eXcellent Stretch
By stretching just one point, you can stretch all the periodic points in an object or multiple similar objects.
The application supports all the following objects:
- Arc, Circle, Line, Lightweight polyline (LWpolyline)
- Polyline (2d/3d with fit/smooth = None)
- Spline
More Details Here
Inserted blocks and Spline periodic points stretching will be available in the next version.
Useful in so many different ways especially in challenging designs, I highly recommend
I highly recommend this app.
This app has a sophisticated version of Stretch command. I don't know why AutoCAD doesn't have this feature!.
This app has full control over stretching entities, and also has a multiple useful features, it can be used to select all similar objects shape inside drawing, that is great!
The idea is very intelligent, and I found it very useful