Cesium ion for Autodesk® Revit®

Digitally signed app
Cesium ion is an online platform for tiling, optimizing, and hosting 3D data. Built on modern cloud architecture, the application efficiently streams large datasets into web applications like CesiumJS, making it possible to share interactive 3D data across any device with minimal effort.
By enabling powerful 3D visualization on mobile, desktop, and other platforms, Cesium ion helps users work with high-quality geospatial data in real-time without requiring a full download of the dataset.
Cesium ion for Autodesk® Revit® extends this functionality by providing Revit users a seamless way to export and publish their designs as 3D Tiles directly to Cesium ion, these tiles can then be streamed into CesiumJS and other applications for real-time visualization and analysis.
Leveraging Cesium ion and the 3D Tiles format, even massive, multi-gigabyte Revit models can be viewed on any device, anywhere, without long load times.
This add-in enables Revit designers to bring their models into an interactive 3D environment, giving them options to enhance their designs with geospatial context, real-world locations, and additional data overlays, fostering an immersive experience for all stakeholders.
To get started with Cesium ion, create a free community account at https://cesium.com/. Once you have the add-in installed, you’ll be able to publish models in just a few easy steps.
For Cesium clients, we recommend using Cesium for Unreal v2.11.0 or later, Cesium for Unity v1.14.0 or later, and CesiumJS v1.124.0 or later.
it's very crazy,o my god,perfact engine for revit
this system good, wo de jj da
yes, agree