Units Conversion
Digitally signed app
Converts over 800 hundred international and historical physical measurement units, not only from the CAD area - length, area, volume, time, mass, density, speed, pressure, force, moment, power, flux, numbers, luminous intensity, electric charge, etc. Convert U.S. Survey Feet to Furlongs or Russian Verstas or Roman Stadiums, Square yards to Hannover Morgen or Japanese Tsubos, Tea spoons to Litrons or Chinese Cuos, Slugs to Grains, Poundals to Dynes, Horse power to Refrigeration tons, Candelas to Hefner candles, octal numbers to hexadecimal or Roman numbers, etc.
New historical units are added - French, German, British, Greek, and Asian.
useful tool
You probably do not need to convert measurement units every day. But when you need such conversion, this little tool is perfect. Covers lots of units.
lots of units
A handy tool
A perfect little tool with many historical units