CSI link
Win64, EnglishGeneral Usage Instructions
To export a Revit model to a CSI application (Safe or Etabs) the following steps must be taken :
Open the settings dialog and allow for Shared parameters to be installed.
From the "File" tab, enter a filename and choose the destination folder.
From the "Elements" tab select the elements which you would like to export.
From "Level" tab select the levels which you wish to export as stories (Etabs) or separate files (Safe)
From the “Section Mapping” tab select the CSI section name for each Revit Family listed in the table. Choose the right parameter from the dropdown menu for each section.
From the “Settings” tab adjust the general settings as required.
Select one of the export commands to export the Revit model to CSI Safe or CSI Etabs.
Run the installer with administrator privileges. The installer can detect the Revit installation folders and install the application files automatically. If you have multiple versions of Revit installed on your machine you can choose whichever version you would like to install the CSI Link add-on. In addition to the program files, the installer will also copy this document.
- Note: Revit application must be shut down during the installation. A reboot is not required.
Uninstall the add-on from a control panel.
Additional Information
Please verify the result in CSI Etabs or CSI Safe before analysis.
Known Issues
This version of CSI Link is tested for concrete structures. below items are yet under development:
- Deck properties to be extracted from the deck profile.
- The current version cannot export composite slabs and sections.
Author/Company Information
Support Information
Ask your questions, report your problems and find out more about CSI Link at CSI Link forum (new): https://www.parametriczoo.com/index.php/community/csi-link-forum/
For more information please visit our product page: https://www.parametriczoo.com/index.php/products/revit-plugins/csi-link/
Keep updated with posts and news: https://www.instagram.com/parametriczoo/
Version History
Version Number | Version Description |
0.4 |
Following features are added to CSI Link v 0.4 Slab direction in Revit is exported to CSI Application as the rotation of the local axis New options are provided to align analytical elements to model grids Trapezoid walls in elevation are exported with correct geometry. Report dialog offers options to filter error & warnings Exclude/Include grids and analytical floors from design strip generation. The new version contains the following improvements A continuous meshing is achieved in walls crossing multiples stories Radial grids are sorted in the right order Following bugs are fixed: Error in finding spandrel panels Error in design strip generation Error in exporting in invalid analytical surfaces Error in finding the level of the element The model size is limited to 100 nodes. |
0.3 |
Various bugs reported from the previous release were fixed. Exports bracings. Slabs with free form edges are being exported as polygons approximating the original curve. Wall openings are now exported by subdividing the shell element (ETABS only) Pier and Spandrel labels are exported to ETABS Beam/Bracing and Column end-releases are exported to ETABS and SAFE Export Revit boundary conditions Export springs If boundary conditions are not available in the Revit model, CSI Link can generate fixed boundary conditions automatically. Ability to adjust the column location to align with closest slab edges. Model size is limited to 100 nodes. |
2.0.0 |
In this version, various bugs are fixed, Revit 2019 compatibility is obtained and split beam function is added. Important note: Only analytical models which generated less than 200 points can be exported using CSI Link. To export larger models please use CSI Link Plus. |
1.0.0 |
Initial release |