ProSheets - Batch export to PDF, DWG, IFC, etc.

ProSheets - Batch export to PDF, DWG, IFC, etc.

Digitally signed app



ProSheets is a plugin for Autodesk® Revit® that allows users to bulk export views/sheets to PDF, DWG, DGN, DWF, NWC, IFC, and IMG (e.g., JPEG, PNG, TIFF, etc).

Main features:

  • batch export Views and Sheets to PDF, DWG, DGN, DWF, NWC, IFC, and Images (JPEG, PNG, TIFF, etc).
  • Auto-detection of the paper size
  • Auto-detection of the paper orientation
  • Auto-generation of custom paper sizes
  • Advanced naming rules (using sheet parameters, project information parameters, custom fields, etc.) - E.g., <sheetName>-<SheetNumber>.pdf
  • Ability to store your favorite settings in a profile.


This is a free version of ProSheets. Get more features with ProSheets Premium.

This add-in will automatically install the PDF24 and a custom 'diroots.prosheets' virtual printer. Uninstalling them will make ProSheets stop working.

Do you need a Custom Revit Plugin? Get in touch!


Note: This app uses a custom installer (and not the standard App Store installer).

Próbaverzió leírása

Freemium Application.

Some features are exclusive to premium users. 

Full Comparison Table.


Verzió 2.0.1, 2025. 01. 07.
# Enhancements - Save "Export Rules" in profile settings - Added option to "Retry failed publishes" - Added support for IFC4x3 and IFC-SG # Bug Fixes - Paper Sizes not mapped correctly - General bug fixes

Képernyőfelvételek és videók


149 értékelés
Műszaki segítségnyújtás
  • Confusion with the last version
    Marcelo Azuma | november 25, 2024 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    in the website says that's Fremium, here it's trial. If you press the Diroots button and try to register appears an error box, and if you press cancel the file closes without save the file, so i lost what i've done... why?

  • Good but paid
    marcelo augusto de moraes lima | november 25, 2024 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    good but not free, after 30 days it forces you to pay an absurd amount for what it does

    John Lagos | február 14, 2025

    Given that it’s been free for over 7 years, continuously adding value through new features and improvements, it has likely saved millions of hours of work during that time. I believe it's entirely reasonable for them to start charging and make a living from their hard work. Honestly, I’m surprised Autodesk hasn’t acquired them and started charging three or four times what they’re asking now. Just a thought, but your comment seems off for "someone" who has benefited from their tools, especially considering you may not have contributed much to their success. Their pricing is totally justified based on the immense value they provide.

  • No longer free
    Davide Perottoni | november 19, 2024 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    Wonderful tool but no longer free. Why is it still listed as such?

  • Thank you!
    Son Lam Hoang | szeptember 18, 2024 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    I appreciate your contribution to the Revit community. From VietNam with Loves.

  • is it nit possible to install it on windows 10?
    동규 김 | szeptember 13, 2024 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    cant install

  • Great tool
    peter keys | augusztus 08, 2024

    Now use this in my workflow coonstantly. Its very nice that it can produce different formats in the one go. I would prefer to use schedules instead of viewsets for sheet selection as it allows for an automated addition but that is a minor detail.

  • Melhor addin de exportação de ficheiros DWG, PDF, DWF
    André Ferraz | augusztus 01, 2024 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    Parabéns pela aplicação, facilita muito a vida.

    É pena que vá deixar de ser free, provavelemnte vou deixar de usar.


  • A great app but has problem with fonts
    Aleksei Sljusarev | július 12, 2024 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    The app is working fine, but there is a problem with fonts. All fonts are replaced with Arial with a default width setting. I couldn't find any solution for the problem.

  • Cool Revit Plug-ins
    Argent Security | július 11, 2024 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    Cool App. Thanks Guys! When 2025 compatible available?

  • version 2025
    Jaroslav Šugár | május 31, 2024 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    Very good app, but missing version 2025revit. are you prepare it ?

  • 100% recomended
    Hugo Letona | április 18, 2024 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    This app truly understands the need for a quick and easy exportation system. It even lets you choose the sheet paramenters you want to easely name every sheet, as well as exporting in multiple formats at once. 

    Lucas Dias | április 17, 2024 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    When trying to create PDFs, my Prosheets is giving the following error: Click 'Clean' to clean it. If it doesn't work, restart your computer and try again. (sometimes the Windows print services get stuck, and restart is enough to bring them back).

    I have already restarted the computer and still the error continues to appear, and not just in one project, in all projects it is showing this error.

    Plácido Neto | november 14, 2024

    I'm having the same problem. What can I do to solve it?

  • The Best Plugin Ever!!
    Aislaine Oliveira Miranda | március 15, 2024 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    My life is so much easier, my heart is melted. I recommend it to everyone i know.
    It's easy, fast and make me happy.

    Get it, you won't regret!

  • One of the Best All Around Apps
    Bryan Zapf | március 07, 2024

    Great app - lots of time savers and excellent support!  A must in your office!  Love the transfer of family parameters, printing to pdf, way it organizes your sheets, and many other features.  A+++++++++

  • BIM Coordinator
    Sam Safinia | január 28, 2024

    Very Useful without any bugs

  • Custom Filename
    Michele Bonanno | december 26, 2023

    Very useful addin. A must for every Revit user. Can I suggest to have a Save option for custom Filename? because everytime I use this, I need to select again the shared parameters that I want. I will be useful if user can save their own filename preference.


  • Everything is great
    Stop Kran | december 21, 2023

    Oops, I found an additional button where you can move the numbering, the previous review is irrelevant

  • Everything is great, but small issue
    Сергей Дьяченко | december 21, 2023 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    Everything is great, but the numbering when exporting PDF is 1,10-19,2,20-29,3 because in the code 11 is perceived as 1 and then 1, which comes before 2, although clearly 2 should come before 11)))

  • Very Useful
    Bharat Agrawal | október 30, 2023 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    Graet app . I wish if I can export multiple  PDF views in a single file. 

    Also when are u publishing it for 2025 version? 

  • exportacion excel
    Patricio Grabowski-SMG | október 11, 2023

    en la planilla excel que exporto no me deja sumar valores, como lo puedo solucionar ? 


  • Must have app
    Anish Naicker | október 02, 2023 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    Very useful for batch plotting.

  • Awesome !
    Daniel SELLAM-KAZOULA | szeptember 04, 2023 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    A must have, even since Revit have an integrated pdf exporter.

  • Great
    Jihad Sakr | augusztus 16, 2023 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)


  • Must to have stuff
    Jihad Sakr | augusztus 16, 2023 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    Highly recommended!

  • Can't Work Without It!
    Joe Dailey | július 13, 2023 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    This tool works awesome across the board. And the support team is stellar as well. This is great for batch exporting anything in bulk and is way easier to use than the standard revit bulking. I would recommend this to anyone using revit.

  • Vey useful for everyday work
    Javier Menchero | június 30, 2023

    Great, easy to use plug in that makes life in Revit much easier. They also have great online support.

  • Excellent functionality and ongoing support.
    Paul Bull | június 05, 2023 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    I  have been using this Add-in for a few years and have introduced it to our office. It has excellent functionality and ongoing support. It is in my essential downloads for every new version of Revit. Well done DiRoots.

  • Excelente! Muito funcional!
    Cassio Oliveira | június 01, 2023 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    Alguma previsão para o Revit 2024??

  • The parameter-based printing tool that fixes the limitations of the native tool
    Andrew Eaton | május 11, 2023 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    Simple to use, and effective parameter based printing tool and its free! Amazing speedy response on support.

    Keep up the great work DiRoots team!

  • Best app
    Milan Durkaj | április 21, 2023 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    The best app for bulk creation of drawings and export to *.dwg
    Definitely the fastest conversion, incomparable speed, clarity. Simply the best app.

    Valentin Baumberger | április 17, 2023 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    Hey Guy, Im using your ProSheet add on for now quite some time and it absolutely awesome. :-) Couldnt think working without it. 

    Can you please advise when you update to the 2024 version?


  • Good, but one serious omission
    Damian Bree | április 14, 2023 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)


    Like most people, you get a new app and then try it out.


    With ProSheets, I played with this until I felt comfortable. I created several drawing 'sets', and later realised some have duplicate or wrong drawings in them. Easy, just remove a drawing from a set and your good-to-go. Nope. not possible to remove a drawing from a set, it's a one-way trip.


    OK then, delete the set and re-built it with the correct drawings. Nope, again. Cannot delete a set.




    I even tried uninstalling ProSheets and clearing out the folders on my system, but the set data is still somewhere and comes back.


    So now I have several sets of drawings messing up my ProSheets.




    I asked for a ‘remove’ option last Nov 2022, but still no signs.




    Otherwise an excellent App.


  • Hello! I got this error, how can I fix it?
    tien nguyen huy | április 14, 2023 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    PYP PROYECTOS | május 03, 2023

    Necesito ayuda con el mismo error!

  • update
    Jurie Swart | április 13, 2023 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    Please update for Revit 2024

  • Custom Export Files Name Format
    Wei xx | április 12, 2023 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)




    In the final export stage, you can customize the format of the exported file name. For example, the file name consists of [drawing number] - [drawing name], and the hyphen can determine whether there is one

  • Essential plugin
    Matthias Coquereau | március 19, 2023 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    A must-have for anyone working on large projects.

    Gets you to be able to do print/export in a fast, convenient and reliable way, as should be expected from Revit (a basic and regular task in the real world of architecture, which Autodesk doesn't seem to understand (among other things)).

    Quick support when needed.

    While hoping Autodesk would implement this VERY soon, I'd be sad for you guys if you didn't get a piece of the pie if they ever do. You did such a great job so far!

    Best wishes

  • Essential tool
    David Liang | február 21, 2023

    Replace the previous add-in for plotting with this free one and the result is amazing. I am very happy with the selection of sheets/views, flexibility for naming and availability of various formats. Also, fewer (almost no) error reports when plotting compared to the former.

  • My Preferred Plotting Tool
    Eric Blackburn | február 03, 2023

    This is light-years better than the OOTB plotting options with custom file naming, single and batch plotting. Easy to use and always great results.

  • Awesome, but having trouble with DWG
    Nemanja Ilic | december 13, 2022 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    Exporting PDFs has never been easier, but i am having "Failed. Something went wrong, please check or print it manually" message every time i try to print DWG.Same as all my colleagues. 
    What could be the issue?

  • Great
    Mark Schipper | október 20, 2022 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    Excellent plugin! The custom filename feature is great, but..

    I was wondering if it's also possible to add in 'space' between the seperators? So instead of 1922-E-0-1st Floor it becomes 1922 - E-0 - 1st Floor.

    Benjamin Quick | január 10, 2024

    Did you ever come up with a solution for this? Having the same issue now.

    Mark Schipper | január 13, 2024

    Nope, didn't find a solution yet..

  • essential app
    Jean-Philippe Perriolat | október 14, 2022 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    may be the msot useful app ever used!!!

  • Great and free!
    Scott Smith | július 28, 2022 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    Hands down the best pugin in the App Store. A huge time saver and easy to use. I throughly recommend.

  • great
    Fajar Assidik | július 18, 2022 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    great usefull

  • Good but slow
    Henry Huijbers | július 14, 2022 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    It does what it has to do.

    It's just extremely slow tho.

    More than two sheets takes hours and hours.

    I have to stop halfway, because its the end of the work day.

  • Most necessary plugin ever !
    Fab H | július 04, 2022 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    We can't do without when we've tested

  • Great free add-in
    Piotr Spyra | június 29, 2022

    It changed my life so all I can do is just recommend it for every single Revit user. DiRoots Team - you did great job and I admire that's free to use. 

  • TOP
    Renato Costa | június 09, 2022 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    Obrigatório instalar... Melhor aplicativo...

  • very good app
    Thijs Lugt, Van Der | május 25, 2022

    very good app! Thx!

    Joao Teixeira (Közzétevő) | május 30, 2022

    Thank you very much for the 5 stars review Thijs Lugt! 🙂

  • 2022 version
    Philip Manolas | május 14, 2022 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    Overall amazing app.

    It would be nice to drop pdf24 driver which is causing some poroblems on pdf export and use the 2022 Revit built in exporter instead. 



    Joao Teixeira (Közzétevő) | május 26, 2022

    Thank you very much for the 5 stars review 🙂 At some point, we'll drop PDF24, stay tuned!

  • Revit to NWC with custom filename | ProSheets Revit Plugin
    Angelo Pardo | április 26, 2022 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    5 out 5, thanks for the assistance below. I got what I really need.  Such a big help diRoots.

    Frank Pepping | május 13, 2022

    In the View selection tab you can specify a custom name. - click the pencil icon on the richt column. -select view name -tranfer it to the richt side of the panel. - click OK - on export the view name is mandatory as the file name

    Joao Teixeira (Közzétevő) | május 26, 2022

    Angelo, as Frank mentioned, you can set a custom filename. Please check this tutorial and consider changing your rating:

  • very useful
    M. Sh | április 08, 2022 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    thank you very much

    please provide 2023 version

    Frank Pepping | május 13, 2022

    2023 support available via in app update. version 1.2.11 supports 2023

    Joao Teixeira (Közzétevő) | május 26, 2022

    Thank you very much for the 5 stars review 🙂 Happy yo inform you that it already supports Revit 2023!

  • A massive Time-Saver!
    Joaquin M | március 31, 2022

    A really great plugin. I love what you guys are doing. Is there a plan to leverage Revit's built-in PDF exporter instead of the PDF24 printer?

    Joao Teixeira (Közzétevő) | május 26, 2022

    Thank you very much for the 5 stars review 🙂

  • Top programma
    L. Schenk | március 31, 2022 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    Op een gemakkelijke manier sheets afdrukken, maar ook Autocad DWG's IFC of Navisworks bestanden maken van views.

    Joao Teixeira (Közzétevő) | május 26, 2022

    Thank you very much for the 5 stars review 🙂

  • Border Line get crop out
    Niall O'Connor | március 28, 2022 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)


    Great app but I was wondering why my border line get crop out if I scale it at 100% and center. On PDF creater, I have the same set-up as prosheet and it doesn't get crop out. Hope you can help me out

    Thank you

    Niall O'Connor | április 01, 2022

    Got it to work Thanks! in the export rules, it wouldn't allowed me to access to the server to place the PDF. Any reason why?

    Joao Teixeira (Közzétevő) | május 26, 2022

    Thank you very much for the 4 stars review 🙂 You can contact the support for additional queries (

  • best
    Cansu Balku | március 25, 2022 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    the best

    Joao Teixeira (Közzétevő) | május 26, 2022

    Thank you very much for the 5 stars review 🙂

  • What a timesaver!
    Bas van 't Ende | március 18, 2022

    Great and easy tool! Saves a lot of time and frustration!


    Joao Teixeira (Közzétevő) | május 26, 2022

    Thank you very much for the 5 stars review 🙂

  • Very useful program for printing
    Dmitriy Kuznecov | március 14, 2022 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    I highly recomend this free add-in for revit due to its opportunities to help you to print documents from revit to pdf, dwg and other formats. Easy understanding menu and very good support will help you to improve your job.

    Joao Teixeira (Közzétevő) | május 26, 2022

    Thank you very much for the 5 stars review 🙂

  • excelente!!
    Dennys Cunha | március 09, 2022 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    muito útil e prático

    Joao Teixeira (Közzétevő) | május 26, 2022

    Thank you very much for the 5 stars review 🙂

  • Great Plugin - Awesome and Fast Support
    Botond Kende Gazda | március 03, 2022 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    Incredibly useful app, speeds up the boring sheet management. Awesome support both in reaction time and professionality. 


    Joao Teixeira (Közzétevő) | május 26, 2022

    Thank you very much for the 5 stars review 🙂

  • Unable to export PDF
    bim4 S4 | február 15, 2022 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    This is a very useful app, but I am facing some issues in printing the pdf. In the first 3-4 exports it worked properly. After that it showing in the app that sheets are generated but when we go to the specified location, it shows empty folder.


    Joao Teixeira (Közzétevő) | február 16, 2022

    bim4 S4, thank you for sharing your feedback! This is usually a very simple issue to fix, it may be related to a missing configuration or failure on the printer. That said, whenever you face an issue you can contact us via the adequate support channel ( We'll help you in the next 24h (on average).

  • Best Plugin on the Autodesk portal
    Ben Saunders | február 03, 2022 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    Amazing plugins from people that understand Revit user needs.

    Joao Teixeira (Közzétevő) | február 15, 2022

    Ben, thank you very much for the 5 stars review 🙂

  • Incredibly user friendly
    Hans Heiselberg | február 01, 2022 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    Great plugin,, should be part of revit base program.

    I have donated to you, I think that's the elast to do.

    Joao Teixeira (Közzétevő) | február 15, 2022

    Hans, thank you very much for the 5 stars review 🙂

  • Best free Plugin for fast Sheet Export
    Jeremias Übleis | február 01, 2022 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    And of course for automatic Filename Generation!

    Joao Teixeira (Közzétevő) | február 15, 2022

    Jeremias, thank you very much for the 5 stars review 🙂

  • Very usefull
    Outline Arquitetura | január 27, 2022

    Simple and usefull! 

    Joao Teixeira (Közzétevő) | február 15, 2022

    Outline, thank you very much for the 5 stars review 🙂

  • RIP Xrev
    Gavin Crump | január 21, 2022 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    The title says it all. It is only a matter of time before the paid versions of these functions lose their customer base, better start innovating!

    Joao Teixeira (Közzétevő) | február 15, 2022

    Gavin, thank you very much for the 5 stars review 🙂

  • Cost efficient exports and printing
    Bram De Jong | január 20, 2022 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    This app changed the way we export files to IFC, DWG, and printing to PDF (bulk publish with multiple  sheet sizes at once). 

    It4s fast, time efficient, and really a must have for Revit users in my opinion. 

    I really like this add-in, thanks to the team.

    Joao Teixeira (Közzétevő) | február 15, 2022

    Bram, thank you very much for the 5 stars review 🙂

  • Excelente
    Roberto Emilio Juárez Luna | január 13, 2022 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    excelente app!!

    Joao Teixeira (Közzétevő) | február 15, 2022

    Roberto, thank you very much for the 5 stars review 🙂

  • The Best
    Andrea Nicosia Vinci | január 10, 2022

    • it's fast, it doesn't cost much time on the daily Revit opening as per some other plugins. 
    • Perfect for pdf export with custom names based on combined parameters or simple entries.
    • I had an issue with the virtual printer ProSheets uses for pdf export. They replied after 2 hours with the solution. This is a stunning help desk performance. 

    Joao Teixeira (Közzétevő) | február 15, 2022

    Andrea, thank you very much for the 5 stars review 🙂

  • Excellent
    Iain Savage | december 20, 2021 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    Adds the functionality which should have always been part of Revit in the first place.

    Joao Teixeira (Közzétevő) | február 15, 2022

    Iain, thank you very much for the 5 stars review 🙂

  • prosheets
    Marwa Ali | november 21, 2021

    very useful and has all the features I looking for

    Joao Teixeira (Közzétevő) | november 30, 2021

    Marwa, thank you very much for the 5 stars review 🙂

  • Easy to install, Easy to use
    Gabriel Shebesta | november 18, 2021 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    I've been a drafter for over ten years now. New to Revit. This add on is a huge time saver to plot a set of our own, or out of a client's model.

    When I emailed DiRoots about a question they replied that day.

    Joao Teixeira (Közzétevő) | november 30, 2021

    Gabriel, thank you very much for the 5 stars review 🙂

  • Clean and fast
    Adam Galea | november 15, 2021

    just what I needed 


    so much faster than using the exporter in revit 




    Joao Teixeira (Közzétevő) | november 30, 2021

    Adam, thank you very much for the 5 stars review 🙂

  • perfect Addon and support!
    Seyed Ataollah Safizadeh | november 05, 2021 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    Very useful addon, saves us a lot of time. I had a little problem. The support did respond quickly and we solve that issue. I'll recommend the software for professional users.

    Joao Teixeira (Közzétevő) | november 30, 2021

    Seyed, thank you very much for the 5 stars review 🙂

  • Very useful App
    Archie Manza | október 24, 2021 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    thanks for saving time in batch with both PDF, CAD and other formats! Kudos!

    Joao Teixeira (Közzétevő) | november 30, 2021

    Archie, thank you very much for the 5 stars review 🙂

  • Great app with a lot of options!
    Harm Wolters | október 18, 2021

    I got the tip of DiRoots about a month ago by a collegue. Normally i'm sceptical about plugins, but this one is just great! Even the support helps quickly and gives (in my case) always the right solution. Keep up the good work! Our organization (about 15 engineers) are using it. 

    Joao Teixeira (Közzétevő) | október 25, 2021

    Harm, thank you very much for the 5 stars review 🙂

  • Fantastic Tool - Saves me Hours every Week
    Paul Woodward | október 05, 2021 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    This is an amazing tool and saves me hours every week in the production of PDF drawings and more importantly the ability to format the filename through the use of Shared Parameters.

    Only improvement I could suggest would be the ability to create and edit the View/Sheet Sets from with ProSheets.

    Joao Teixeira (Közzétevő) | október 25, 2021

    Paul, thank you very much for the 5 stars review 🙂 The ability yo create and edit the View/Sheet Sets is already in our plans, stay tuned 😉

  • pdf file size is too large.
    Mohammad sayyah | szeptember 27, 2021 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    Useful tool, thanks, but unfortunately, exported pdf file size is too large.I printed the same file three times (the last with adobe pdf printer) and these are results:1. prosheets - pdf size: 44.6 mb2. prosheets - with (keep jump to section) checked - pdf size: 32.5 mb3. adobe pdf - pdf size: 9.29 mb !!!!ONLY!!!. *all setting are the same in all three cases ** the file contains 20 (A2) sheets. *** with comparison all of them are the same quality.

    Joao Teixeira (Közzétevő) | október 04, 2021

    Hi Mohammad, thank you for your review! There are some settings on your side that need to be adjusted, the problem is not related to ProSheets or PDF24. First of all, make sure you are using Vector Processing. Also, please reach out to our support team ( with a detailed description of the settings you're using. We will be happy to help you out 🙂

  • Great Revit Plugin!
    Chris Dyer | szeptember 16, 2021 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    The perfect PDF & DWG writer for Revit.

    Joao Teixeira (Közzétevő) | október 04, 2021

    Chris, thank you very much for the 5 stars review 🙂

  • Thanks a lot!
    Hung Anh | szeptember 16, 2021 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    Thanks a lot!


    Joao Teixeira (Közzétevő) | október 04, 2021

    Hung, , thank you very much for the 5 stars review 🙂

  • Thanks a lot!
    Hung Anh | szeptember 16, 2021 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)



    Joao Teixeira (Közzétevő) | október 04, 2021

    Hung, , thank you very much for the 5 stars review 🙂

  • Best app
    Anish Gurung | szeptember 01, 2021 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    the best plugin for me in Revit by DiRoots

    Joao Teixeira (Közzétevő) | október 04, 2021

    Anish, , thank you very much for the 5 stars review 🙂

  • 寻求帮助或开发支持
    cabit li | augusztus 13, 2021


    Joao Teixeira (Közzétevő) | október 04, 2021

    Cabit, thank you for your review! Please email us at and our team will be happy to help you out 🙂

  • An Excellent Time Saver
    Craig Harrison-Smith | július 16, 2021

    We've transistioned to ProSheets from another batch tool. This is a much more streamlined user experience. We have also found it so simple to set-up and interact with that non-Revit using support staff can now assist with information exchanges without specialist training.

    Great work

    Joao Teixeira (Közzétevő) | július 29, 2021

    Craig, thank you very much for the 5 stars review! 🙂 Don't forget to try out our other add-ins!

  • Great App
    Geir Ove Torgersen | június 23, 2021 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    Awesome app!

    Joao Teixeira (Közzétevő) | július 12, 2021

    Geir, thank you very much for the 5 stars review 🙂

  • Excelent, must-have ad in
    Antonio Baroja | június 03, 2021 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    Solves easily and more accurately a process for which I had to use Dynamo and some manual work. 

    Also, I had a problem and technical support was excelent, providing a solution in less than one hour.

    5 stars

    Joao Teixeira (Közzétevő) | július 12, 2021

    Antonio, thank you very much for the 5 stars review and for the kind other about our support team 🙂

  • 2022
    Lucas Severo | május 28, 2021 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    Realy good job, like all the adds. The Prosheets will come to Revit 2022 ?

    Joao Teixeira (Közzétevő) | július 12, 2021

    Lucas, thank you very much for the 5 stars review 🙂

  • pdf bookmarks
    Lluís Hernández | május 28, 2021 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    Really a good tool, very useful. But a question: is there any way to generate a multiple sheets pdf with its bookmarks?

    Joao Teixeira (Közzétevő) | július 12, 2021

    Lluís, thank you very much for the 5 stars review 🙂

  • Awesome Tool + Quick Support
    Robert Duda | május 19, 2021 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    Thank you for that helpful Tool and the quick Support in solving issues. Looking forward to new Features :D

  • A must have!
    Joao Braga | május 13, 2021 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    Great plug-in!! Just don't understand why Autodesk Revit hasn't this feature integrated from the beginning. I think that the 2022 version already has something similar, finally!! But I'll stick to this one, it does exactly what we expect. Thank you so much, great job!!

    Joao Braga

    Joao Teixeira (Közzétevő) | július 12, 2021

    Joao, thank you very much for the 5 stars review 🙂

  • Software and support worth its weight in gold
    ian cowlard | május 10, 2021

    Great apps with great support from the team.

    Prosheets is a must for any design office - saves hours!!

    Big thanks to Joao, always there to help

    Joao Teixeira (Közzétevő) | július 12, 2021

    Ian, thank you very much for the 5 stars review 🙂

  • My most used Revit Add-in
    David Cormack | április 27, 2021 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    Transformed my productivity - I do a lot of issues involving dozen of sheets with mixed sizes and orientation. Quite quickly got to grips with sheet numbering pulling in params eg rev no, prefix etc and adding spaces and dashes  between characters. Vey versatile. 

    Joao Teixeira (Közzétevő) | július 12, 2021

    David, thank you very much for the 5 stars review 🙂

  • Fantastic Add-In
    Mark Ackerley | április 27, 2021

    Very useful, does everything we want and great customer support!

    Thank you very much DeRoots.

    Joao Teixeira (Közzétevő) | július 12, 2021

    Mark, thank you very much for the 5 stars review 🙂

  • Brilliant App, please update for Revit 2022
    Peter Allen | április 27, 2021 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    One of the best time saving apps around. Please can we see this updated for Revit 2022.

    Joao Teixeira (Közzétevő) | július 12, 2021

    Peter, thank you very much for the 5 stars review 🙂

  • Amazing
    Tiago Ferreira | április 27, 2021

    This add-in is amazing. It saves so many minutes of work. With some clicks we can get pdf's, dwf's, dwg's, and others with great quality and in a short time. No matter the size of the sheet, it recognizes automatically.

    I definitively recommend.


    Continue the good work!

    Joao Teixeira (Közzétevő) | július 12, 2021

    Tiago, thank you very much for the 5 stars review 🙂

  • Amazing app
    Fernando Lopes Bento | április 26, 2021

    Thank you :)

    Joao Teixeira (Közzétevő) | július 12, 2021

    Fernando, thank you very much for the 5 stars review 🙂

  • Great app
    Sam Le | április 20, 2021 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    Thank you for your generousity to share this great app

    Best support team as well

    Joao Teixeira (Közzétevő) | július 12, 2021

    Sam, thank you very much for the 5 stars review 🙂

  • Great tool
    Daan Klein Nagelvoort | április 07, 2021

    Really helpfull tool to quickly export your Revit file to different formats.

    Great and fast service as well when u run into issues!

    Joao Teixeira (Közzétevő) | július 12, 2021

    Daan, thank you very much for the 5 stars review 🙂

  • Great tool
    Nicola Smania | április 06, 2021

    Does what it promise and great support if issues arise.

    Joao Teixeira (Közzétevő) | július 12, 2021

    Nicola, thank you very much for the 5 stars review 🙂

  • big STAR. only one concern.
    Joseph Chan | április 01, 2021 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    The plugins is super. My only concern is when converting multiple sheets in a heavy model in PDF, some of the drawings are incomplete is the texts are distorted. I suggest to use biopdf if possible. 

    Joao Teixeira (Közzétevő) | július 12, 2021

    Joseph, thank you very much for the 5 stars review 🙂

  • Best PDF plotter available
    Simon Driscoll | március 30, 2021 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    Such a great app for exporting pdfs.

    Most effective one around I have found.

    Joao Teixeira (Közzétevő) | július 12, 2021

    Simon, thank you very much for the 5 stars review 🙂

  • Lightens your work.....Must have Add-in's and perfect support
    Rob Collignon | március 19, 2021 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    So pleased with your shared knowlegde........
    You make all the efficient tools which are missing in a very expensive program as autodesk's revit is.
    And a helpdesk that responds so quickly, even when problems are caused by third parties (MS updates).


    Joao Teixeira (Közzétevő) | március 31, 2021

    Rob, thank you very much for the 5 stars review and for the kind words! 🙂

  • Support
    Aleksa Petrovic | március 18, 2021

    I'm using this app for almost 2 years and it's really making life easier. Many thanks to people who are involved in developing it.

    Also, their support team is very responsive and helpful.

    Joao Teixeira (Közzétevő) | március 31, 2021

    Aleksa, thank you very much for the 5 stars review! 🙂

  • Awesome!
    Gianluca Pilati | március 18, 2021 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    This app is awesome, thanks to all the DiRoots Staff!

    I've really appreciate the functionality of auto-detecting paper size. Is it also possible to generate PDF in custum paper size without adding those sizes to the printer server before?

    Really good stuff!

    Joao Teixeira (Közzétevő) | március 31, 2021

    Gianluca, thank you very much for the 5 stars review! 🙂

  • Great and user friendly app
    Haris Klicic | március 17, 2021

    Thank you for this application. Finally we got small, smart and user friendly application.

    I had a problem with apllication, after I updated PDF Creator. I sent an mail to support team and got very fast solution from them. Thank you guys :) 

    Please allow us to change table view and save custom view. And give us more columns with free parameters

    If you ca

    Joao Teixeira (Közzétevő) | március 31, 2021

    Haris, thank you very much for the 5 stars review! 🙂

  • Help !!!
    Christo Ellis | március 17, 2021 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    Hi there, This is a super app, worked fine until a few hours ago now all the font sizes are incorrect, and also a different font. This is really a time-saving app

    Joao Teixeira (Közzétevő) | március 31, 2021

    Christo, thank you very much for the 5 stars review! 🙂 Please install the latest windows 10 updates, it was a bug caused by Microsoft.

  • brilliant App
    Bryan Cowey | március 16, 2021 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    this is one of the best apps out there, DI Roots keep doing this creating helpful uselful apps.


    if you want to drive efficancy in a project get this app, printing and exporting in one, the beauty of it is which is overlooked it knows what size the paper is so you batch print between any size sheet. perfect, 5 starts all day long

    Joao Teixeira (Közzétevő) | március 31, 2021

    Bryan, thank you very much for the 5 stars review! 🙂

  • Time Saving
    mohammed Shabbir | március 16, 2021 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    Hi, Thank you for providing free addin but we are facing a problem after using one month, Sheets are compressed and prints are clumsy.. hope you solve it soon with new update

    Joao Teixeira (Közzétevő) | március 31, 2021

    Mohammed, thank you very much for the 5 stars review! 🙂

  • Help
    Predrag Radojevic | március 14, 2021 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    I have a problem in revit 2021, I dont see any sheets.....heeelp pleaseee

    Joao Teixeira (Közzétevő) | március 31, 2021

    Predrag, thank you very much for the 5 stars review! 🙂 Please contact the support team

  • Great Add-In
    Mohammad Alshlash | március 14, 2021

    Great add-in, but I wished if this add-in can actually bind the images with the cad file (usually placed in the title block as Logo or something like that) which actually come as external references moreover I always take sometimes to bind it manually in Cad

    Joao Teixeira (Közzétevő) | március 31, 2021

    Mohammad, thank you very much for the 5 stars review! 🙂

  • Fantastic
    Americo Teixeira | március 12, 2021 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    To print sheets, easy to setup is amazing!!!

    Joao Teixeira (Közzétevő) | március 31, 2021

    Americo, thank you very much for the 5 stars review! 🙂

  • Essential
    Charlie Pontgelard | február 12, 2021 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    A must have for Revit.

    It changes your (revit) life.

    Jose Oliveira | február 15, 2021

    Thank you Charlie for the 5 stars review! 😉

  • Perfect
    Sérgio Oliveira | február 09, 2021 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    Best addon for revit.

    Simple and intuitive interface.

    Joao Teixeira (Közzétevő) | február 09, 2021

    Sérgio, thank you very much for the 5 stars review 🙂

    Charles Vidal | február 02, 2021

    This plugin is great and is making our life much easier :)

    Also they have an amazing support team who responded to my request in less than 2 minutes !

    I will try the other plugin later this week.


    Thank you 

    Joao Teixeira (Közzétevő) | február 04, 2021

    Charles, thank you very much for the 5 stars review and for the kind feedback about our support team 🙂

  • Diroots gets the best recommendations from me.
    Berit Lindegaard Thyrsted | január 14, 2021

    We in the company have chosen to install all Diroots' plugins, as there are many good commands that help us a lot in our everyday lives.

    ProSheets is our best plugin ever. This plugin we use every day.

    Not only do Diroots have some great plugins. Their Support is also top notch. If you have a problem, just write to them and you will quickly receive an answer and they will do everything they can to help you.

    Diroots gets the best recommendations from me.

    Joao Teixeira (Közzétevő) | február 04, 2021

    Berit, thank you very much for the 5 stars review and for the kind feedback about our support team 🙂

  • Suggestion of Improvement
    Gustavo Alves Silva Moreira | január 06, 2021 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    ProSheets could create a customable PDF with a sheet list of printed Design Sheets.

    Joao Teixeira (Közzétevő) | január 06, 2021

    Gustavo, thank you for the 5 stars review 🙂 You can already generate an Excel report of the printed sheets. Then you can save it as PDF. If that's not what you're looking for, please reach email us at with more details.

  • Dear Diroots
    Thg Le | december 27, 2020 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    Many thanks for your excellent program!

    Joao Teixeira (Közzétevő) | január 04, 2021

    @Thg Le, thank you for the 5 stars review 🙂

  • Really great app!
    Alar Hammer | november 23, 2020

    Easy to use, simple and efficient, recognizes pdf formats etc. Lifesaver :)

    Joao Teixeira (Közzétevő) | november 24, 2020

    Alar, thank you for the 5 stars review 🙂

  • Impression Taille de feuilles non standard
    Fabrice Allegret | november 20, 2020


    Trés bon outil, cependant je rencontre un problème pour l'impression lorsque la taille des feuilles n'est pas standard (comme A0,A1 etc..) et qu'elles sont très grande, le "size" apparaît en jaune.

    Joao Teixeira (Közzétevő) | november 23, 2020

    Fabrice, thank you for the 5 stars review 🙂 Regarding the automatic recognition of the paper sizes, this issue is usually related to not having enough permissions to write the new sizes on the ‘Print Server’. That said, please request your IT department to give you full permissions over it. If you need any further assistance, please email us at

  • Great Plugin!
    Thomas Brenner | november 05, 2020

    Love the automatic printsize recognition, a real time-saver.. One thnig I would wish for, was the ability to set different IFC Exportsettings per exported view (similar to specific papersize per sheet), as we are required to export different IFCs for every datadrop with unique settings (i.e. export rooma from 3D view on for some views and off for others) - ideally beiing able to choose from the saved customized IFC-exportsettings the standard IFC export has? - even though, great plugin, if you haven't yet, also check out the other DiRoots plugin, all highly intuitve and useful!

    Joao Teixeira (Közzétevő) | november 06, 2020

    Thomas, thank you for the 5 stars review 🙂 If there are limitations from the Revit API standpoint we'll add support for choosing from the saved customized IFC export settings in a future update 😉

    Thomas Brenner | november 09, 2020

    Thank you Joao for your great plugins (: I'll keep my fingers crossed and am looking forward to that update!

  • Excelent
    Pedro Saraiva | október 15, 2020 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    Excelent add in to exports sheets.  Good Work.

    One simple sugestion, when create files, it is good if the default Folder Selection was the same of the drawing location.

    Some issue, when create PDF; DWG;DWF and IFC all at same time, he dont create the IFC file.

    Thanks for this excelent work.

    Joao Teixeira (Közzétevő) | október 16, 2020

    Pedro, thank you for the 5 stars review 🙂 Can you please send us an email to reporting the issue you mentioned? We'd like to understand more cause we can't replicate the problem on our computers.

  • Fantastic App!
    Dirk Cuypers | október 14, 2020 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    And simple to use, unlike Revit itself.

    Joao Teixeira (Közzétevő) | október 16, 2020

    Dirk, thank you for the positive feedback and for the 5 stars review 🙂

  • Best APP!
    Amir Aroesti | október 07, 2020

    A very powerful and saving time tool!

    Joao Teixeira (Közzétevő) | október 08, 2020

    Amir, thank you for the 5 stars review 🙂

  • Excellent app, until about a month ago
    Mfon Bassey | szeptember 03, 2020 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    Fantastic plugin, been using it for a few months now, and its worked excellently, up until about a month ago. One of the features I loved the most is the ability to customize sheet names during export, which works well for the new ISO 19650 sheet naming format, and also automatically creating separate PDF & CAD folder for sorting exports.

    Unfortunately, lately it’s been having issues exporting PDFs, and this has been very frustrating. It seemed to have something to do with PDF24, but after updating PDF24, it now appears to export, but the PDF folder created is empty, and a strange PDF24 dialogue box comes up with all my files, in strange code names which I can’t decipher.

    I raised a query using the feedback button on the app, but haven’t gotten any response. I hope this can be fixed soon. It would be such a shame to lose such an excellent app.

    Jose Oliveira | szeptember 06, 2020

    Hi Mfon, Thank you for the feedback. We're aware of an issue that was caused by one Windows update that has created some problems with PDF24. The PDF24 team has resolved the problem, and we have also released a new update to fix this issue. FYI, we have sent an email reporting the problem to all users and kindly asked them to reinstall the latest update. Concerning your note that you have contacted us using the 'feedback' button, I can also confirm that we have not received any email from you reporting any issue. I have checked our email boxes, and honestly, I could not find any email with your name. Please ensure if the email you tried to send us is stuck in your email outbox or something else. Howeber, you can always contact us using the support email ( Hope this helps and we look forward to hearing from you again! Note - it seems a bit unfair the four starts rating when this issue was caused by 'others' that are not from our control and responsibility. Also, even delivering free Revit plugins, we have top customer service as the messages below highlight.

    Mfon Bassey | szeptember 15, 2020

    ...thanks for the excellent support...keep it up.

    Joao Teixeira (Közzétevő) | szeptember 16, 2020

    Mfon, thank you for the kind words!

  • Cool, but slow for me and didn't have the features I was looking for.
    Marcus Sexton | szeptember 02, 2020 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    Opening to print takes about 20 minutes every time just to read the sheets and views in my project (many sheets and views). I like the interface and ability to search but just didnt work out for me.   The main reason I tried this was in hopes that it automatically orders and labels the pages inside my combined sheet sets. which it doesnt, i would probably still keep it if it wasnt so much slower to load for me.     If anyone knows a good print add-in that will order and label she please reach out. Thanks!

    Joao Teixeira (Közzétevő) | szeptember 02, 2020

    Hi Marcus, thank you for your feedback! Regarding being slow, please contact us ( so we can understand the reasons behind and improve it. We keep doing performance improvements on each update. Also, can you explain a bit further what do you expect in terms of labeling? If I got you right, I think it's already possible. Ordering the pages in a combined PDF is also possible both manually and automatically. Get in touch and I'll be happy to help you out! 😉

  • Great App
    Sander Segaar | augusztus 24, 2020 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    Very usefull app to generate PDFs, DWGs and other extensions. It is easy to use and for free :) We had some issues with plus sizes, like A0++, but fixed it by changing width and heigth settings of the printserver.

    Joao Teixeira (Közzétevő) | szeptember 02, 2020

    @Sander, thank you very much for the 5 stars review! 🙂 We'll keep improving it 😉

  • a very powerful tool
    Alan Ling | augusztus 21, 2020 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    simple enough to use, try it

    Joao Teixeira (Közzétevő) | szeptember 02, 2020

    @Alan thank you very much for the 5 stars review! 🙂 Yes, it's very simple to use, we do take UX and UI into consideration!

  • Nice app and good support
    Freek Lombarts | augusztus 19, 2020

    App is veru usefull and works a lot better then de revit export.


    Support is also very fast and good!


    Joao Teixeira (Közzétevő) | augusztus 20, 2020

    @Freek, thank you very much for the 5 stars review! 🙂 Don't forget to try out our other add-ins, we bet you'll find them time-savers as well.

  • Best digital page/sheet output add on
    Angela Gomes | július 30, 2020 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    Thank you for this amazing add on!!! Started using this recently... but this has revolutionised my digital output speed.

    This makes the PDF printing and CAD exporting so much easier to handle and so much faster. Frees up my admin time of getting digital filing in order and I have so much more time to do the actual work. It helps on the day to day output, but it really made a difference now that I need to handle 100 drawings in one go.

    The only glitch but not even sure it still happens, the files sometimes crash when trying to use the app. (I make sure I save before hand). Other than that, PERFECT!

    Cant wait to try the other add ons from your team. 

    Joao Teixeira (Közzétevő) | augusztus 03, 2020

    @Angela, thank you very much for the 5 stars review! 🙂 Don't forget to try out our other add-ins, we bet you'll find them time-savers as well. Regarding the issue you mentioned, can you please contact the support team ( so we can analyse and make sure it won't happen in the next versions!

  • A plugin that will really save you time
    Koert Vynckier | július 06, 2020

    Once you've used this plugin to create your PDF's and DWG's you'll start wondering how you ever put up with Revit not having it by default.

    Joao Teixeira (Közzétevő) | július 07, 2020

    @Koert, thank you for such nice review!

  • The best!
    Guy Smith | június 28, 2020

    Ive used revit for 9 years nows and have put up with the dire printing functions of revit out the box, this app just makes this process so much quicker and fun to do. now i dont worry if my clients want me to quickly print & export multiple sheets / views / models - i can do it in minutes. thanks Di roots you seem to know where all my pains are with revit.

    Joao Teixeira (Közzétevő) | július 07, 2020

    @Guy, thank you very much for the 5 stars review! 🙂 Don't forget to try out our other add-ins, we bet you'll find them time-savers as well.

  • Awesome! A must-have!
    Paul Stevens | június 18, 2020 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    Really useful app that takes takes away the pain of renaming PDFs and DWGs after exporting. Previously we used Dynamo to export PDFs and DWGs with a custom filename, but this app make its easy for anyone to use. 

    Joao Teixeira (Közzétevő) | július 07, 2020

    @Paul, thank you very much for the 5 stars review! 🙂 Don't forget to try out our other add-ins, we bet you'll find them time-savers as well.

  • Blurred MEP Elements
    Beverly Arana | május 05, 2020

    This is a great app, i just want to know why printed sheets became blurred. can't see the mep elements line properly. Please help. I really like the app.

    Joao Teixeira (Közzétevő) | május 07, 2020

    Hi Beverly, thank you for your review! Please use the "Vector Processing" option on the second tab and you won't see blurry lines anymore. 🙂

  • Dream came true)
    Igor Bozhyk | április 16, 2020 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    Thanks for this time saving and life easying app)))
    It's a great pleasure to use it. And its free, what suprises the most)
    Keep on going, guys!

    P.s. And thanks for good feedback management)

    Joao Teixeira (Közzétevő) | április 17, 2020

    Igor, thank you very much for the 5 stars review! 🙂 Don't forget to try out our other add-ins, we bet you'll find them time-savers as well.

  • Time saver
    Gary Revell | április 13, 2020 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    Easy to use and great tech support to boot!

    Joao Teixeira (Közzétevő) | április 14, 2020

    Gary, thank you very much for the 5 stars review! 🙂

  • Fantastic plugin
    Stefan (Panda) Pandaciuc | április 08, 2020

    I download all the plugin`s from their website, and all of them work pefectly. Keep up the good work.

    Joao Teixeira (Közzétevő) | április 13, 2020

    Vasile, thank you very much for the 5 stars review! 🙂

  • Useful plugin!
    Gianmarco Esposito | március 23, 2020

    Very useful plugin. It makes very simple and automatic the processes of rename, adjusting size and printing/exporting of sheets

    Joao Teixeira (Közzétevő) | március 27, 2020

    Hi @Gianmarco, thank you for this amazing review of ProSheets.

  • Great app
    Tomasz Wisniewski | március 20, 2020

    This app and others from DiRoots website are very helpful in everydays work

    This is my best apps I have used with Revit

    The tree kings ProSheets, SheetLink and TableGen

    Thank you !

    Joao Teixeira (Közzétevő) | március 20, 2020

    Hi Tomasz, thank you for this amazing review of ProSheets, SheetLInk, and TableGen 🙂

  • Great tool
    Chris Vorster | március 19, 2020 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    Probably my favoutite one from this Developer. So much potential but already a very handy tool!

    Joao Teixeira (Közzétevő) | március 19, 2020

    Hi Chris, thank you for this amazing review of ProSheets 🙂

  • Awesome Add-in!!!
    Toan Nguyen | március 14, 2020 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    This is what i looking for in a long time.

    Thank you so much


    Joao Teixeira (Közzétevő) | március 19, 2020

    Hi Toan. It's great to know you've been waiting for such an app for a long time! Well, it's here 🙂 Thank you for the 5 stars review!

  • Such a good tool
    Basavaraj Patil | március 06, 2020

    I got to know about this Add-In from LinkedIn. I installed ProSheets add in it is free. After installation, I got some issues with the result. immediately I sent an mail to the DiRoots support team, I got immediate solutions from support team. Thanks for the DiRoots Team such a great add-in they giving free. I appreciate your dedication. Thank you, Joao Teixeira. 👍

    Joao Teixeira (Közzétevő) | március 13, 2020

    Hi Basavaraj, thank you for this amazing review! You're welcome, we are here to help 🙂

  • Dont reconosize size format
    Gonzalo Luque | március 03, 2020

    It cant find any size format. Whats wrong?


    Joao Teixeira (Közzétevő) | március 04, 2020

    Hi @Gonzalo, please make sure you haven't uninstalled pdf24 (which is automatically installed with ProSheets). In case you have uninstalled pdf24, please reinstall ProSheets to fix the issue. Otherwise, please send us an email to and we're happy to help you out.

    Nik Mar | március 03, 2020

    I found this app by accident when it came out, and now i cant live without it. It chaged my life. Im for real. Not joking. Must download!

    Joao Teixeira (Közzétevő) | március 04, 2020

    Hi @Nik, Wow thank you for this amazing review of ProSheets 😁. We're happy to know it is helping you in your daily tasks.

  • Oustanding, but one thing missing
    Lorne Shippen | március 01, 2020 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    This is a stnning time saver. one of the best apps for revit out there. However, I would love to see a 'current' date field added to the name builder. <day><Month><Year>. that would make this app the complate package.

    Joao Teixeira (Közzétevő) | március 02, 2020

    @Lorne, thank you for this amazing review. We are happy to inform you that the "current date" feature will be included in the next update (probably by the end of March, but we cannot confirm yet). In the meanwhile you can use the custom field to insert the date manually.

  • Best add-in ever!
    John Lagos | február 29, 2020 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    Thank you DiRoots for such an amazing plugin that helps to save a lot of time while I am creating the PDF and DWG. 

    Joao Teixeira (Közzétevő) | március 02, 2020

    @John, thank you for such nice feedback!

  • Love your Add-ins!!!
    Bill Corbitt | február 26, 2020

    PLEASE help me figure out the custom field for ProSheets - trying to get it to number 001, 002, 003, etc. through this custom field and don't know what 'coding' you use.


    Joao Teixeira (Közzétevő) | február 27, 2020

    Hi Bill, thank you for such nice feedback about our add-ins. Regarding your question, the custom field is a static value, so it can't be used to achieve the workflow you've described. The numbering must be done in Revit. You can easily achieve that by creating a sheet parameter.

  • Awesome App
    Jan Du Plessis | február 24, 2020 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    Thank you for this app, I've been wiating for something like this for a while.

    Is there a way to copy and share saved profiles to other computers?

    Joao Teixeira (Közzétevő) | február 25, 2020

    Thank you @Jan for such nice feedback! The ability to share saved profiles to other computers will be implemented in the next update 😉

  • Cool Add-in!
    Ryan Ulang | február 18, 2020 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    very useful and has simple UI which is verry good.

    Can you add an option to have a File naming format?

    (Sheet Number - Sheet Name)

    Joao Teixeira (Közzétevő) | február 19, 2020

    Hi @Ronald, thank you for your 5 stars review! Yes, that's one of ProSheets' key features, watch the video and see how easy it is :)

    Ryan Ulang | március 10, 2020

    do you think you all guys will add filter to the sheets on the selection?

  • Clean and fast
    Jeffry Van den Bulck | február 17, 2020 Ellenőrzött letöltés (Mit jelent ez?)

    Does exactly what it needed to do.
    Only thing missing for me is when you save to 1 PDF file, that you can't rank your sheets/views in the desired order to print.

    Or am I missing something?

    Joao Teixeira (Közzétevő) | február 17, 2020

    Hi @Jeffry, thank you for your review. You're correct, we will implement it in the next update!

  • Great app
    Homme Bakker | február 06, 2020

    Very usefull, saves us a lot of time. The templates for automatic filenaming are a nice improvement.


    A point of improvement for me would be allowing sheets of different sizes and orientation in a combined file.

    Joao Teixeira (Közzétevő) | február 10, 2020

    Thank you Homme! Allowing sheets of different sizes and orientation in a combined file will be implemented in the next update :)