Magic Views
Magic Views consists of 3 different tools:
Magic Section
The easiest and fastest way to create and show a Section View on screen
- Works in any plan view, even if sections are hidden
- Pick the section start point, end point, and depth (far clip offset) directly on screen
- Magic Section will generate a new section and directly show it on screen
- The next time you run the add-in, Magic Section will reuse and move the same section that was originally generated
- You will never have trouble again with new views being generated with a very large default depth, and taking forever to load
Magic 3D Box
The easiest and fastest way to create and show a 3D Section Box on screen
- Works in any plan view, section view, or elevation view
- Pick on the active view the rectangular box you want for your 3D view
- Magic 3D Box will automatically show the resulting 3D section box on screen
- The next time you run the add-in, Magic 3D Box will reuse and move the same 3D view that was originally generated
- Unlike the native "Selection box" command, you don't need to select elements prior to running the addin. Pangolin Magic 3D Box works well when working with linked models
Hotkey to View
Quickly jump to particular views you have previously set up.
- When working on a project, you usually have a set of views that you use repeatedly
- Hotkey to View lets you define 10 different hotkeys to jump to your most relevant views in a single click
100% free.
Compatible with Autodesk® Revit® 2020 to 2024.
Fantastic app, recommended to everyone. It provides an efficient tool that can be moved and/or recreated where needed without cluttering the design with unnecessary work sections that would need to be cleaned up and checked... Looking forward to the 2025 version.
I’m really looking forward to its release for Revit 2025. Every time I have to use 2025, I’m reminded of how things were before I downloaded this. I've already recommended it to many others.
What I’d like to see added is a different color option when using "dark mode" or the ability to customize the color of the sections I draw. The hotkey feature is absolutely brilliant and saves me from repetitive tasks.
This is without a doubt a 5 out of 5.
Thank you!
Create plugin-in! Huge part of my workflow!! When will we be getting 2025 version?
Thank you! Fantastic tools.
Any chance we can have Revit 2025 version?
Very good app
Two ideas for improving the app:
1) to add a posibility to draw Magisc section with shift key pressed (just like by drawing a line ). That is in Ortho mode. I often accidentally draw the section not straight.
2)add one more independent magic section shortcut. Then he user could have on he other monitor 2 separate temporary Magic sections which he would run with separate commands.
Otherwise one is always overwriten.
3) Im constantly getting an error when drawing a line in an Pangolin Section - "Cant draw because Work is at a very sharp angle" - please fix that.
revit 2025?
I used this Tool a lot. It is useful for editing and checking shapes.
I have now switched to Revit 2024. Not having this Tool makes my job more difficult.
I tried editing the content In the Add-ins folder. Luckily it worked. I will describe the steps again:
folder Path: C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\ApplicationPlugins\pglMagicViews.bundle
-Edit File-"PackageContents": Copy "</Components> ....AppDescription="Magic Views" />". Edit Revit version in it.
-In "Contents Folder": Copy Folder 2023, then create folder 2024.
worked in revit 2025! thanks
very advantageous solution. thanks
Any chance we can have Revit 2024 version?
this is the best plugin I can tell. It would be amazing if I could use this in 2024 as well.
Thank you
Thank you! Fantastic tools.
Any chance we can have Revit 2023 version?
it's wonderful app, but some error occur in Magic section, it can't catch view's location. it cut slightly wrong place and appear in crop view is wrong. how can I fix this error?
I reinstall it already,, but didn't work
Great Tool.
Thanks for making it free
Thanks for a great tool.
So powerful to be able to change views with a simple keyboard shortcut!