Select Similar
30 日間無償体験版, 支払済


  • Select Categories (Project or View) to automatically select multiple Autodesk® Revit® categories that match your current selection(s). Works with multiple categories at once.
  • Select Families (Project or View) to automatically select multiple top level families that match your current selection(s). Works with multiple families and categories.
  • Select Types (Project or View) can be used as a replacement for the standard Select All Instances (in Project or View) commands. The major difference is this command allows for selecting multiple types instead of limiting you to just one.
  • Select Instances allows the user to select specific instance parameters to match in the Project or View. Select only those instances that exactly match your current selection.

All of these commands work with traditionally “unselectable” elements like Lines, Masking Regions, Revision Clouds, and other built-in categories, as well as normal loadable families.

The ribbon button is conveniently located on the Modify tab of the ribbon, right where you need it when you have elements selected.


バージョン 24.0.0, 2023/05/16
2024 support


カスタマ レビュー

1 件のレビュー
テクニカル ヘルプを表示
  • Well Done!
    James Bratton | 3月 25, 2021 確認済みダウンロード (これは何ですか?)

    App works great and is easy to use.
