Normal Tools

Digitally signed app
The Normal Tools app gives you several ways to set the Normals on objects in your scene. Methods include using a Helper object for aligning Normals, using a helper as a target for Normal vectors, and tools for typing in specific Normal values. There are also many new helpful Normal selection tools to help speed up your work flow. Many functions are added to a new rollout in the newly assigned Edit Normals modifiers.
バージョン 1.5.1, 2019/09/03
* Added new Out From Normal Selection Center function in the Normal Tools custom attribute. This function well set the out from point to the center of the currently selected normals. This function was added to the Edit Normals custom attribute but not the global Normal Tools floater.
* Added new Out From Selection Center for the Face Normals functions in the Normal Tools floater. This will flip normals of selected faces that are pointing towards the selected faces' center. This function converts objects to Editable Poly and is not part of the standard Edit Normal tools in the Normal Tools.
* Updated the Stitch Colocated Normals to work faster.
* Added Unify checkbox for stitch functions. When on, replicated the Unify function in the main Edit Normals modifier except it will filter results based on the Apply To option as well as the Skip Explicit Option. The unify option is on by default.
* Added new setting to automatically apply the Normal Tools custom attribute to any Edit Normals modifier added in the scene. This function can be turned on/off in the Normal Tools floater.
* Updated the Normal Tools Custom Attribute to use an AttribID to reduce file size and make it easier to get updated functions in the custom attributes as the Normal Tools are updated.
* Updated button functions in the Normal Tools custom attribute to check and see if the Normal Tools are installed before trying to run a function or macroscript. This removed MAXScript errors when sharing files with those who do not have the Normal Tools installed.
* Added new Manual group of functions to manually set the normals in the Normal Tools custom attribute.
* Added new setting in custom attribute that allows controlling whether the selection functions will replace the current selection, append to current selection or remove from the current selection.
* Changed default Apply To setting to All Normals.