Smart Drawing Utilities
A, M


The application contains additional commands for modifying and creating certain graphic objects, in particular - polylines.


It includes the following features:

  1. Reducing the number of vertices using Douglas-Peucker method, add vertices at specific distance, create circles or points on every vertex.
  2. Change 3D polyline to 2D polyline.
  3. Create convex hull using Graham scan.
  4. Select connected lines and/or join them in polyline.
  5. Clear polylinear region from entities.

and more.

Acerca de esta versión

Versión 2.1.0, 21/06/2020
New command: CADMinPlineVertexOnCross, which adds vertexes on polylines crossings

Capturas de pantalla y vídeos

Create polyline vertices at specific distance

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