Keynote Reporter

Digitally signed app



This app will generate a report of all keynotes in your Autodesk® Revit® model, with information about the user, material, and element keynotes and which keynotes are orphaned.

Sample output:

View Type, View Name, Keynote Element ID, Key Source, Keynote Text, Key Value, Is Orphaned

FloorPlan,Level 1,216657,User,Procurement and Contracting Requirements,Division 00,False

FloorPlan,Level 1,216717,Element,Equipment,Division 11,False

FloorPlan,Level 1,216731,Material,Procurement and Contracting Requirements,Division 00,False

FloorPlan,Level 3,216737,Material,,,True

FloorPlan,Level 1,216749,User,Procurement and Contracting Requirements,Division 00,False

FloorPlan,Level 1,216789,User,Procurement and Contracting Requirements,Division 00,False

FloorPlan,Level 1,216831,User,Procurement and Contracting Requirements,Division 00,False

FloorPlan,Level 1,216868,User,Procurement and Contracting Requirements,Division 00,False

FloorPlan,Level 5,216927,User,Procurement and Contracting Requirements,Division 00,False

FloorPlan,Level 5,216929,User,Procurement and Contracting Requirements,Division 00,False

FloorPlan,Level 5,216930,User,Procurement and Contracting Requirements,Division 00,False

Active view = FloorPlan - Level 1

User Keynotes in active view: 216657;216749;216789;216831;216868;

Element Keynotes in active view: 216717;

Material Keynotes in active view: 216731;


Verzió 2.0.0, 2019. 01. 28.
Support Autodesk® Revit® 2019

Képernyőfelvételek és videók


2 értékelés
Műszaki segítségnyújtás
  • Revit 2021?
    Diego Alves De Oliviera | október 07, 2020

    B noite, serve para Revit 2021?


    Harry Mattison (Közzétevő) | október 07, 2020

    Hi - I've submitted the 2021 version to Autodesk to update the app store. In the meantime you can download it at

  • 2016 & 2017?
    Jason Quarry | június 07, 2016

    Are you releasing this for 2016 and 2017 Revit?

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