Sawing Table
Using this plugin you can quickly get the list of 3D-solid dimensions. This is useful when you are designing products made from sheet materials (furniture), and when you need to create a sawing (cutting) table.
Program measures solids, regardless of how they were arranged in space the program can find identical solids and can group them. Results can be inserted in the Windows clipboard or in the drawing table. You can insert results from the clipboard to Excel or cutting optimization program (like Сutting3). Also, results can be inserted in files Excel, CSV, and XML. You no longer need to measure many dimensions and insert them into the table manually. You can avoid a lot of mistakes and your work will be reduced to a couple of clicks!
In addition, the plugin can:
- Process all objects visible through the viewport or ModelDoc=ViewBase view (selecting by view).
- Create a single table from objects from different drawings (dwg or dxf).
- Search for parts within assembly blocks, arrays, xrefs, and dynamic blocks.
- The program can сount how many assembly-blocks are used in model space, no matter how many you have selected.
- List Layer, Material, Dimensions, Number of parts and any other properties, including descriptions of materials for surfaces and edge bandings, angles of inclination of ends.
- Number the list in order. Part numbering can be saved with solids and used by the Smart Leader
- Exclude from the list of parts that require detailed drawings (not just boxes, but curved parts with holes, etc.)
- Customize table column list, create combined columns from multiple part parameters
- Group a table into sections
- Sort the list by specified columns
- Calculate summary total
- Multiply the number of parts by lot size/number of assemblies
- Quickly switch between multiple presets (styles)
- Customize all these features in a convenient dialog box
- Configure everything from the command line. This allows you to create your own macros and buttons with different options for using the command.
- The program can interact with the plugin A>V>C> Properties palette to get the names of solids, sizing settings and information about the part.
- Regardless of the Autodesk® AutoCAD® language, you can switch the plugin's dialogs and messages into the following languages: English, German, Italian, Russian, and Chinese.
The program is a specialized variant of the Data Table command and inherits all its capabilities from it.
Plugin can work with 3D-solids only. It does not work with Meshes and Surfaces.
This SAW program is the perfect complement to the LAY program. LAY is used for curved details and SAW is for boxes. LAY prepares drawings for the CNC milling machine and SAW prepares the table for the sawing (cutting) machine.
The Sawing Table command is included in the Avc_Saw and Avc_Pro plugins.
In the Avc_Saw plugin, along with the Sawing Table command, commands for working with tables are supplied: "Paste To Table" (PTT) and "SplitTable". As you know, you cannot just copy the cells from Excel and paste them into AutoCAD. This defect is partly compensated by the command "Paste To Table". With its help, you can insert in the AutoCAD table any text separated by tabs and line breaks. Including data copied to the clipboard using the "Sawing Table" command, the command "SplitTable" will help to send to the printer a table that does not fit into one layout.
Descrizione della versione di prova
To run the plugin, you will have to register your account and top up your account balance or receive bonuses.
- Annual license - 15 Euro.
- Unlimited license - 75 Euro. Free updates for 1 year.
- The trial period is 20 days.
Some time ago I had a problem, more exactly couldn't find the right setting for custom sawing table setting.
Good and quick response from the technical team.
Great guy.
Thank you :)
Это крайне полезный плагин для всех, кто нуждается в подробном списке элементов, использованных в проекте, особенно для тех, кто проектирует мебель. Он помогает автоматизировать процесс детализации эскиза, очень удобен в использовании, существенно сокращает время работы и уменьшает количество ошибок, которые могут возникнуть при ручном составлении списка. У него множество настроек, которые позволяют адаптировать список под собственные требования и получить необходимые технические данные.
Большое спасибо тем, кто создал такой полезный инструмент!
Спасибо за отзыв. Если будут вопросы - пишите.
Таблица напилки упрощает работу в разы, все тела пронумерованы, обмеряны и в табличку записаны. Это просто сказка. Механическая работа сводится к минимуму. А еще и с умными выносками и раскладкой для ЧПУ - работать просто наслаждение. Спасибо огромное Мастеру, все это создавшему
Спасибо! Буду стараться :)
Extremely powerful tool that automates the tedious task of generating schedules from 3d solid geometry. This eliminates the human error factor. Great application and thanks for sharing.
A really useful App for me and everyone who wrote long material lists by hand. I hope you will have great success with this App and I wish you many more of such good ideas. Now I'm gonna try your next App.... I am very excited.
Приобрел все приложения у Александра. Поверхностное тестирование показало, что модули прилично ускоряют работу, а что будет если поработать с настройками!!!!! Буду ждать новых приложений.