JTB DWG Columns for Explorer Probeversion
Betriebssystem: Win32 und 64 BitZeigt die DWG- und DXF-Eigenschaften und Metadaten in den Explorer-Spalten und sogar in den Dateidialogen von Autodesk® AutoCAD® und anderen Anwendungen an.
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Betriebssystem: Win32 und 64 BitTool to manage corporate level layer standard library.
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Betriebssystem: Win32 und 64 BitReplace points with a user-specified block
USD 10,00 -
2-D Electrical Drafting
Betriebssystem: Win32 und 64 Bit2-D Electrical Drafting is a Suite of Tools for the electrical construction industry. It produces construction plans for building lighting and power. The look of the plan is highly customizable.
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Betriebssystem: Win32 und 64 BitHelps to draw RC Cross-Section And Grids quickly
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Betriebssystem: Win32 und 64 BitUsE is full electrical drawing program for Autodesk® AutoCAD®. Connect everything to make the drawing 1 big electrical system.
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Reinforcement dynamic block
Betriebssystem: Win32 und 64 BitDynamic block that makes drawing reinforcement sections easier. Not transparent.
USD 9,99 -
Rebar Distribution dynamic block
Betriebssystem: Win32 und 64 BitRebar Distribution is a dynamic block for Autodesk® AutoCAD® that makes it easy to display custom length, pitch, diameter and distribution length of reinforcement bars.
USD 5,00 -
MOICON Digital Twin
Factory Operations has evolved, but so has Moicon. Moicon is the next/generation web/based Digital Twin platform powering manufacturing operations, with 3D visualization directly in your web browser.
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Block Browser
Betriebssystem: Win64Der Block Browser gewährt einen übersichtlichen Zugriff auf Ihre Autodesk® AutoCAD®-Blöcke.
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Betriebssystem: Win32 und 64 BitUnterstützung beim Entwurf technischer Zeichnungen in Architektur, Elektrotechnik, Mechanik, Heizung-Lüftung–Sanitär.
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Title Block Exchange - Local License
Betriebssystem: Win32 und 64 BitTitle Block Exchange Application is a feature-rich, easy-to-use tool to help users maintaining delivery information, updating whole project drawings' title blocks with Excel register by a few click.
USD 99,99 -
Points of interest
Betriebssystem: Win64Specify or import points from .shp or .csv files. Then review and edit the points in drawings or map the points to your own blocks.
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Betriebssystem: Win64Move objects to viewport extents.
USD 2,00 -
Betriebssystem: Win32 und 64 BitAutomatically assign new entities to specific layers based on their type. Analog to AutoCAD Mechanical functionality, but works with every AutoCAD flavor and with six different entity categories.
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Betriebssystem: Win32 und 64 BitToolkit with commands that convert polylines to sheetmetal or membranes, along with simple parametric shapes generator.
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Betriebssystem: Win32 und 64 BitSearch multiple drawings for blocks or texts, grouping and counting them based on their attributes. Results can both be inserted as a table or exported as XLS workbook. Table tools included.
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Cad Standard
Betriebssystem: Win32 und 64 BitCad Standard revolutionizes how you work with standard items such as layers, dimstyles, styles, line type, blocks… from any external Autodesk® AutoCAD® file (DWG).
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Betriebssystem: Win64This add-ins searches for text in multiples in object types DText, MText, Block Attributes names, Block Attribute text, Table Cells, and Layer Names.
USD 1,99 -
Betriebssystem: Win32 und 64 BitThis app will allow the user to directly edit the value of an attribute without using the Block Attribute Editor or the properties panel.
USD 1,00 -
Betriebssystem: Win32 und 64 BitConverts one or more single-line text objects to a multiline text object based on pick order.
USD 1,00 -
Betriebssystem: Win32 und 64 BitValueXferD copies the value in the selected Text, MText or Attribute object into another Text, MText or Attribute object. If the source object was a Text or MText object, that object is deleted.
USD 1,00 -
Betriebssystem: Win32 und 64 BitValueXfer copies the value in the selected Text, MText, or Attribute object into another Text, MText, or Attribute object. The source object will be left intact.
USD 1,00 -
Avontus Counter™
Betriebssystem: Win32 und 64 BitUse Avontus Counter to easily draw 3D scaffolding models and generate a BOM. Print your BOM and export to Excel, PDF, or Word. Integrated with Avontus Quantify® for estimating and materials tracking.