About the *.gLTF format:
*.glTF file helps minimize the size of 3D assets and the runtime processing needed to unpack and use those assets in modern web platforms. glTF is a royalty-free specification for any application's efficient transmission and loading of 3D scenes and models.
About this application :
*.gLTF file is very useful because of its reach set of features and its size. This plugin will convert your Autodesk® Revit® Design to .gLTF to use the Revit Model in different platforms like Unity3D, Unreal Engine, Web, etc. Nowadays people use .gTLF for AR VR applications because of its size and loading speed.
The output file can be used for AR/VR and apps like Unity.
For more details, please visit our website: www.in9plus.com or mail us: at msp@in9plus.com
Application Offers:
1. Generate GLTF file.
2. The fast GLTF conversion process
3. Share the design without needing any special software to view it.
4. Small file size.
5. Control quality and size while converting to GLTF file.
6. Colors and material (texture not supported in the current version.