The Family Exporter 2022
Win64, EnglishGeneral Usage Instructions
Set Export Path:
The Tool will only allow export when a valid export path is set. The export path button will open the Windows select folder dialogue. Select or create a suitable content folder. Your selection is stored in memory between sessions.
Select Categories:
Use the Category List check boxes to filter Family List contents. Initially all families are visible in the Family List. Your selection is stored in memory between sessions. Use Collapse button to increase Family List readability.
Filter Family List:
When necessary, you could filter the Family List to further shorten the list.
Check Family List Check Boxes:
Use the list header checkbox to select all entries in list or check/un-check individual list entries.
If a valid export path is set the Export Button should light up allowing you to continue the export operation.
You could drag column headers to increase column readability.
Click Export Button.
Export operation starts. If a selected list entry already exists in export location, a warning popup is displayed. You could choose to overwrite individual files, all files, not to overwrite or to cancel the export operation. If you choose to overwrite all the Overwrite All checkbox in the information area is checked as well.
Right Click Export Path Label:
This will open Windows Explore in the export path location.
Verify the export:
It is always good practice to check that the export was performed as expected. All exported entries should get green checkbox background. You could also note the export date and time for randomly selected entries as indicated in the information label.
The installer that ran when you downloaded this app/plug-in from Autodesk App Store will start installing the app/plug-in. OR, simply double-click the downloaded installer to install the app/plugin.
You may need to restart the Autodesk product to activate the app/plug-in.
To uninstall this plug-in, exit the Autodesk product if you are currently running it, simply rerun the installer, and select the "Uninstall" button. OR, click Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features (Windows 7/8.1/10) and uninstall as you would any other application from your system.
Additional Information
Known Issues
This application user interface utilizes the Windows WPF dockable panel. At present this application can only be initialized either at the Revit Startup or In Zero Document state. If the Revit is active in a Non-Zero Document State (a document is open) when installing this application, you must either close all documents or restart the Revit before the application dockable panel can be opened.
Author/Company Information
Support Information
Use SjodenByggDesignAB@telia.com for support, error reports, comments and suggestions.
Version History
Version Number | Version Description |
2022.21.07.31 |
New version for Revit 2022 |