Hello and Welcome to ComSpace™, we offer linguistic and application consulting designing the communication between cultures, humans and artificial intelligence. We offer cultural exchange events for staff and coded solutions for an automated and seamless exchange of geometry, data and constraints between design, engineering and art. How does this fit? We believe that business is communication connecting culturally (externally) and via tools (internally). Working across the globe is easier than ever today.

We help with communication between people and people with computer. We think that computer help with efficiency and transparency when used the right and save way. Our computer and coding expertise is about CAD, BIM, FEA, CFD, VR, IoT and Smart City environments using Autodesk, AutoCAD, Revit, Inventor, 3dsMax, Dynamo, Forge, and many more. We help through training and development, application engineering, digital engineering, business analysis, process development, coding and programming to go after saving you time and money.

We are not architects, engineers, designer, artists or reseller telling you how to do your business. We don’t know your business better, we design your tools that you can be better. Tell us what tools you use, and let’s see if we can help. Many of us have a Master or equivalent postgraduate degrees with tens of years of industry experience; we pride ourselves with a ‘can do’ attitude to achieve your goal faster and saver.

Savings don’t fill the pocket, but fill the pocket faster, we say. You want to call us a think tank business, well, this might fit somehow. See some of our project examples, which helped already many companies and people internationally, public companies and sole-traders.






