Simple FM Tools
3 Tool Palettes in 1:
1. fmLABEL™. Autodesk® AutoCAD® incremental text insertion tools with powerful prefix & suffix capabilities.
2. fmAUDIT™. AutoCAD polyline & text auditing tools to prepare CAD drawings for a CAFM system.
3. fmTAG™. DWF tools used to publish room number & area data to an attributed DWF file for the Evolve FM CAFM system, or for standalone use.
Simple FM Tools™ is a custom 3 tab, add-on tool palette for AutoCAD and Autodesk® AutoCAD® Architecture that provides a powerful text insertion tool, a polyline & text auditing tool, and a DWF tag tool used to publish attributed DWF files for stand-alone use or for use in the EvolveFM computer-aided facility management (CAFM) system.
The Trial version of this app allows only Tag mode.
The Tag mode provides a basic set of tagging tools to publish an attributed DWF file.
The trial version of Simple FM Tools provides free access to the fmTAG functions so that Evolve FM CAFM/CMMS System Users have the ability to tag and then import their DWF drawings into the Evolve FM CAFM/CMMS system. For more information about the Evolve FM Facility Management CAFM/CMMS Software application, please visit www.SimpleSolutionsFM.com.