
Digitally signed app

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Sistema operacional:


Imports points and geometry from Microsoft Excel, CSV, TXT, Google Earth, CAD and ZEM formats.

Points can be imported as simple point objects or block reference with attributes.

Exports points to Microsoft Excel XLSX, Comma Separate Values (CSV), Text File (TXT), GeoJSON, Google Earth and Plaxis M-Geo file.



- Import points as point or block reference with attributes;

- Use georeferenced coordinates with Google Earth;

- Match columns on Excel/CSV/TXT files;

- Automatic recognition of attribute name by column header;

- Use block for points from current drawing, external file, or build-in block definition;

- See screens and video for examples.

Sobre esta versão

Versão 3.2, 15/02/2019
Added Support for GeoJSON Export

Capturas de tela e vídeos

Comentários dos clientes

1 revisão
Obter ajuda técnica
    Elizabeth Kenworthy | novembro 10, 2017

    I've tries every option in multiple ways and all I get are error messages.

    Dobriyan Benov (Fornecedor) | novembro 13, 2017

    Dear Customer, we are very sorry to hear that you have troubles with our app. We have customer support that is here to help you. Why don’t you write to us with your specific problems.

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