctly, the user only needs to do this once per project.

Starting Klapp

To start Klapp, first navigate to the Add-Ins ribbon panel inside Revit. Then click on the Acoustic Analyser button inside the Klapp section of the Add-Ins panel.
Selecting Input

Before analyzing the properties of the acoustic space with Klapp, the user must select three components: the Room, the Sound Source coordinates and the Observation Point coordinates. For further information, check the Klapp User Manual at https://maulbeer.com/docs/klapp.

Configuring Klapp

The user can configure Klapp sound wave propagation simulation through the Reflections Order parameter. It allows the user to specify the maximum number of consecutive reflections per sound wave that will be computed. The larger the maximum number of computed consecutive reflections, the more accurate the simulation. However, setting the Reflections Order very high would result in slower performance due to the complexity of calculating sound waves. The Reflections Order default value of 10 is considered accurate to the point of perceptual plausibility and does not hinder performance.

Running the Klapp Simulation

To run the Klapp simulation with the given input parameters, press the Run Acoustic Analysis button. The results are displayed after the computations are completed.

For further information, check the Klapp User Manual at https://maulbeer.com/docs/klapp.




standard text

Additional Information

You can request an invoice for your purchase up to five days after the purchase of the application.

Known Issues

  • Klapp utilizes geometrical acoustics for its simulation. Therefore, it is not as accurate as specialized simulations that use differential equations. It achieves “perceptually plausible” results, which means that it provides the user with fairly accurate, but not necessarily exact, information about the acoustic properties of the selected Room. This means that, once actually built, the space represented by the selected Room may not sound exactly like the simulation results.
  • Klapp cannot handle curved surfaces. Klapp can only handle Rooms that consist only of flat surfaces.
  • Klapp  cannot yet properly simulate large windows or curtain walls. Therefore, the user should avoid using Klapp in Rooms with large windows. Klapp will be able to perform the simulation, but the results may be less accurate.
  • Klapp does not explicitly simulate furniture in the Room. While its core algorithm does apply filtering that somewhat approximates the effect of furniture on the propagation of sound waves, the simulation may become less accurate if there is a lot of furniture in the Room.


Company Name: Maulbeer Ltd
Support Contact: maulbeerltd@gmail.com

Author/Company Information

Maulbeer Ltd

Support Information

To receive support, please use one of the following options:

We typically aim to reply to any questions/requests within five working days.

Version History

Version Number Version Description


Minor Update * Fixed GUI bug that distorted the interface of Klapp and made some buttons unreachable under certain display resolutions and scales. * Fixed core functionality bug that caused the main algorithm to not function properly for some corner/edge cases in user input. * Fixed bug that caused Klapp to be non-responsive when user selects input not from the Floor Plan view. * Minor performance improvement.


First version deployed on the Autodesk Store. Improved UI and surface filtering functionality over initial release (v1.0).
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