Change Polyline Origin and Direction

Change Polyline Origin and Direction

Operační systém:


This plug-in allows you to select a new origin for a closed lightweight 2D Polyline.

The order of the remaining vertex points is preserved.

A second option within the command is to change the direction of the polyline.

This is similar to the reverse polyline functionality, however the origin point is not shifted.


The installer is compatible with Autodesk® AutoCAD® 2013 to 2021 (including other vertical products).

Informace o této verzi

Verze 1.4.0, 12.04.2024
Added support for up through AutoCAD 2024 and Civil 3D 2024.

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Hodnocení zákazníků

3 hodnocení
Získat technickou pomoc
  • Excellent
    Jacob Hayes | října 23, 2021 Ověřené stažení (Co je to?)

    So good. Thank you.

  • muy bueno
    Wele Welenton | prosince 04, 2017 Ověřené stažení (Co je to?)

    gracias, esto me ayudara mucho

  • Great Polyline tool
    Gregory Battin | listopadu 12, 2014 Ověřené stažení (Co je to?)

    There are a couple of great things about this app. 1) even if you keep the same origin, this tool doesn't shift the origin after using its "Reverse" function as does the regular AutoCAD REVERSE command. 2) When sing this tool on a polyline that was drawn so that it "looks closed" and then later on it was closed - the default way that AutoCAD handles this is by stacking the last vertex and the first vertex. This tool reduces the redundant vertex. Great job! ~Greg

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