ArchVISION OFFICE for Autodesk® Revit®
Win64, EnglishGeneral Usage Instructions
At the end of the installation (multilingual), manuals and guides will be available in the software folder (C:\Mcs\ArchVISION OFFICE for REVIT\ ...) to associate one or more EP items from Office® and Drag & Drop from the price list Excel® or Word® on the ArchVISION OFFICE for Revit Measurements dialog.
To work ArchVISION OFFICE for Revit requires Excel® or Word® from the Microsoft® OFFICE® suite also available you can download a free trial version directly from the manufacturer's website at this internet: www.microsoft.com.
For the installation it is sufficient to start the setup of the executable, the removal can be started by restarting the installation executable or alternatively directly from the control panel under Add or Remove Programs.
It is advisable to perform the installation with any antivirus, deactivate them momentarily, and reactivate them only after installation is complete.
This version works with Revit in the 2025, 24, 23, 22, 21 and 20 versions and in the Italian, English, German, and Spanish languages.
Additional Information
You can contact MCS Software (by Anafyo company) - international@mcs-software.it - for assistance and customized and live demonstrations with remote web connections
The form to participate in meetings, and presentations and obtain assistance is available on the home page of the company website (https://bim.mcs-software.it/#Assistenza)
Some videos on our YouTube channel (https://www.youtube.com/user/McsSoftwareSrl) refer to ArchVISION RP which is technologically very similar to ArchVISION OFFICE for Revit all the video guides of ArchVISION RP can be viewed as an excellent complement to help in using ArchVISION OFFICE for Revit.
To work ArchVISION OFFICE for Revit requires Excel® or Word® from the Microsoft® OFFICE® suite also available you can download a free trial version directly from the manufacturer's website at this internet: www.microsoft.com
Known Issues
To work ArchVISION OFFICE for Revit requires Excel® or Word® from the Microsoft® OFFICE® suite also available you can download a free trial version directly from the manufacturer's website at this internet: www.microsoft.com
It has been found that some antiviruses rarely block the installation, so it is advisable to temporarily disable, only during installation, any antivirus.
Author/Company Information
Support Information
Assistance and support via e-mail, web, and with free remote connections to all customers (by Anafyo company) - international@mcs-software.it
The form to obtain free remote assistance is available on the home page of the company website (https://bim.mcs-software.it/#Assistenza)
Version History
Version Number | Version Description |
25.2 - 20241020 |
Release 25.2 (Build 20241020) is compatible with Revit in Italian, English, Spanish, French, and German and has an interface available in Italian, English, Spanish, French, and German, includes important features and allows Drag & Drop from Excel® and Word®, includes the Quick Compute and the Revit FIND, detects the level of the structural entities, of the structural frames and of all the entities connected and located on the host (for example Data devices) The chronological order of the most important functions follows: WBS management, MEP module, automatic deduction, materials management (Layers), and Categories management available Compatible with Revit from 2020 to 2025 and MS Office (Excel® and Word®) starting from ver. 2007 up to the latest Office® 365 Management and computation of the stratification of walls, roofs, floors, and false ceilings Availability of 4 shared global parameters for "Each instance" of Architectural, Mep, and structural entities, in detail they include: 1) "Cat. Building ”(viewable as“ Category ”in the calculation) and in schedules in Revit. 2) "Reference table code" (which can be used as desired and required in ArchVISION OFFICE for Revit measurements) and in the schedules in Revit. 3) " SbCat . Reference Plane ”(viewable as“ SubCategory ”in Excel® and Word®) and in schedules in Revit. 4) " IdUnivoco " (it contains the ID of the instance of each entity and can be used at will and need in the measurements of ArchVISION OFFICE for Revit) and in the schedules in Revit. 40 shared global parameters for “Each Type” include all the information of the EP entries associated with them. 5 shared global parameters for “Each Material” present in the project, including all the EP items associated with them. Compatible with workgroups in Worksharing, it works with centralized and shared Price Lists, Categories, Measurements, and Calculations Management of 'Parts' of 'Groups', 'Masses' of 'Local Families', and 'Generic Models' is available. Function dedicated to remote assistance. Ability to include multiple variable parameters, numeric values, formulas, and custom parameters in a single text box Complete management of the associated Extended, Short, and Synthetic descriptions from the Drag & Drop of Excel® or Word® Text area dedicated to the three descriptions that can be optionally displayed in a larger dialog box. Insert the $IdEnt$ parameter at the end of the text by double-clicking. Possibility in the presence of a stratification to be able to manage a measurement multiplication factor and customize the unit of measurement to be adopted Right mouse button interception with the appearance of the 'Contextual menu of the Variables'. List of '80 SuperCategories', '13 Categories', and '31 SubCategories' proposed by default. Availability of 4 new material schedules for Walls, Floors, Roofs, and Ceilings schedules containing the instance ID, material ID, and all global parameters of this new version. Computed entities (partial list): • Individual 'parts' and 'layers' of Walls, Floors, Roofs, etc, (as a single instance) • Masses (instance) • Local households (instance) • Groups (instance) • Generic models (instance) • Topographic Surfaces and Platforms • Wall Extrusions and Grooves • Paints (Revit's paint command) • Structural reinforcement • Flexible ducts • Fixed furnishings • Electrical devices • Data, nurse calls, communication, and security devices • Fire alarm and lighting devices • Electrical and special equipment • Accessories for pipes ... and more ... |
25.0 - 20240506 |
Release 25.0 (Build 20240506) is compatible with Revit in Italian, English, Spanish, French, and German and has an interface available in Italian, English, Spanish, French, and German, includes important features and allows Drag & Drop from Excel® and Word®, includes the Quick Compute and the Revit FIND, detects the level of the structural entities, of the structural frames and of all the entities connected and located on the host (for example Data devices) The chronological order of the most important functions follows: WBS management, MEP module, automatic deduction, materials management (Layers), and Categories management available Compatible with Revit from 2020 to 2025 and MS Office (Excel® and Word®) starting from ver. 2007 up to the latest Office® 365 Management and computation of the stratification of walls, roofs, floors, and false ceilings Availability of 4 shared global parameters for "Each instance" of Architectural, Mep, and structural entities, in detail they include: 1) "Cat. Building ”(viewable as“ Category ”in the calculation) and in schedules in Revit. 2) "Reference table code" (which can be used as desired and required in ArchVISION OFFICE for REVIT measurements) and in the schedules in Revit. 3) " SbCat . Reference Plane ”(viewable as“ SubCategory ”in Excel® and Word®) and in schedules in Revit. 4) " IdUnivoco " (it contains the ID of the instance of each entity and can be used at will and need in the measurements of ArchVISION OFFICE for REVIT) and in the schedules in Revit. 40 shared global parameters for “Each Type” include all the information of the EP entries associated with them. 5 shared global parameters for “Each Material” present in the project, including all the EP items associated with them. Compatible with workgroups in Worksharing, it works with centralized and shared Price Lists, Categories, Measurements, and Calculations Management of 'Parts' of 'Groups', 'Masses' of 'Local Families', and 'Generic Models' is available. Function dedicated to remote assistance. Ability to include multiple variable parameters, numeric values, formulas, and custom parameters in a single text box Complete management of the associated Extended, Short, and Synthetic descriptions from the Drag & Drop of Excel® or Word® Text area dedicated to the three descriptions that can be optionally displayed in a larger dialog box. Insert the $IdEnt$ parameter at the end of the text by double-clicking. Possibility in the presence of a stratification to be able to manage a measurement multiplication factor and customize the unit of measurement to be adopted Right mouse button interception with the appearance of the 'Contextual menu of the Variables'. List of '80 SuperCategories', '13 Categories', and '31 SubCategories' proposed by default. Availability of 4 new material schedules for Walls, Floors, Roofs, and Ceilings schedules containing the instance ID, material ID, and all global parameters of this new version. Computed entities (partial list): • Individual 'parts' and 'layers' of Walls, Floors, Roofs, etc, (as a single instance) • Masses (instance) • Local households (instance) • Groups (instance) • Generic models (instance) • Topographic Surfaces and Platforms • Wall Extrusions and Grooves • Paints (Revit's paint command) • Structural reinforcement • Flexible ducts • Fixed furnishings • Electrical devices • Data, nurse calls, communication, and security devices • Fire alarm and lighting devices • Electrical and special equipment • Accessories for pipes ... and more ... |
24.1 - 20231009 |
Release 24.1 (Build 20231009) is compatible with Revit in Italian, English, Spanish, French, and German and has an interface available in Italian, English, Spanish, French, and German, includes important features and allows Drag & Drop from Excel® and Word®, includes the Quick Compute and the Revit FIND, detects the level of the structural entities, of the structural frames and of all the entities connected and located on the host (for example Data devices) The chronological order of the most important functions follows: WBS management, MEP module, automatic deduction, materials management (Layers), and Categories management available Compatible with Revit from 2018 to 2024 and MS Office (Excel® and Word®) starting from ver. 2007 up to the latest Office® 365 Management and computation of the stratification of walls, roofs, floors, and false ceilings Availability of 4 shared global parameters for "Each instance" of Architectural, Mep, and structural entities, in detail they include: 1) "Cat. Building ”(viewable as“ Category ”in the calculation) and in schedules in Revit. 2) "Reference table code" (which can be used as desired and required in ArchVISION OFFICE for REVIT measurements) and in the schedules in Revit. 3) " SbCat . Reference Plane ”(viewable as“ SubCategory ”in Excel® and Word®) and in schedules in Revit. 4) " IdUnivoco " (it contains the ID of the instance of each entity and can be used at will and need in the measurements of ArchVISION OFFICE for REVIT) and in the schedules in Revit. 40 shared global parameters for “Each Type” include all the information of the EP entries associated with them. 5 shared global parameters for “Each Material” present in the project, including all the EP items associated with them. Compatible with workgroups in Worksharing, it works with centralized and shared Price Lists, Categories, Measurements, and Calculations Management of 'Parts' of 'Groups', 'Masses' of 'Local Families', and 'Generic Models' is available. Function dedicated to remote assistance. Ability to include multiple variable parameters, numeric values, formulas, and custom parameters in a single text box Complete management of the associated Extended, Short, and Synthetic descriptions from the Drag & Drop of Excel® or Word® Text area dedicated to the three descriptions that can be optionally displayed in a larger dialog box. Insert the $IdEnt$ parameter at the end of the text by double-clicking. Possibility in the presence of a stratification to be able to manage a measurement multiplication factor and customize the unit of measurement to be adopted Right mouse button interception with the appearance of the 'Contextual menu of the Variables'. List of '80 SuperCategories', '13 Categories', and '31 SubCategories' proposed by default. Availability of 4 new material schedules for Walls, Floors, Roofs, and Ceilings schedules containing the instance ID, material ID, and all global parameters of this new version. Computed entities (partial list): • Individual 'parts' and 'layers' of Walls, Floors, Roofs, etc, (as a single instance) • Masses (instance) • Local households (instance) • Groups (instance) • Generic models (instance) • Topographic Surfaces and Platforms • Wall Extrusions and Grooves • Paints (Revit's paint command) • Structural reinforcement • Flexible ducts • Fixed furnishings • Electrical devices • Data, nurse calls, communication, and security devices • Fire alarm and lighting devices • Electrical and special equipment • Accessories for pipes ... and more ... |
24.1 - 20230925 |
Release 24.1 (Build 20230925) is compatible with Revit in Italian, English, Spanish, French and German and has an interface available in Italian, English, Spanish, French and German, includes important features and allows Drag & Drop from Excel® and Word®, includes the Quick Compute and the Revit FIND, detects the level of the structural entities, of the structural frames and of all the entities connected and located on the host (for example Data devices) The chronological order of the most important functions follows: WBS management, MEP module, automatic deduction and materials management (Layers) and Categories management available Compatible with Revit from 2018 to 2024 and MS Office (Excel® and Word®) starting from ver. 2007 up to the latest Office® 365 Management and computation also of the stratification of walls, roofs, floors and false ceilings Availability of 4 shared global parameters for "Each instance" of Architectural, Mep and structural entities, in detail they include: 1) "Cat. Building ”(viewable as“ Category ”in the calculation) and in schedules in Revit. 2) "Reference table code" (which can be used as desired and required in ArchVISION OFFICE for REVIT measurements) and in the schedules in Revit. 3) " SbCat . Reference Plane ”(viewable as“ SubCategory ”in Excel® and Word®) and in schedules in Revit. 4) " IdUnivoco " (it contains the ID of the instance of each entity and can be used at will and need in the measurements of ArchVISION OFFICE for REVIT) and in the schedules in Revit. 40 shared global parameters for “Each Type” include all the information of the EP entries associated with them. 5 shared global parameters for “Each Material” present in the project, include all the EP items associated with them. Compatible with workgroups in Worksharing, it works with centralized and shared Price Lists, Categories, Measurements and Calculations Management of 'Parts' of 'Groups', 'Masses' of 'Local Families' and 'Generic Models' is available. Function dedicated to remote assistance. Ability to include multiple variable parameters, numeric values, formulas and custom parameters in a single text box Complete management of the associated Extended, Short and Synthetic descriptions from the Drag & Drop of Excel® or Word® Text area dedicated to the three descriptions that can be optionally displayed in a larger dialog box. Insert the $IdEnt$ parameter at the end of the text by double clicking. Possibility in the presence of a stratification to be able to manage a measurement multiplication factor and customize the unit of measurement to be adopted Right mouse button interception with appearance of the 'Contextual menu of the Variables'. List of '80 SuperCategories', '13 Categories' and '31 SubCategories' proposed by default. Availability of 4 new material schedules for Walls, Floors, Roofs and Ceilings schedules containing the instance ID, material ID and all global parameters of this new version. Computed entities (partial list): • Individual 'parts' and 'layers' of Walls, Floors, Roofs, etc, (as a single instance) • Masses (instance) • Local households (instance) • Groups (instance) • Generic models (instance) • Topographic Surfaces and Platforms • Wall Extrusions and Grooves • Paints (Revit's paint command) • Structural reinforcement • Flexible ducts • Fixed furnishings • Electrical devices • Data, nurse call, communication and security devices • Fire alarm and lighting devices • Electrical and special equipment • Accessories for pipes ... and more ... |
24.0 - 20230716 |
Release 24.0 (Build 20230716) is compatible with Revit in Italian, English, Spanish, French and German and has an interface available in Italian, English, Spanish, French and German, includes important features and allows Drag & Drop from Excel® and Word®, includes the Quick Compute and the Revit FIND, detects the level of the structural entities, of the structural frames and of all the entities connected and located on the host (for example Data devices) The chronological order of the most important functions follows: WBS management, MEP module, automatic deduction and materials management (Layers) and Categories management available Compatible with Revit from 2018 to 2024 and MS Office (Excel® and Word®) starting from ver. 2007 up to the latest Office® 365 Management and computation also of the stratification of walls, roofs, floors and false ceilings Availability of 4 shared global parameters for "Each instance" of Architectural, Mep and structural entities, in detail they include: 1) "Cat. Building ”(viewable as“ Category ”in the calculation) and in schedules in Revit. 2) "Reference table code" (which can be used as desired and required in ArchVISION OFFICE for REVIT measurements) and in the schedules in Revit. 3) " SbCat . Reference Plane ”(viewable as“ SubCategory ”in Excel® and Word®) and in schedules in Revit. 4) " IdUnivoco " (it contains the ID of the instance of each entity and can be used at will and need in the measurements of ArchVISION OFFICE for REVIT) and in the schedules in Revit. 40 shared global parameters for “Each Type” include all the information of the EP entries associated with them. 5 shared global parameters for “Each Material” present in the project, include all the EP items associated with them. Compatible with workgroups in Worksharing, it works with centralized and shared Price Lists, Categories, Measurements and Calculations Management of 'Parts' of 'Groups', 'Masses' of 'Local Families' and 'Generic Models' is available. Function dedicated to remote assistance. Ability to include multiple variable parameters, numeric values, formulas and custom parameters in a single text box Complete management of the associated Extended, Short and Synthetic descriptions from the Drag & Drop of Excel® or Word® Text area dedicated to the three descriptions that can be optionally displayed in a larger dialog box. Insert the $IdEnt$ parameter at the end of the text by double clicking. Possibility in the presence of a stratification to be able to manage a measurement multiplication factor and customize the unit of measurement to be adopted Right mouse button interception with appearance of the 'Contextual menu of the Variables'. List of '80 SuperCategories', '13 Categories' and '31 SubCategories' proposed by default. Availability of 4 new material schedules for Walls, Floors, Roofs and Ceilings schedules containing the instance ID, material ID and all global parameters of this new version. Computed entities (partial list): • Individual 'parts' and 'layers' of Walls, Floors, Roofs, etc, (as a single instance) • Masses (instance) • Local households (instance) • Groups (instance) • Generic models (instance) • Topographic Surfaces and Platforms • Wall Extrusions and Grooves • Paints (Revit's paint command) • Structural reinforcement • Flexible ducts • Fixed furnishings • Electrical devices • Data, nurse call, communication and security devices • Fire alarm and lighting devices • Electrical and special equipment • Accessories for pipes ... and more ... |
24.0 - 20230614 |
Release 24.0 (Build 20230614) is compatible with Revit in Italian, English, Spanish, French and German and has an interface available in Italian, English, Spanish, French and German, includes important features and allows Drag & Drop from Excel® and Word®, includes the Quick Compute and the Revit FIND, detects the level of the structural entities, of the structural frames and of all the entities connected and located on the host (for example Data devices) The chronological order of the most important functions follows: WBS management, MEP module, automatic deduction and materials management (Layers) and Categories management available Compatible with Revit from 2018 to 2024 and MS Office (Excel® and Word®) starting from ver. 2007 up to the latest Office® 365 Management and computation also of the stratification of walls, roofs, floors and false ceilings Availability of 4 shared global parameters for "Each instance" of Architectural, Mep and structural entities, in detail they include: 1) "Cat. Building ”(viewable as“ Category ”in the calculation) and in schedules in Revit. 2) "Reference table code" (which can be used as desired and required in ArchVISION OFFICE for REVIT measurements) and in the schedules in Revit. 3) " SbCat . Reference Plane ”(viewable as“ SubCategory ”in Excel® and Word®) and in schedules in Revit. 4) " IdUnivoco " (it contains the ID of the instance of each entity and can be used at will and need in the measurements of ArchVISION OFFICE for REVIT) and in the schedules in Revit. 40 shared global parameters for “Each Type” include all the information of the EP entries associated with them. 5 shared global parameters for “Each Material” present in the project, include all the EP items associated with them. Compatible with workgroups in Worksharing, it works with centralized and shared Price Lists, Categories, Measurements and Calculations Management of 'Parts' of 'Groups', 'Masses' of 'Local Families' and 'Generic Models' is available. Function dedicated to remote assistance. Ability to include multiple variable parameters, numeric values, formulas and custom parameters in a single text box Complete management of the associated Extended, Short and Synthetic descriptions from the Drag & Drop of Excel® or Word® Text area dedicated to the three descriptions that can be optionally displayed in a larger dialog box. Insert the $IdEnt$ parameter at the end of the text by double clicking. Possibility in the presence of a stratification to be able to manage a measurement multiplication factor and customize the unit of measurement to be adopted Right mouse button interception with appearance of the 'Contextual menu of the Variables'. List of '80 SuperCategories', '13 Categories' and '31 SubCategories' proposed by default. Availability of 4 new material schedules for Walls, Floors, Roofs and Ceilings schedules containing the instance ID, material ID and all global parameters of this new version. Computed entities (partial list): • Individual 'parts' and 'layers' of Walls, Floors, Roofs, etc, (as a single instance) • Masses (instance) • Local households (instance) • Groups (instance) • Generic models (instance) • Topographic Surfaces and Platforms • Wall Extrusions and Grooves • Paints (Revit's paint command) • Structural reinforcement • Flexible ducts • Fixed furnishings • Electrical devices • Data, nurse call, communication and security devices • Fire alarm and lighting devices • Electrical and special equipment • Accessories for pipes ... and more ... |
24.0 - 20230531 |
Release 24.0 (Build 20230531) is compatible with Revit in Italian, English, Spanish, French and German and has an interface available in Italian, English, Spanish, French and German, includes important features and allows Drag & Drop from Excel® and Word®, includes the Quick Compute and the Revit FIND, detects the level of the structural entities, of the structural frames and of all the entities connected and located on the host (for example Data devices) The chronological order of the most important functions follows: WBS management, MEP module, automatic deduction and materials management (Layers) and Categories management available Compatible with Revit from 2018 to 2024 and MS Office (Excel® and Word®) starting from ver. 2007 up to the latest Office® 365 Management and computation also of the stratification of walls, roofs, floors and false ceilings Availability of 4 shared global parameters for "Each instance" of Architectural, Mep and structural entities, in detail they include: 1) "Cat. Building ”(viewable as“ Category ”in the calculation) and in schedules in Revit. 2) "Reference table code" (which can be used as desired and required in ArchVISION OFFICE for REVIT measurements) and in the schedules in Revit. 3) " SbCat . Reference Plane ”(viewable as“ SubCategory ”in Excel® and Word®) and in schedules in Revit. 4) " IdUnivoco " (it contains the ID of the instance of each entity and can be used at will and need in the measurements of ArchVISION OFFICE for REVIT) and in the schedules in Revit. 40 shared global parameters for “Each Type” include all the information of the EP entries associated with them. 5 shared global parameters for “Each Material” present in the project, include all the EP items associated with them. Compatible with workgroups in Worksharing, it works with centralized and shared Price Lists, Categories, Measurements and Calculations Management of 'Parts' of 'Groups', 'Masses' of 'Local Families' and 'Generic Models' is available. Function dedicated to remote assistance. Ability to include multiple variable parameters, numeric values, formulas and custom parameters in a single text box Complete management of the associated Extended, Short and Synthetic descriptions from the Drag & Drop of Excel® or Word® Text area dedicated to the three descriptions that can be optionally displayed in a larger dialog box. Insert the $IdEnt$ parameter at the end of the text by double clicking. Possibility in the presence of a stratification to be able to manage a measurement multiplication factor and customize the unit of measurement to be adopted Right mouse button interception with appearance of the 'Contextual menu of the Variables'. List of '80 SuperCategories', '13 Categories' and '31 SubCategories' proposed by default. Availability of 4 new material schedules for Walls, Floors, Roofs and Ceilings schedules containing the instance ID, material ID and all global parameters of this new version. Computed entities (partial list): • Individual 'parts' and 'layers' of Walls, Floors, Roofs, etc, (as a single instance) • Masses (instance) • Local households (instance) • Groups (instance) • Generic models (instance) • Topographic Surfaces and Platforms • Wall Extrusions and Grooves • Paints (Revit's paint command) • Structural reinforcement • Flexible ducts • Fixed furnishings • Electrical devices • Data, nurse call, communication and security devices • Fire alarm and lighting devices • Electrical and special equipment • Accessories for pipes ... and more ... |
24.0 - 20230515 |
Release 24.0 (Build 20230515) is compatible with Revit in Italian, English, Spanish, French and German and has an interface available in Italian, English, Spanish, French and German, includes important features and allows Drag & Drop from Excel® and Word®, includes the Quick Compute and the Revit FIND, detects the level of the structural entities, of the structural frames and of all the entities connected and located on the host (for example Data devices) The chronological order of the most important functions follows: WBS management, MEP module, automatic deduction and materials management (Layers) and Categories management available Compatible with Revit from 2018 to 2024 and MS Office (Excel® and Word®) starting from ver. 2007 up to the latest Office® 365 Management and computation also of the stratification of walls, roofs, floors and false ceilings Availability of 4 shared global parameters for "Each instance" of Architectural, Mep and structural entities, in detail they include: 1) "Cat. Building ”(viewable as“ Category ”in the calculation) and in schedules in Revit. 2) "Reference table code" (which can be used as desired and required in ArchVISION OFFICE for REVIT measurements) and in the schedules in Revit. 3) " SbCat . Reference Plane ”(viewable as“ SubCategory ”in Excel® and Word®) and in schedules in Revit. 4) " IdUnivoco " (it contains the ID of the instance of each entity and can be used at will and need in the measurements of ArchVISION OFFICE for REVIT) and in the schedules in Revit. 40 shared global parameters for “Each Type” include all the information of the EP entries associated with them. 5 shared global parameters for “Each Material” present in the project, include all the EP items associated with them. Compatible with workgroups in Worksharing, it works with centralized and shared Price Lists, Categories, Measurements and Calculations Management of 'Parts' of 'Groups', 'Masses' of 'Local Families' and 'Generic Models' is available. Function dedicated to remote assistance. Ability to include multiple variable parameters, numeric values, formulas and custom parameters in a single text box Complete management of the associated Extended, Short and Synthetic descriptions from the Drag & Drop of Excel® or Word® Text area dedicated to the three descriptions that can be optionally displayed in a larger dialog box. Insert the $IdEnt$ parameter at the end of the text by double clicking. Possibility in the presence of a stratification to be able to manage a measurement multiplication factor and customize the unit of measurement to be adopted Right mouse button interception with appearance of the 'Contextual menu of the Variables'. List of '80 SuperCategories', '13 Categories' and '31 SubCategories' proposed by default. Availability of 4 new material schedules for Walls, Floors, Roofs and Ceilings schedules containing the instance ID, material ID and all global parameters of this new version. Computed entities (partial list): • Individual 'parts' and 'layers' of Walls, Floors, Roofs, etc, (as a single instance) • Masses (instance) • Local households (instance) • Groups (instance) • Generic models (instance) • Topographic Surfaces and Platforms • Wall Extrusions and Grooves • Paints (Revit's paint command) • Structural reinforcement • Flexible ducts • Fixed furnishings • Electrical devices • Data, nurse call, communication and security devices • Fire alarm and lighting devices • Electrical and special equipment • Accessories for pipes ... and more ... |
24.0 - 20230508 |
Release 24.0 (Build 20230508) is compatible with Revit in Italian, English, Spanish, French and German and has an interface available in Italian, English, Spanish, French and German, includes important features and allows Drag & Drop from Excel® and Word®, includes the Quick Compute and the Revit FIND, detects the level of the structural entities, of the structural frames and of all the entities connected and located on the host (for example Data devices) The chronological order of the most important functions follows: WBS management, MEP module, automatic deduction and materials management (Layers) and Categories management available Compatible with Revit from 2018 to 2024 and MS Office (Excel® and Word®) starting from ver. 2007 up to the latest Office® 365 Management and computation also of the stratification of walls, roofs, floors and false ceilings Availability of 4 shared global parameters for "Each instance" of Architectural, Mep and structural entities, in detail they include: 1) "Cat. Building ”(viewable as“ Category ”in the calculation) and in schedules in Revit. 2) "Reference table code" (which can be used as desired and required in ArchVISION OFFICE for REVIT measurements) and in the schedules in Revit. 3) " SbCat . Reference Plane ”(viewable as“ SubCategory ”in Excel® and Word®) and in schedules in Revit. 4) " IdUnivoco " (it contains the ID of the instance of each entity and can be used at will and need in the measurements of ArchVISION OFFICE for REVIT) and in the schedules in Revit. 40 shared global parameters for “Each Type” include all the information of the EP entries associated with them. 5 shared global parameters for “Each Material” present in the project, include all the EP items associated with them. Compatible with workgroups in Worksharing, it works with centralized and shared Price Lists, Categories, Measurements and Calculations Management of 'Parts' of 'Groups', 'Masses' of 'Local Families' and 'Generic Models' is available. Function dedicated to remote assistance. Ability to include multiple variable parameters, numeric values, formulas and custom parameters in a single text box Complete management of the associated Extended, Short and Synthetic descriptions from the Drag & Drop of Excel® or Word® Text area dedicated to the three descriptions that can be optionally displayed in a larger dialog box. Insert the $IdEnt$ parameter at the end of the text by double clicking. Possibility in the presence of a stratification to be able to manage a measurement multiplication factor and customize the unit of measurement to be adopted Right mouse button interception with appearance of the 'Contextual menu of the Variables'. List of '80 SuperCategories', '13 Categories' and '31 SubCategories' proposed by default. Availability of 4 new material schedules for Walls, Floors, Roofs and Ceilings schedules containing the instance ID, material ID and all global parameters of this new version. Computed entities (partial list): • Individual 'parts' and 'layers' of Walls, Floors, Roofs, etc, (as a single instance) • Masses (instance) • Local households (instance) • Groups (instance) • Generic models (instance) • Topographic Surfaces and Platforms • Wall Extrusions and Grooves • Paints (Revit's paint command) • Structural reinforcement • Flexible ducts • Fixed furnishings • Electrical devices • Data, nurse call, communication and security devices • Fire alarm and lighting devices • Electrical and special equipment • Accessories for pipes ... and more ... |
23.2 - 20221213 |
Release 23.2 (Build 20221213) is compatible with Revit in Italian, English, Spanish, French and German and has an interface available in Italian, English, Spanish, French and German, includes important features and allows Drag & Drop from Excel® and Word®, includes the Quick Compute and the Revit FIND, detects the level of the structural entities, of the structural frames and of all the entities connected and located on the host (for example Data devices) The chronological order of the most important functions follows: WBS management, MEP module, automatic deduction and materials management (Layers) and Categories management available Compatible with Revit from 2018 to 2023 and MS Office (Excel® and Word®) starting from ver. 2007 up to the latest Office® 365 Management and computation also of the stratification of walls, roofs, floors and false ceilings Availability of 4 shared global parameters for "Each instance" of Architectural, Mep and structural entities, in detail they include: 1) "Cat. Building ”(viewable as“ Category ”in the calculation) and in schedules in Revit. 2) "Reference table code" (which can be used as desired and required in ArchVISION OFFICE for REVIT measurements) and in the schedules in Revit. 3) " SbCat . Reference Plane ”(viewable as“ SubCategory ”in Excel® and Word®) and in schedules in Revit. 4) " IdUnivoco " (it contains the ID of the instance of each entity and can be used at will and need in the measurements of ArchVISION OFFICE for REVIT) and in the schedules in Revit. 40 shared global parameters for “Each Type” include all the information of the EP entries associated with them. 5 shared global parameters for “Each Material” present in the project, include all the EP items associated with them. Compatible with workgroups in Worksharing, it works with centralized and shared Price Lists, Categories, Measurements and Calculations Management of 'Parts' of 'Groups', 'Masses' of 'Local Families' and 'Generic Models' is available. Function dedicated to remote assistance. Ability to include multiple variable parameters, numeric values, formulas and custom parameters in a single text box Complete management of the associated Extended, Short and Synthetic descriptions from the Drag & Drop of Excel® or Word® Text area dedicated to the three descriptions that can be optionally displayed in a larger dialog box. Insert the $IdEnt$ parameter at the end of the text by double clicking. Possibility in the presence of a stratification to be able to manage a measurement multiplication factor and customize the unit of measurement to be adopted Right mouse button interception with appearance of the 'Contextual menu of the Variables'. List of '80 SuperCategories', '13 Categories' and '31 SubCategories' proposed by default. Availability of 4 new material schedules for Walls, Floors, Roofs and Ceilings schedules containing the instance ID, material ID and all global parameters of this new version. Computed entities (partial list): • Individual 'parts' and 'layers' of Walls, Floors, Roofs, etc, (as a single instance) • Masses (instance) • Local households (instance) • Groups (instance) • Generic models (instance) • Topographic Surfaces and Platforms • Wall Extrusions and Grooves • Paints (Revit's paint command) • Structural reinforcement • Flexible ducts • Fixed furnishings • Electrical devices • Data, nurse call, communication and security devices • Fire alarm and lighting devices • Electrical and special equipment • Accessories for pipes ... and more ... |
23.2 - 20221018 |
Release 23.2 (Build 20221018) is compatible with Revit in Italian, English, Spanish, French and German and has an interface available in Italian, English, Spanish, French and German, includes important features and allows Drag & Drop from Excel® and Word®, includes the Quick Compute and the Revit FIND, detects the level of the structural entities, of the structural frames and of all the entities connected and located on the host (for example Data devices) The chronological order of the most important functions follows: WBS management, MEP module, automatic deduction and materials management (Layers) and Categories management available Compatible with Revit from 2018 to 2023 and MS Office (Excel® and Word®) starting from ver. 2007 up to the latest Office® 365 Management and computation also of the stratification of walls, roofs, floors and false ceilings Availability of 4 shared global parameters for "Each instance" of Architectural, Mep and structural entities, in detail they include: 1) "Cat. Building ”(viewable as“ Category ”in the calculation) and in schedules in Revit. 2) "Reference table code" (which can be used as desired and required in ArchVISION OFFICE for REVIT measurements) and in the schedules in Revit. 3) " SbCat . Reference Plane ”(viewable as“ SubCategory ”in Excel® and Word®) and in schedules in Revit. 4) " IdUnivoco " (it contains the ID of the instance of each entity and can be used at will and need in the measurements of ArchVISION OFFICE for REVIT) and in the schedules in Revit. 40 shared global parameters for “Each Type” include all the information of the EP entries associated with them. 5 shared global parameters for “Each Material” present in the project, include all the EP items associated with them. Compatible with workgroups in Worksharing, it works with centralized and shared Price Lists, Categories, Measurements and Calculations Management of 'Parts' of 'Groups', 'Masses' of 'Local Families' and 'Generic Models' is available. Function dedicated to remote assistance. Ability to include multiple variable parameters, numeric values, formulas and custom parameters in a single text box Complete management of the associated Extended, Short and Synthetic descriptions from the Drag & Drop of Excel® or Word® Text area dedicated to the three descriptions that can be optionally displayed in a larger dialog box. Insert the $IdEnt$ parameter at the end of the text by double clicking. Possibility in the presence of a stratification to be able to manage a measurement multiplication factor and customize the unit of measurement to be adopted Right mouse button interception with appearance of the 'Contextual menu of the Variables'. List of '80 SuperCategories', '13 Categories' and '31 SubCategories' proposed by default. Availability of 4 new material schedules for Walls, Floors, Roofs and Ceilings schedules containing the instance ID, material ID and all global parameters of this new version. Computed entities (partial list): • Individual 'parts' and 'layers' of Walls, Floors, Roofs, etc, (as a single instance) • Masses (instance) • Local households (instance) • Groups (instance) • Generic models (instance) • Topographic Surfaces and Platforms • Wall Extrusions and Grooves • Paints (Revit's paint command) • Structural reinforcement • Flexible ducts • Fixed furnishings • Electrical devices • Data, nurse call, communication and security devices • Fire alarm and lighting devices • Electrical and special equipment • Accessories for pipes ... and more ... |
23.2 - 20221014 |
Release 23.2 (Build 20221014) is compatible with Revit in Italian, English, Spanish, French and German and has an interface available in Italian, English, Spanish, French and German, includes important features and allows Drag & Drop from Excel® and Word®, includes the Quick Compute and the Revit FIND, detects the level of the structural entities, of the structural frames and of all the entities connected and located on the host (for example Data devices) The chronological order of the most important functions follows: WBS management, MEP module, automatic deduction and materials management (Layers) and Categories management available Compatible with Revit from 2018 to 2023 and MS Office (Excel® and Word®) starting from ver. 2007 up to the latest Office® 365 Management and computation also of the stratification of walls, roofs, floors and false ceilings Availability of 4 shared global parameters for "Each instance" of Architectural, Mep and structural entities, in detail they include: 1) "Cat. Building ”(viewable as“ Category ”in the calculation) and in schedules in Revit. 2) "Reference table code" (which can be used as desired and required in ArchVISION OFFICE for REVIT measurements) and in the schedules in Revit. 3) " SbCat . Reference Plane ”(viewable as“ SubCategory ”in Excel® and Word®) and in schedules in Revit. 4) " IdUnivoco " (it contains the ID of the instance of each entity and can be used at will and need in the measurements of ArchVISION OFFICE for REVIT) and in the schedules in Revit. 40 shared global parameters for “Each Type” include all the information of the EP entries associated with them. 5 shared global parameters for “Each Material” present in the project, include all the EP items associated with them. Compatible with workgroups in Worksharing, it works with centralized and shared Price Lists, Categories, Measurements and Calculations Management of 'Parts' of 'Groups', 'Masses' of 'Local Families' and 'Generic Models' is available. Function dedicated to remote assistance. Ability to include multiple variable parameters, numeric values, formulas and custom parameters in a single text box Complete management of the associated Extended, Short and Synthetic descriptions from the Drag & Drop of Excel® or Word® Text area dedicated to the three descriptions that can be optionally displayed in a larger dialog box. Insert the $IdEnt$ parameter at the end of the text by double clicking. Possibility in the presence of a stratification to be able to manage a measurement multiplication factor and customize the unit of measurement to be adopted Right mouse button interception with appearance of the 'Contextual menu of the Variables'. List of '80 SuperCategories', '13 Categories' and '31 SubCategories' proposed by default. Availability of 4 new material schedules for Walls, Floors, Roofs and Ceilings schedules containing the instance ID, material ID and all global parameters of this new version. Computed entities (partial list): • Individual 'parts' and 'layers' of Walls, Floors, Roofs, etc, (as a single instance) • Masses (instance) • Local households (instance) • Groups (instance) • Generic models (instance) • Topographic Surfaces and Platforms • Wall Extrusions and Grooves • Paints (Revit's paint command) • Structural reinforcement • Flexible ducts • Fixed furnishings • Electrical devices • Data, nurse call, communication and security devices • Fire alarm and lighting devices • Electrical and special equipment • Accessories for pipes ... and more ... |
23.1 - 20220426 |
Release 23.1 (Build 20220426) is compatible with Revit® in Italian, English, German and Spanish and has an interface available in Italian, English, Spanish, French and German, includes important features and allows Drag & Drop from Excel® and Word®, includes the Quick Compute and the Revit FIND, detects the level of the structural entities, of the structural frames and of all the entities connected and located on the host (for example Data devices) The chronological order of the most important functions follows: WBS management, MEP module, automatic deduction and materials management (Layers) and Categories management available Compatible with Revit® from 2018 to 2023 and MS Office (Excel® and Word®) starting from ver. 2007 up to the latest Office® 365 Management and computation also of the stratification of walls, roofs, floors and false ceilings Availability of 4 shared global parameters for "Each instance" of Architectural, Mep and structural entities, in detail they include: 1) "Cat. Building ”(viewable as“ Category ”in the calculation) and in schedules in Revit. 2) "Reference table code" (which can be used as desired and required in ArchVISION OFFICE for REVIT measurements) and in the schedules in Revit. 3) " SbCat . Reference Plane ”(viewable as“ SubCategory ”in Excel® and Word®) and in schedules in Revit. 4) " IdUnivoco " (it contains the ID of the instance of each entity and can be used at will and need in the measurements of ArchVISION OFFICE for REVIT) and in the schedules in Revit. 40 shared global parameters for “Each Type” include all the information of the EP entries associated with them. 5 shared global parameters for “Each Material” present in the project, include all the EP items associated with them. Compatible with workgroups in Worksharing, it works with centralized and shared Price Lists, Categories, Measurements and Calculations Management of 'Parts' of 'Groups', 'Masses' of 'Local Families' and 'Generic Models' is available. Function dedicated to remote assistance. Ability to include multiple variable parameters, numeric values, formulas and custom parameters in a single text box Complete management of the associated Extended, Short and Synthetic descriptions from the Drag & Drop of Excel® or Word® Text area dedicated to the three descriptions that can be optionally displayed in a larger dialog box. Insert the $IdEnt$ parameter at the end of the text by double clicking. Possibility in the presence of a stratification to be able to manage a measurement multiplication factor and customize the unit of measurement to be adopted Right mouse button interception with appearance of the 'Contextual menu of the Variables'. List of '80 SuperCategories', '13 Categories' and '31 SubCategories' proposed by default. Availability of 4 new material schedules for Walls, Floors, Roofs and Ceilings schedules containing the instance ID, material ID and all global parameters of this new version. Computed entities (partial list): • Individual 'parts' and 'layers' of Walls, Floors, Roofs, etc, (as a single instance) • Masses (instance) • Local households (instance) • Groups (instance) • Generic models (instance) • Topographic Surfaces and Platforms • Wall Extrusions and Grooves • Paints (Revit's paint command) • Structural reinforcement • Flexible ducts • Fixed furnishings • Electrical devices • Data, nurse call, communication and security devices • Fire alarm and lighting devices • Electrical and special equipment • Accessories for pipes ... and more ... |
22.0 - 20210906 |
Release 22.0 (Build 20210906) is compatible with Revit® in Italian, English and Spanish and has an interface available in Italian, English, Spanish, French and German, includes important features and allows Drag & Drop from Excel® and Word®, includes the Quick Compute and the Revit FIND, detects the level of the structural entities, of the structural frames and of all the entities connected and located on the host (for example Data devices) The chronological order of the most important functions follows: WBS management, MEP module, automatic deduction and materials management (Layers) and Categories management available Compatible with Revit® from 2018 to 2022 and MS Office (Excel® and Word®) starting from ver. 2007 up to the latest Office® 365 Management and computation also of the stratification of walls, roofs, floors and false ceilings Availability of 4 shared global parameters for "Each instance" of Architectural, Mep and structural entities, in detail they include: 1) "Cat. Building ”(viewable as“ Category ”in the calculation) and in schedules in Revit. 2) "Reference table code" (which can be used as desired and required in ArchVISION OFFICE for REVIT measurements) and in the schedules in Revit. 3) " SbCat . Reference Plane ”(viewable as“ SubCategory ”in Excel® and Word®) and in schedules in Revit. 4) " IdUnivoco " (it contains the ID of the instance of each entity and can be used at will and need in the measurements of ArchVISION OFFICE for REVIT) and in the schedules in Revit. 40 shared global parameters for “Each Type” include all the information of the EP entries associated with them. 5 shared global parameters for “Each Material” present in the project, include all the EP items associated with them. Compatible with workgroups in Worksharing, it works with centralized and shared Price Lists, Categories, Measurements and Calculations Management of 'Parts' of 'Groups', 'Masses' of 'Local Families' and 'Generic Models' is available. Function dedicated to remote assistance. Ability to include multiple variable parameters, numeric values, formulas and custom parameters in a single text box Complete management of the associated Extended, Short and Synthetic descriptions from the Drag & Drop of Excel® or Word® Text area dedicated to the three descriptions that can be optionally displayed in a larger dialog box. Insert the $IdEnt$ parameter at the end of the text by double clicking. Possibility in the presence of a stratification to be able to manage a measurement multiplication factor and customize the unit of measurement to be adopted Right mouse button interception with appearance of the 'Contextual menu of the Variables'. List of '80 SuperCategories', '13 Categories' and '31 SubCategories' proposed by default. Availability of 4 new material schedules for Walls, Floors, Roofs and Ceilings schedules containing the instance ID, material ID and all global parameters of this new version. Computed entities (partial list): • Individual 'parts' and 'layers' of Walls, Floors, Roofs, etc, (as a single instance) • Masses (instance) • Local households (instance) • Groups (instance) • Generic models (instance) • Topographic Surfaces and Platforms • Wall Extrusions and Grooves • Paints (Revit's paint command) • Structural reinforcement • Flexible ducts • Fixed furnishings • Electrical devices • Data, nurse call, communication and security devices • Fire alarm and lighting devices • Electrical and special equipment • Accessories for pipes ... and more ... |
22.0 - 20210705 |
Release 22.0 (Build 20210705) is compatible with Revit® in Italian, English and Spanish and has an interface available in Italian, English, Spanish, French and German, includes important features and allows Drag & Drop from Excel® and Word®, includes the Quick Compute and the Revit FIND, detects the level of the structural entities, of the structural frames and of all the entities connected and located on the host (for example Data devices) The chronological order of the most important functions follows: WBS management, MEP module, automatic deduction and materials management (Layers) and Categories management available Compatible with Revit® from 2018 to 2022 and MS Office (Excel® and Word®) starting from ver. 2007 up to the latest Office® 365 Management and computation also of the stratification of walls, roofs, floors and false ceilings Availability of 4 shared global parameters for "Each instance" of Architectural, Mep and structural entities, in detail they include: 1) "Cat. Building ”(viewable as“ Category ”in the calculation) and in schedules in Revit. 2) "Reference table code" (which can be used as desired and required in ArchVISION OFFICE for REVIT measurements) and in the schedules in Revit. 3) " SbCat . Reference Plane ”(viewable as“ SubCategory ”in Excel® and Word®) and in schedules in Revit. 4) " IdUnivoco " (it contains the ID of the instance of each entity and can be used at will and need in the measurements of ArchVISION OFFICE for REVIT) and in the schedules in Revit. 40 shared global parameters for “Each Type” include all the information of the EP entries associated with them. 5 shared global parameters for “Each Material” present in the project, include all the EP items associated with them. Compatible with workgroups in Worksharing, it works with centralized and shared Price Lists, Categories, Measurements and Calculations Management of 'Parts' of 'Groups', 'Masses' of 'Local Families' and 'Generic Models' is available. Function dedicated to remote assistance. Ability to include multiple variable parameters, numeric values, formulas and custom parameters in a single text box Complete management of the associated Extended, Short and Synthetic descriptions from the Drag & Drop of Excel® or Word® Text area dedicated to the three descriptions that can be optionally displayed in a larger dialog box. Insert the $IdEnt$ parameter at the end of the text by double clicking. Possibility in the presence of a stratification to be able to manage a measurement multiplication factor and customize the unit of measurement to be adopted Right mouse button interception with appearance of the 'Contextual menu of the Variables'. List of '80 SuperCategories', '13 Categories' and '31 SubCategories' proposed by default. Availability of 4 new material schedules for Walls, Floors, Roofs and Ceilings schedules containing the instance ID, material ID and all global parameters of this new version. Computed entities (partial list): • Individual 'parts' and 'layers' of Walls, Floors, Roofs, etc, (as a single instance) • Masses (instance) • Local households (instance) • Groups (instance) • Generic models (instance) • Topographic Surfaces and Platforms • Wall Extrusions and Grooves • Paints (Revit's paint command) • Structural reinforcement • Flexible ducts • Fixed furnishings • Electrical devices • Data, nurse call, communication and security devices • Fire alarm and lighting devices • Electrical and special equipment • Accessories for pipes ... and more ... |
22.0 - 20210616 |
Release 22.0 (Build 20210616) is compatible with Revit® in Italian, English and Spanish and has an interface available in Italian, English, Spanish, French and German, includes important features and allows Drag & Drop from Excel® and Word®, includes the Quick Compute and the Revit FIND, detects the level of the structural entities, of the structural frames and of all the entities connected and located on the host (for example Data devices) The chronological order of the most important functions follows: WBS management, MEP module, automatic deduction and materials management (Layers) and Categories management available Compatible with Revit® from 2018 to 2022 and MS Office (Excel® and Word®) starting from ver. 2007 up to the latest Office® 365 Management and computation also of the stratification of walls, roofs, floors and false ceilings Availability of 4 shared global parameters for "Each instance" of Architectural, Mep and structural entities, in detail they include: 1) "Cat. Building ”(viewable as“ Category ”in the calculation) and in schedules in Revit. 2) "Reference table code" (which can be used as desired and required in ArchVISION OFFICE for REVIT measurements) and in the schedules in Revit. 3) " SbCat . Reference Plane ”(viewable as“ SubCategory ”in Excel® and Word®) and in schedules in Revit. 4) " IdUnivoco " (it contains the ID of the instance of each entity and can be used at will and need in the measurements of ArchVISION OFFICE for REVIT) and in the schedules in Revit. 40 shared global parameters for “Each Type” include all the information of the EP entries associated with them. 5 shared global parameters for “Each Material” present in the project, include all the EP items associated with them. Compatible with workgroups in Worksharing, it works with centralized and shared Price Lists, Categories, Measurements and Calculations Management of 'Parts' of 'Groups', 'Masses' of 'Local Families' and 'Generic Models' is available. Function dedicated to remote assistance. Ability to include multiple variable parameters, numeric values, formulas and custom parameters in a single text box Complete management of the associated Extended, Short and Synthetic descriptions from the Drag & Drop of Excel® or Word® Text area dedicated to the three descriptions that can be optionally displayed in a larger dialog box. Insert the $IdEnt$ parameter at the end of the text by double clicking. Possibility in the presence of a stratification to be able to manage a measurement multiplication factor and customize the unit of measurement to be adopted Right mouse button interception with appearance of the 'Contextual menu of the Variables'. List of '80 SuperCategories', '13 Categories' and '31 SubCategories' proposed by default. Availability of 4 new material schedules for Walls, Floors, Roofs and Ceilings schedules containing the instance ID, material ID and all global parameters of this new version. Computed entities (partial list): • Individual 'parts' and 'layers' of Walls, Floors, Roofs, etc, (as a single instance) • Masses (instance) • Local households (instance) • Groups (instance) • Generic models (instance) • Topographic Surfaces and Platforms • Wall Extrusions and Grooves • Paints (Revit's paint command) • Structural reinforcement • Flexible ducts • Fixed furnishings • Electrical devices • Data, nurse call, communication and security devices • Fire alarm and lighting devices • Electrical and special equipment • Accessories for pipes ... and more ... |
22.0 - 20210406 |
Release 22.0 (Build 20210406) is compatible with Revit® in Italian, English and Spanish and has an interface available in Italian, English, Spanish, French and German, includes important features and allows Drag & Drop from Excel® and Word®, includes the Quick Compute and the Revit FIND, detects the level of the structural entities, of the structural frames and of all the entities connected and located on the host (for example Data devices) The chronological order of the most important functions follows: WBS management, MEP module, automatic deduction and materials management (Layers) and Categories management available Compatible with Revit® from 2018 to 2022 and MS Office (Excel® and Word®) starting from ver. 2007 up to the latest Office® 365 Management and computation also of the stratification of walls, roofs, floors and false ceilings Availability of 4 shared global parameters for "Each instance" of Architectural, Mep and structural entities, in detail they include: 1) "Cat. Building ”(viewable as“ Category ”in the calculation) and in schedules in Revit. 2) "Reference table code" (which can be used as desired and required in ArchVISION OFFICE for REVIT measurements) and in the schedules in Revit. 3) " SbCat . Reference Plane ”(viewable as“ SubCategory ”in Excel® and Word®) and in schedules in Revit. 4) " IdUnivoco " (it contains the ID of the instance of each entity and can be used at will and need in the measurements of ArchVISION OFFICE for REVIT) and in the schedules in Revit. 40 shared global parameters for “Each Type” include all the information of the EP entries associated with them. 5 shared global parameters for “Each Material” present in the project, include all the EP items associated with them. Compatible with workgroups in Worksharing, it works with centralized and shared Price Lists, Categories, Measurements and Calculations Management of 'Parts' of 'Groups', 'Masses' of 'Local Families' and 'Generic Models' is available. Function dedicated to remote assistance. Ability to include multiple variable parameters, numeric values, formulas and custom parameters in a single text box Complete management of the associated Extended, Short and Synthetic descriptions from the Drag & Drop of Excel® or Word® Text area dedicated to the three descriptions that can be optionally displayed in a larger dialog box. Insert the $IdEnt$ parameter at the end of the text by double clicking. Possibility in the presence of a stratification to be able to manage a measurement multiplication factor and customize the unit of measurement to be adopted Right mouse button interception with appearance of the 'Contextual menu of the Variables'. List of '80 SuperCategories', '13 Categories' and '31 SubCategories' proposed by default. Availability of 4 new material schedules for Walls, Floors, Roofs and Ceilings schedules containing the instance ID, material ID and all global parameters of this new version. Computed entities (partial list): • Individual 'parts' and 'layers' of Walls, Floors, Roofs, etc, (as a single instance) • Masses (instance) • Local households (instance) • Groups (instance) • Generic models (instance) • Topographic Surfaces and Platforms • Wall Extrusions and Grooves • Paints (Revit's paint command) • Structural reinforcement • Flexible ducts • Fixed furnishings • Electrical devices • Data, nurse call, communication and security devices • Fire alarm and lighting devices • Electrical and special equipment • Accessories for pipes ... and more ... |
21.0 - 20210315 |
Release 21.0 (Build 20210315) is compatible with Revit® in Italian, English and Spanish and has an interface available in Italian, English, Spanish, French and German, includes important features and allows Drag & Drop from Excel® and Word®, includes the Quick Compute and the Revit FIND, detects the level of the structural entities, of the structural frames and of all the entities connected and located on the host (for example Data devices) The chronological order of the most important functions follows: WBS management, MEP module, automatic deduction and materials management (Layers) and Categories management available Compatible with Revit® from 2017 to 2021 and MS Office (Excel® and Word®) starting from ver. 2007 up to the latest Office® 365 Management and computation also of the stratification of walls, roofs, floors and false ceilings Availability of 4 shared global parameters for "Each instance" of Architectural, Mep and structural entities, in detail they include: 1) "Cat. Building ”(viewable as“ Category ”in the calculation) and in schedules in Revit. 2) "Reference table code" (which can be used as desired and required in ArchVISION OFFICE for REVIT measurements) and in the schedules in Revit. 3) " SbCat . Reference Plane ”(viewable as“ SubCategory ”in Excel® and Word®) and in schedules in Revit. 4) " IdUnivoco " (it contains the ID of the instance of each entity and can be used at will and need in the measurements of ArchVISION OFFICE for REVIT) and in the schedules in Revit. 40 shared global parameters for “Each Type” include all the information of the EP entries associated with them. 5 shared global parameters for “Each Material” present in the project, include all the EP items associated with them. Compatible with workgroups in Worksharing, it works with centralized and shared Price Lists, Categories, Measurements and Calculations Management of 'Parts' of 'Groups', 'Masses' of 'Local Families' and 'Generic Models' is available. Function dedicated to remote assistance. Ability to include multiple variable parameters, numeric values, formulas and custom parameters in a single text box Complete management of the associated Extended, Short and Synthetic descriptions from the Drag & Drop of Excel® or Word® Text area dedicated to the three descriptions that can be optionally displayed in a larger dialog box. Insert the $IdEnt$ parameter at the end of the text by double clicking. Possibility in the presence of a stratification to be able to manage a measurement multiplication factor and customize the unit of measurement to be adopted Right mouse button interception with appearance of the 'Contextual menu of the Variables'. List of '80 SuperCategories', '13 Categories' and '31 SubCategories' proposed by default. Availability of 4 new material schedules for Walls, Floors, Roofs and Ceilings schedules containing the instance ID, material ID and all global parameters of this new version. Computed entities (partial list): • Individual 'parts' and 'layers' of Walls, Floors, Roofs, etc, (as a single instance) • Masses (instance) • Local households (instance) • Groups (instance) • Generic models (instance) • Topographic Surfaces and Platforms • Wall Extrusions and Grooves • Paints (Revit's paint command) • Structural reinforcement • Flexible ducts • Fixed furnishings • Electrical devices • Data, nurse call, communication and security devices • Fire alarm and lighting devices • Electrical and special equipment • Accessories for pipes ... and more ... |
21.0 - 20201024 |
Release 21.0 (Build 20201024) is compatible with Revit® in Italian, English and Spanish and has an interface available in Italian, English, Spanish, French and German, includes important features and allows Drag & Drop from Excel® and Word®, includes the Quick Compute and the Revit FIND, detects the level of the structural entities, of the structural frames and of all the entities connected and located on the host (for example Data devices) The chronological order of the most important functions follows: WBS management, MEP module, automatic deduction and materials management (Layers) and Categories management available Compatible with Revit® from 2017 to 2021 and MS Office (Excel® and Word®) starting from ver. 2007 up to the latest Office® 365 Management and computation also of the stratification of walls, roofs, floors and false ceilings Availability of 4 shared global parameters for "Each instance" of Architectural, Mep and structural entities, in detail they include: 1) "Cat. Building ”(viewable as“ Category ”in the calculation) and in schedules in Revit. 2) "Reference table code" (which can be used as desired and required in ArchVISION OFFICE for REVIT measurements) and in the schedules in Revit. 3) " SbCat . Reference Plane ”(viewable as“ SubCategory ”in Excel® and Word®) and in schedules in Revit. 4) " IdUnivoco " (it contains the ID of the instance of each entity and can be used at will and need in the measurements of ArchVISION OFFICE for REVIT) and in the schedules in Revit. 40 shared global parameters for “Each Type” include all the information of the EP entries associated with them. 5 shared global parameters for “Each Material” present in the project, include all the EP items associated with them. Compatible with workgroups in Worksharing, it works with centralized and shared Price Lists, Categories, Measurements and Calculations Management of 'Parts' of 'Groups', 'Masses' of 'Local Families' and 'Generic Models' is available. Function dedicated to remote assistance. Ability to include multiple variable parameters, numeric values, formulas and custom parameters in a single text box Complete management of the associated Extended, Short and Synthetic descriptions from the Drag & Drop of Excel® or Word® Text area dedicated to the three descriptions that can be optionally displayed in a larger dialog box. Insert the $IdEnt$ parameter at the end of the text by double clicking. Possibility in the presence of a stratification to be able to manage a measurement multiplication factor and customize the unit of measurement to be adopted Right mouse button interception with appearance of the 'Contextual menu of the Variables'. List of '80 SuperCategories', '13 Categories' and '31 SubCategories' proposed by default. Availability of 4 new material schedules for Walls, Floors, Roofs and Ceilings schedules containing the instance ID, material ID and all global parameters of this new version. Computed entities (partial list): • Individual 'parts' and 'layers' of Walls, Floors, Roofs, etc, (as a single instance) • Masses (instance) • Local households (instance) • Groups (instance) • Generic models (instance) • Topographic Surfaces and Platforms • Wall Extrusions and Grooves • Paints (Revit's paint command) • Structural reinforcement • Flexible ducts • Fixed furnishings • Electrical devices • Data, nurse call, communication and security devices • Fire alarm and lighting devices • Electrical and special equipment • Accessories for pipes ... and more ... |
21.0 - 20201014 |
Release 21.0 (Build 20201014) is compatible with Revit® in Italian, English and Spanish and has an interface available in Italian, English, Spanish, French and German, includes important features and allows Drag & Drop from Excel® and Word®, includes the Quick Compute and the Revit FIND, detects the level of the structural entities, of the structural frames and of all the entities connected and located on the host (for example Data devices) The chronological order of the most important functions follows: WBS management, MEP module, automatic deduction and materials management (Layers) and Categories management available Compatible with Revit® from 2017 to 2021 and MS Office (Excel® and Word®) starting from ver. 2007 up to the latest Office® 365 Management and computation also of the stratification of walls, roofs, floors and false ceilings Availability of 4 shared global parameters for "Each instance" of Architectural, Mep and structural entities, in detail they include: 1) "Cat. Building ”(viewable as“ Category ”in the calculation) and in schedules in Revit. 2) "Reference table code" (which can be used as desired and required in ArchVISION OFFICE for REVIT measurements) and in the schedules in Revit. 3) " SbCat . Reference Plane ”(viewable as“ SubCategory ”in Excel® and Word®) and in schedules in Revit. 4) " IdUnivoco " (it contains the ID of the instance of each entity and can be used at will and need in the measurements of ArchVISION OFFICE for REVIT) and in the schedules in Revit. 40 shared global parameters for “Each Type” include all the information of the EP entries associated with them. 5 shared global parameters for “Each Material” present in the project, include all the EP items associated with them. Compatible with workgroups in Worksharing, it works with centralized and shared Price Lists, Categories, Measurements and Calculations Management of 'Parts' of 'Groups', 'Masses' of 'Local Families' and 'Generic Models' is available. Function dedicated to remote assistance. Ability to include multiple variable parameters, numeric values, formulas and custom parameters in a single text box Complete management of the associated Extended, Short and Synthetic descriptions from the Drag & Drop of Excel® or Word® Text area dedicated to the three descriptions that can be optionally displayed in a larger dialog box. Insert the $IdEnt$ parameter at the end of the text by double clicking. Possibility in the presence of a stratification to be able to manage a measurement multiplication factor and customize the unit of measurement to be adopted Right mouse button interception with appearance of the 'Contextual menu of the Variables'. List of '80 SuperCategories', '13 Categories' and '31 SubCategories' proposed by default. Availability of 4 new material schedules for Walls, Floors, Roofs and Ceilings schedules containing the instance ID, material ID and all global parameters of this new version. Computed entities (partial list): • Individual 'parts' and 'layers' of Walls, Floors, Roofs, etc, (as a single instance) • Masses (instance) • Local households (instance) • Groups (instance) • Generic models (instance) • Topographic Surfaces and Platforms • Wall Extrusions and Grooves • Paints (Revit's paint command) • Structural reinforcement • Flexible ducts • Fixed furnishings • Electrical devices • Data, nurse call, communication and security devices • Fire alarm and lighting devices • Electrical and special equipment • Accessories for pipes ... and more ... |