
Digitally signed app
PropLine is a parametric spacing tool that allows you to distribute props along splines in your scene. In some ways it is similar to the Spacing Tool built into Autodesk® 3ds Max®, but it offers far more control and is non-destructive. Installing PropLine adds a new geometry primitive to 3ds Max named PropLine.
While not a replacement for the advanced features in Itoo's Railcone®, PropLine is a simpler system make for the Wall Worm game tools to quickly and simply distribute props along a spline and be able to export them as entities into the game engine.
版本 1.62, 2019/9/3
* Added new option Align to World. When on, the props are aligned to the world orientation.
* Updated the Create PropLine from Selection Macro to automatically apply an Edit Normals modifier to the PropLine node if one of the added props is a WallWormMDL node.
* Updated Prop Manager to detect props from a PropLine node if that node had modifiers.
Though many of this publisher's tools are designed for better integrating 3ds Max with Game/realtime engines, they are extremely handy in many other situations, PropLIne is a perfect example of this. I use Propline since the very initial release, for all types of modelling and scene assembly tasks. It's very easy to use with the perfect balance of options to give users control without being too complicated. Highly recommended.