Ultimate Attribute Edit
Betriebssystem: Win32 und 64 BitEdit layer, color, rotation, height, style, justification, value, case, position, reverse, width factor, oblique angle, and vIsability of attributes by tag or ALL in selected blocks.
USD 5,00 -
Betriebssystem: Win32 und 64 BitChange the color of all attributes in selected blocks.
USD 3,00 -
Betriebssystem: Win32 und 64 BitChanges attribute heights in blocks
USD 3,00 -
Betriebssystem: Win32 und 64 BitRotates all attributes in blocks to a rotation angle
USD 3,00 -
Betriebssystem: Win32 und 64 BitCopy one text entity value to another text entity.
USD 3,00 -
Betriebssystem: Win32 und 64 BitThese autolisp programs write, copy and read extended entity data for nesting block references in entitys. It allows an association of entitys with a blocks.
USD 3,00 -
Watson6.0 DEMO
Betriebssystem: Win32 und 64 BitWatson6.0 by Watsonlisp.com is an artificial intelligence referencing agent written in autolisp and visual basic. Watson finds detail drawings by text and attributes content! AI
Testversion -
Watson6.0 FULL
Betriebssystem: Win32 und 64 BitWatson6.0 by Watsonlisp.com is an artificial intelligence referencing agent written in autolisp and visual basic. Watson finds detail drawings by text and attribute content! AI
USD 5,00 -
Batch Attribute Editor
Betriebssystem: Win32 und 64 BitModify values of multiple attributes across a set of drawings.
Kostenlos -
Steal from Drawing
Betriebssystem: Win32 und 64 BitImport items from another drawing into the current drawing.
Kostenlos -
Change Block Base Point
Betriebssystem: Win32 und 64 BitChange the base point position for a selected block.
Kostenlos -
Block Metric
Betriebssystem: Win32 und 64 BitCalculating the dimensions of the block, the sum of the lengths of all curves, the solids' area and volume, and the parts' weight and price. Write results to block attributes.
Testversion -
Free copy or move
Betriebssystem: Win32 und 64 BitThe plug-in allows user to change the rotation, base point, scale and many other options while copying or moving objects.
Kostenlos -
Super Selection Filter
Betriebssystem: Win32 und 64 BitThis app can be used to select entities based on the properties of the selected sample entity. All supported properties of the entity will be displayed in a DCL box.
USD 3,99/J -
Select Same Objects
Betriebssystem: Win32 und 64 BitSearch for drawing objects similar to the sample. Search for blocks by attributes and parameters. Search for solids by the color of faces and by dimensions.
Testversion -
Expose Assemblies
Betriebssystem: Win32 und 64 BitExpose all blocks-assemblies in a row. Explosion of all assemblies (TNT). Create a header with the name of the block above each exposed block
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Export Hatch Areas and Polyline Areas By Layer
Betriebssystem: Win64Export Hatch Areas and Polyline Areas and Categorized by Layer.
USD 10,00 -
Zero Level Pro
Betriebssystem: Win32 und 64 BitZero Level Pro plugin for Autodesk® AutoCAD® is designed to benefit users in calculating the vertical section levels in all engineering fields to save time and effort and give more accuracy.
USD 5,00/M -
SoftDraft Tanks3DS Imperial
Betriebssystem: Win32 und 64 BitTanks3D includes five vertical tank styles and three horizontal vessel types. The program has a simple dialog box interface allowing the user to specify the dimensions.
USD 9,99/J -
SoftDraft FiberGlass Structural Shapes 2DS
Betriebssystem: Win32 und 64 BitFiberGlass Structural Shapes includes W-Shapes, channels, single angles, square & rectangular tubing, I-Tees and W-Tees.
USD 19,99/J -
SoftDraft QuickBlockS Imperial
Betriebssystem: Win32 und 64 BitQuick Block helps in the creation of C.M.U. Block Coursing for Wall Sections and Details.
USD 19,99/J -
SoftDraft PVC403DS Imperial
Betriebssystem: Win32 und 64 BitPVC-40 3D creates a variety of PVC Schedule 40 Pipe and Fittings as 3D solids for easy placement in the 3D-PVC piping drawing.
USD 49,99/J -
SoftDraft NoHub3DS Piping System
Betriebssystem: Win32 und 64 BitNo Hub 3D Piping System inserts pipe and fittings in three different 3D views, Plan, Turned Up, and Turned Down.
USD 49,99/J -
SoftDraft Light Steel Framing Members 2DS
Betriebssystem: Win32 und 64 BitAvailable Sections Include: Standard C Section, Downturn Lip C Section, Standard Z Section, Downturn Lip Z Section, Cold Formed Z, U Section, and Jamb Stud.
USD 19,99/J