JTB DwgNotes

Digitally signed app



Add notes or comments in Autodesk® AutoCAD® DWG files and optionally be notified about the note when the drawing is opened. One or multiple notes can be added, edited or deleted. You can use these notes for yourself or within a team to remind others what needs to be done with the drawing.


For a trial visit JTB DwgNotes Trial or visit the JTB DwgNotes web page for other purchase options.


Note: This app uses a custom installer (and not the standard App Store installer). 

Сведения об этой версии

Версия 1.4.0, 02.06.2023
Added support for AutoCAD 2024.

Скриншоты и видео

Рецензии клиентов

1 рецензия
Техническая поддержка
  • Love it
    Gregory Battin | ноября 05, 2014 Проверенная загрузка (Что это такое?)

    Jimmy - This app will help so much since I tend to bounce around from client to client and project to project and I tend to forget what I last did in a drawing. Much appreciated ~Greg
