Local Save

Digitally signed app
The “Local Save” app improves version control in combination with files that are managed by the Desktop Connector (DC).
During normal design work in Autodesk® Civil 3D®, it is common practice to save your file from time to time, certainly before doing a major change. When you are working locally or on a shared network this does not have any secondary consequences, because there is no version control in a standard windows environment. The Desktop Connector changes this, every save is seen as a new version and is uploaded to your cloud environment (Autodesk® BIM 360® or Autodesk® Construction Cloud®). Resulting in a very high number of versions in your cloud environment that do not represent important changes that should be shared.
To remedy this, users set the Desktop Connector in “Work Offline” or copy the file to another folder on their pc. In both workarounds the connection to the cloud is severed during the design work, opposite to the collaborative workflow that the Desktop Connector aims to enable.
The “Local Save” app enables saving, a file managed by the Desktop Connector, to a secondary location on your pc without doing an upload (create new version) or breaking your connection to the cloud.
The app creates a new command “LSave”. This command creates a .SV$ file (backup of the current working design DWG file) with the same name as the DWG file in the preconfigured “Automatic Save File Location”.
The installation also contains a Partial Customization File “CIVIL_3D_CLOUD”, containing a Local & Cloud save button for the standard Add-ins ribbon and a extended quick access toolbar “Civil 3D Cloud Quick Access Toolbar”. The quick access toolbar includes two new buttons: Local & Cloud Save, the quick access toolbar is not activated when installing the plugin (only the buttons in the Add-in ribbon. To add the quick access toolbar the user needs to edit their workspace using the CUI command. If your workspaces are managed centrally, then please discuss with responsable parties on the best method of adding the Local Save app.
Now the user can choose whether to save locally or to the cloud (creating a new version).
Key-board shortcuts:
- Local Save = CTRL + B
- Cloud Save = CTRL + E
Great add-on but may I know if this apps can be collaborate also in Plant 3D?
Hi Eugene, Thank you for the review. The core code runs on the AutoCAD engine, so it should also work for Plant 3D (but this has not been tested). The bundle in its current configuration will not install for Plant 3D. But you could netload the Local_Save.dll, that you can find where the bundle has been installed on your pc (https://help.autodesk.com/view/OARX/2023/ENU/?guid=GUID-5E50A846-C80B-4FFD-8DD3-C20B22098008). Should you test this, then please let me know the results. I would be more than happy to Plant 3D to the standard configuration in an update for 2024 or 2025 release.
Hi Wouter, I did and already tested but one thing while working encountered a fatal error suddenly, the active working is not in the BIM360 database is out of the box, They can't merge the latest file into BIM360 the old files. Suggest to enhance in this scenario.
Hi Eugene, I will see if this scenario can be investigated in the future. There is however already a direct connection between the cloud and Plant 3D, so this could be the cause of issues and errors. I will let you know if we progress in this direction.
Just a question: would it make sense that this add-on would be part of the regular desktop connector installation package? So people do not have to get a seperate add-in for feature that seems almost necessarry.
Hi Frederic, the goal is to get this feature in the standard product. Not in the desktop connector however, but in Civil 3D and AutoCAD. Afterall it is the DWG save mechanism that is at the basis of the interaction with the desktop connector. Please add your vote to the Civil 3D public roadmap and vote on "Better controle over versioning" on the later tab. https://portal.productboard.com/aec-bid/3-civil-infrastructure-public-roadmap/tabs/12-later
Love the functionality. No more worrying about Desktop Connector going way overboard on the versioning.
I love the idea of only "saving" to the cloud when a version is needed. But I currently work in C3D 2024, which hasn't yet been supported. Any news on supporting the current version? Thanks!
Hi Kevin, Thank you for your feedback. The new version for 2024 is in its final review stage and should be made public next week. Future updates will be added for upcoming AutoCAD/Map 3D/Civil 3D versions.
C3D 2024 support is now available.
Great Add in avoiding to many versions in BIM360
Works great wen you want to work "offline"and save
Excellent idea to avoid too many versions of Civil 3D files in a Collborative Project.
Great supportive tool when working with Cloud Collaboration for Civil 3D. Fixes the issue of having too many unwanted cloud DWG versions.