Photographic composition guides

Photographic composition guides



This tool is intended to be of aid when composing shots. Easily draw common photographic grids, references, and perspective lines to help compose the perfect shot.



  • Quadrants (2x2)
  • Rule of thirds (3x3)
  • Custom grid (nxN)
  • Golden proportions
  • Golden ratio rectangles & spiral
  • Position a guide in the viewport with the mouse. Possible positions:
  • Vertical
  • Horizontal
  • Cross
  • From a point: Position multiple Two-point aligned lines from a common base point. Useful to draw perspective lines from a vanishing point or follow the same perspective line.
  • You can select the color of the guides.

Сведения об этой версии

Версия 1.0.0, 31.05.2023
First release for the store

Скриншоты и видео

Use the "from point" mode to trace vanishing lines and compose the perspective

Рецензии клиентов

0 рецензия
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