Linked Id Finder

Linked Id Finder



This add-in will help you find the ID of linked elements. Then you can send the ID for someone to check the problem, for example, clashing, position, dimension.

이 버전 정보

버전 1.4.0, 2022-01-24
Compatibility with Autodesk® Revit® 2022

스크린샷 및 비디오

고객 리뷰

11 리뷰
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  • Usefel
    Thai Doan Quang | 12월 18, 2024 다운로드 확인 (이것은 무엇입니까?)

    Good addin

  • I need this addin for 2023, 2024.
    Asfar JASSIM | 9월 16, 2024 다운로드 확인 (이것은 무엇입니까?)

    is there a way ?

  • Great
    Silvano Sasso | 9월 02, 2024 다운로드 확인 (이것은 무엇입니까?)

    Please 2023 version

  • Woow!
    Karim Ramzi | 8월 12, 2024 다운로드 확인 (이것은 무엇입니까?)

    It's very useful add-in and so simple to use.
    But we need the updated version to be compatible wtih the latest version after 2022.

  • Love it!
    Marcin Boguslawski | 4월 26, 2023 다운로드 확인 (이것은 무엇입니까?)

    It does what it says - having a system in place for information exchange and coordination with other stakeholders in oy company, this tool is more than useful.


    Now here is a question: a version for Revit 2023 and Revit 2024 - is it coming any time soon?

    Nicky Marshall | 8월 25, 2023

    I agree, very useful, and would be great to see for 23 and 24!

  • Nice one
    Vijayakumar S | 5월 23, 2022 다운로드 확인 (이것은 무엇입니까?)

    A good one for Comapined linked model Quality check. 

  • Great tool for co-ordination
    Joe Banks | 7월 05, 2021 다운로드 확인 (이것은 무엇입니까?)

    I use this all the time to send the IDs of the clashing elements to other consultants. Thanks for making this.
    can I get a 2022 version?

  • Super
    Filip Petrovic | 5월 14, 2020

    Das wird uns sicher helfen.
    Thank you.

  • So useful, Great work
    Joe Banks | 2월 25, 2020

    when doing co-ordination it's so useful to be able to send the element id's to the other consultant so they know what you're talking about.

    so much better than a screenshot or a grid reference.

    If I could please request a small change.
    can you display the IDs comma-separated, like this

    This would allow me to paste it straight into the "select by ID"
    dialogue to select multiple elements at once.

    currently, I'm converting it to this format every time I send to make it easier for the other person.

    thanks so much.  

  • great !!
    noran mansour | 9월 12, 2018 다운로드 확인 (이것은 무엇입니까?)

    very useful in coordination ... thanks !!
    Is it possible somehow in new versions to search the linked elements by ID ?? it will be a great add to the application ...

    Verina Hanna | 3월 06, 2023

    have you find it ?

  • Usefel !
    M Mehdi Nourollah | 2월 24, 2018 다운로드 확인 (이것은 무엇입니까?)

    I haven't seen like this app anywhere and i was searching for this many times !...Thanks ...

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