7cad Rebar Schedule

Digitally signed app
This is a wonderful add-in toolset for Autodesk® AutoCAD®, which helps you to create and edit bar bending schedules.
The software mainly supports BS 8666 shape codes. All dimensions are in metric.
The three main commands of the app are:
This command brings up the 7cad Rebar Schedule window. Every rebar schedule can be saved to an external rebar schedule file. From the top menu, you can feel at home with the New, Open, Save, SaveAs, and Undo/Redo buttons to work with the rebar schedule file.
On the main display, you will have a featured spreadsheet specially designed for your bar bending schedule creation. Rebar shapes are displayed with images. Click the Add or Remove buttons on the bottom bar to add or remove rows. To edit, use your mouse or keyboard to move to each rebar shape cell, then click the cell again, or type any key, to bring up the shape editing window.
Then you can use the mouse or type the up/down arrow key to navigate to the editing window and input parameter A, B, C, etc. values. You can also change the shape code by clicking on the "Select Other Shape" button. Length will be automatically calculated upon parameter changes, as well as criteria (defined in notes) are checked. Press enter or just click on the spreadsheet to confirm changes. Press the ESC key to cancel changes.
For member cell and rebar type cells, a similar UI is built in: use a mouse click, or type any key, and a menu of members or rebar types will bring up for you to select at your fingertip.
More features for you to explore at your fingertips are filter buttons for columns, the "Mark commands" button, the "References ..." button, the "Project Info" button, and the "Publish" button.
Rebar shape code collection is an external reference file. The default shape codes that come with the software are the BS 8666:2005 standard.
7cad Rebar Shape Codes editor is for you to edit or create your own shape codes. For the time being, the unit supported is metric only.
Creating a shape code requires a little advanced knowledge to work with length formulas, notes, and criteria. See the screenshot video below to see the basic actions of adding a new shape code. You can contact me at linh@7cad-programming.com for help.
Shape Codes collection is not supposed to change much so after setting up and/or creating your custom one, you can just use it in all your rebar schedule projects.
Rebar types collection is also an external reference file. Each rebar type has a weight per length (kg/m), min bending radius (r min), and min end projection P. Keep in mind that "r min" and "P" are global parameters.
Initially, when rebar type is added, weight (in kg/m) is automatically calculated using unit weight for Carbon Steel = 7.95 g/cm3
The Rebar Types Editor window helps you to quickly add and edit items. Rebar types collection is not supposed to change much so after setting up and/or creating your custom one, you can just use it in all your rebar schedule projects.
If you purchase or start a trial period of the app via Autodesk Store, then the app will run without any restriction, as long as you log in to your AutoCAD with the same user ID who makes the purchase or starts the trial.
Otherwise, without a license, the app is in trial mode. Trial mode is supposed for evaluating purposes only. It is restricted to run in about 30 AutoCAD sessions. After that, you need to buy a license.