Data Pro
월, 연도, 30일 무료 평가판


With this application you can:


  • Batch Control components name, description, part number and material usind  driver BOM
  • Create and export BOMs in various configurations: Full assembly tree, bottom level components for purchasing, or any other selective configuration of components.
  • Batch export the various Autodesk® Fusion 360™ CAD formats for any number of components in just a few clicks.
  • Easily Generate Notations for drawings form Components Fields such as Material, Mass etc. or from your standard Notations such as Tolerance or Coating specifications.

이 버전 정보

버전 1.0.4, 2020-04-17
1.0.4 -fix export crash bug -fix selection bug 1.0.3 -added 'Driver BOM' for batch control of component properties -added new component data fields for BOM export: PRINCIPAL AXES ROTATION TO PRINCIPAL PRINCIPAL MOMENTS OF INERTIA WORLD MOMENTS OF INERTIA RADIUS OF GYRATION -added progress bar during cad exports and BOM loading -general bug and efficacy fixes 1.0.2 - added uniqueness scope: none, parent, global. to allow for single entries of parts in the BOM in the parent scope as well as the global scope - fixed bug that prevented proper order display of components in BOM 1.0.1 - can now add bounding box for each component in BOM - show export message box after export - preset folder open form app enabled - general bug fix

스크린샷 및 비디오


고객 리뷰

1 리뷰
기술 도움말 보기
  • bill of material
    Davide Ardizzone | 9월 21, 2016

    Finally a plugin that is able to export bill of materials in a format that can be used by other softwares with less difficulties. Assistance from the developer is very fast, very high capability of problem solving.

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