EIN / AUS CAD-Zeichnungen

EIN / AUS CAD-Zeichnungen

Autodesk Certified application, which demonstrates the highest level of quality, compatibility, and integration with your Autodesk product. Find out more here.



Diese App ist hilfreich bei der Erstellung von 3D-Zeichnungen aus importierten 2D-Zeichnungen in Autodesk® Revit®. Es ermöglicht Ihnen, die importierten CAD-Zeichnungen ein- / auszuschalten. Es ist einfach zu EIN / AUS, da alle Zeichnungen in der Multifunktionsleiste aufgelistet werden.

About This Version

Version 1.0.1, 1/10/2019
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  • Very Usefull
    CHRISTOPHE LEGRAND | September 27, 2019 Verified Download (What's this?)

    Just try, and it seems it will be helpull for my project.

    2 questions :

    • What's happene about ribbon when you have lot of DWG (more that 15 for example) ?
    • Is it possible to uninstall "Import Install" when we stop to work with DWG ?

    Parthiban Senthamaraikannan (Publisher) | December 05, 2019

    Christophe Legrand; thanks for comment. Answers to your questions ; both questions can doable like, 1.more than 15 dwg connected we can create a drop down based on customer grouping. 2.YES it's possible to uninstall the ribbon. I am in on site now; Above 2 Customization will take a some time to incorporate with this free Tool. You need any urgent requirement please write a mail. If you need any more Customization please call or WhatsApp me +91 9994958274. You can reach me in email I'd Interactiveparthiban@icloud.com

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