Scene Notes Pro
Adding notes directly in scenes(.max files) can be useful in many ways, for example - to remind you about any aspect of the whole process of 3d work, for future reference, about whys or how, and for colleagues who are going to use the scene.
Scene Notes Pro is here to make this task easier.
You can add notes using 9 predefined categories - Animation, Lights, Materials, Modeling, Rendering, Rigging, Texturing, Unwrap and No Category.
Each one of those categories has its own icon and color so the notes will have different colors and can be easily visually separated when you check them.
All notes are permanently saved to the .max file and can be accessed at any time by any user from supported Autodesk® 3ds Max® versions with the script installed and .max file opened.
Scene Notes Pro offers you:
- Resizable user interface
- Sort notes by Category, Completed, Not Completed, Date Created Ascending, Date Created Descending, Date Modified Ascending, Date Modified Descending
- Add Author, Date and Time
- Save notes to the max file
- Different colors and icons for notes
- Edit notes
- Delete notes
- Mark notes as completed
- Select only notes of an arbitrary category
- Show Notes on File Open
- Show only notes from arbitrary category