JTB Catenary

Digitally signed app
This Catenary program for Autodesk® AutoCAD® makes it easy to create or draw a catenary curve as a polyline by specifying the start and end point and the length/immediate point/sag and optionally a diameter (width).
This can be useful for drawing freely hanging cable, hose, chain, transmission line, anchor line (anchor rode), cord, rope, string, suspension bridge cable, arch, hawser, wire, or the like.
A catenary cable is hanging from 2 base points. The other properties of the catenary are Length, Sag, Incline Sag, and Tension at sag. Specify one property and the catenary is determined.
You can also specify an immediate point for the catenary to go through.
From JTB Catenary Version 3.0, you can draw multiple catenaries with length or sag or incline sag increasing. You can also draw a multi-span catenary by picking more than 2 points. If your picked points have Z coordinates, it is assumed that the catenary will be hanging down in 3D space, and the catenary will be drawn in 3D.
For a trial visit JTB Catenary Trial.
For more details visit the main app page.
Note: This app uses a custom installer (and not the standard App Store installer).